
my babies

Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Handmade cloth pads

Did you know that Kamdar sells beautiful flannels for rm 5.50 per meter? I bought a few meters recently for a variety of projects, one of which was to make cloth pads.

When I just had Mia, I used the usual large disposable post-partum pads at first. I found them very uncomfortable, particularly because I had stitches, and that area tend to be very sore anyway, after childbirth. Regular disposable pads feels plasticky and sometimes the stick on wings get stuck to your skin and..eugh! Too much information there. So I ordered some cloth pads online quickly and it was so much better!

With this upcoming birth I decided to make some cloth pads myself. Why wouldn't I, when pretty cotton flannels are at my disposal.

It was very simple, I didn't bother trying to find other fancy bamboo fabric or even pul, I used many layers of the flannels, and for waterproofing, I used the only waterproof fabric I had on hand - leftover from previous projects. You can see the red polkadot fabric, I'm not sure what kind it is, probably laminated cotton? Bought at Ikea a while a ago so I don't remember the price.

I hid the waterproof layer inside 2 layers of flannel as the backing. The soaker middle is sewn separately, with i think 8 layers of flannel altogether. Probably didn't even need waterproofing already with so many layers but it's nice to have reassurance. Then the soaker is sewn to the backing and it's done. Easy peasy. I still need to find a solution for closing though ; maybe buttons or I'll get snaps installed at the craft shop.

In just under rm 25, I get 9 cloth pads. If you want to make them too, you can print the pattern template here. There are a lot of patterns there for sewing cloth diapers too. I have made some cloth diapers from her patterns and love them (will blog about this later).

Have fun sewing!

Monday, January 28, 2013

I'm back!

Oh my it's been months since my last post. How have you been?

A lot has happened in the last few months for us. I turned 31 (waaaa!) and Mia turned 3!

She's the cleverest, cheekiest 3 year old you'll ever meet. Her vocabulary of both English and Malay has grown extensively and quite often what she says are funny, witty and bound to surprise you.

My boy Adam is a lot taller now, most his clothes are starting to look short on him but he's still as thin as ever. He is homeschooled and very proud of the fact. He's my little homeschool ambassador.

And there's another little surprise. Notice a, ehem, small 'bump' in the picture above? I'm almost 5 months pregnant! Hello Baby no 3! Wish us luck!!

*pictures are from Mia and my birthday trip to Cameron Highland a couple weeks ago.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

One day overdue

I went for a check-up this morning at the hospital...treatment wasn't very good today..some weird indian doctor checked me, told me to follow him and then basically ignored us for a long time..until one of the midwives asked me what happened?. Apparently the doctor passed my file over to another doctor without even telling me..he was already seeing other patients..what the..??

anyways the other doctor made an appointment for me to be induced on the 29th Jan, 10 days overdue, assuming i still haven't popped. Then she sent me over to the labour ward, to have a 'membrane sweep'.

the membrane sweep is basically similar to a V.E. (vaginal exam), where they sweep the neck of your uterus (cervix) to stimulate natural labour.

I had a long wait at the labour wards, and Adam wasn't allowed in the labour he and Daddy had to go home..while waiting I heard screaming from the labour rooms..waaa...takutnya...huhu...

One of the midwives performed the membrane sweep. To those of you who have had a VE before...well, it's just as painful and uncomfortable...except more because it takes longer because she has to twist and turn her hands in there to 'stretch' it...eugh...

she said it felt like i'm ready for labour...and that she would be very disappointed if i don't go into labour before my induction date (29 Jan). She said after a membrane sweep, natural labour may occur within the next 24 hours...but it doesn't work for everyone.

many hours after the sweep now...well i have had a some contractions..but not so intense or frequent...and there is a permanent crampy don't know..can't tell if it's gonna happen or not...i really hope i won't have to be induced... (plus i can't wait 10 days!!!)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's my due date today...

...and I'm still pregnant...

Monday, January 18, 2010

The waiting game

Tomorrow's my due date. I haven't been getting any signs whatsoever...sigh...feels like she won't be coming any time soon..

So hard to keep from thinking about know how the more we wait for something, the longer it seems..hehe..

to distract myself i've been looking at wraps on The Babywearers website..oh I just can't wait to start babywearing again...especially a newborn..mmm yumm..i didn't wear Adam when he was a newborn..I already bought 2 stretchy one and one woven..somebody stop me! with Adam i wore him a lot but most of my carriers were diy..

This last stage of pregnancy is so hard..ask any mother huh? everything is aching..can't sleep..every position is uncomfortable..rase mcm nak kuarkan jer skang...hehe...come on Baby...let's come out and meet us...we're all excited to see you...

p/s: photos are of a new dress I made for baby. Tried to make it bigger this time, it came out a little too big..she will only probably be able to wear it around 6-12 months. I've more fabric coming in the mail this week. The longer Baby waits the more dresses she's gonna get i think..

Friday, January 15, 2010

4 days to go

Oh's amazing how 9 months seemed to fly by so fast...and yet these last few days seems to last forever...


I had a scan on Wednesday, baby is fine...she now weighs 2.8 kg..

This time I'm really hoping to go into labour spontaneously...want to feel the thrill of rushing to the hospital etc...hehe...with Adam didn't have that because I had a bloody show and was asked to come into the labour room for checking - turned out i was already having contractions that i didn't feel..

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Tens machine

I just bought this machine for my labour - Tens machine. In Malaysia I've never heard of it, but here it is widely used and well-recommended by the doctors and midwives. Most people hire this machine..they're available for 6-weeks is used for labour pains and post-natal pain too..I've decided to just purchase it..insyaAllah I can use it for the birth of my other children, hopefully...

Basically it works by sending small electrical current through your body, and this encourages your body to produce adrenalin, your body's natural pain-killer. It's basically an alternative pain-reliever for a natural birth.

i'll update more about the performance of this machine after the labour ok...

p/s: I had a doctor's appointment today. The diabetic doctor was very pleased with my glucose levels after taking the tablets and so now i don't have to prick my fingers everyday anymore! and also since the baby is growing well...and still small-sized...i will not have to be induced early...alhamdulillah...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

36 weeks check-up

I had a check-up today - 36 weeks now - full term!

The scan went great...Baby is in good position, head down...her size is small normal, weight 2.3kg which is great considering my diabetes..

then we went to see the doctor and she checked my glucose diary. It's not good news, I've been having many readings of 9-10.9 eventhough i'm following the same diet...she said it's getting worse towards the end of my pregnancy because there are more hormones making the insulin in the end she prescribed me with tablets to help making my insulin more efficient..

they don't know the side effects of the tablets..but she said they do know however that if the Baby continue to grow in me surrounded by high sugar, she will have high chances of developing low blood sugar (because her body produces extra insulin in the womb to cope with the extra sugar) once she is delivered, and this is dangerous and she may have to be taken into special care now i'm taking the tablets..hopefully it'll help control my glucose level now...

suddenly now i'm getting so stressed and nervous about labour...bag hospital tak pack lagi, nak pack pun rase mcm semua bende takde..semua bende tak ready lg...byk lagi barang nak kene beli...baju2 baby semua tak basuh lg, taktau mana nak beli laundry detergent and bottle cleanser suitable for baby..kat sini tak jual lak kat kedai brg baby mcm kat msia..agaknye diorg pakai detergents biasa je kot...i've got to pack a bag for Adam too right?sian dia kene tinggal..what and how to cook in confinement...what does the maternity ward look like, what is the state of the shared toilets..why is My Brestfriend nursing pillow so damn expensive it's unaffordable(Chun! simpan tau pillow tu...hehe) ok now i'm just babbling...byk sgt bende going through my mind now...i know everybody is gonna tell me to relax :) i'm trying, trust me..

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Pregnancy Photoshoot

Actually dah lama plan nak buat photoshoot perut besar ni...tapi susahla pulak dgn weather yg asik sejuk jer..asal keluar je tak tahan nak amik2 gamba, terus jalan/balik sbb sejuk..tapi kang lambat sgt kang terpop pulak baby ni..tak sempat nanti..i'm already 35 weeks last weekend i booked photography session jugaklah with Aidafiqs Photography...hehe..

sayangnye semua gamba terpaksa pakai winter coat..

actually i dah siap pakai knitted top yg show off my belly tak sanggup nak bukak winter coat in this weather..tapi oklah, nampak jugak perut makyong..lgpun this is probably the only time i'll ever be heavily pregnant in winter so adelah kenangan nanti boleh tunjuk kat Baby..

haritu pulak hujan..dahla mendung..tapi makyong still posing jugak, tak kire...

Adam was oblivious to the whole photoshoot. sbb dia sibuk nak naik rides. actually we went to a park la konon nak amik gamba..tgk2 park tu dah di convert jadi funfair..tak dpt nak amik byk pics ngan adam..tgkla mata dia melilau je..tanak dokong...tanak amik gamba...nak naik carla..nak naik trainla...nak naik horselah...

tq bang for taking my pregnancy photos :)

ok...i should be packing my hospital bag soon...any day now this baby can come...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Good news and bad news

Yesterday I had an appointment with the diabetic midwife at the hospital. She said my glucose levels looked ok..except for a few instances..kene sound sugar at all in my cooking...sigh..tapi she said still ok, i've been need for insulin yet..

ok so the good news is, Babys has turned! she's not breeched anymore! alhamdulillah...we did a quick scan yesterday to make! i'm so relieved...that means i still have a chance to deliver her normally...

the bad news? the midwife told me that there's NO WAY i'll be able to qualify for the Birth Centre like i wanted :( just because i've developed GDM....even if i behave really well and keep my sugar level low all the time...still, they won't accept me...sigh..takutnya nak bersalin kat the normal ward...i wish i hadn't read all the bad testimonials about the maternity ward...mcm dah dekat sgt time nak deliver ni...i'm really scared..

p/s: Kesian Adam last night dia muntah2...byk kali..we took him to A&E. they told us it was a viral infection...but this morning nampak dia mcm dah ok...hopefully takde apelah....

Friday, November 20, 2009

31 weeks scan

I went for a scan today at the hospital. Normally here you don't get to do many scans, so far I had only two scans - one in the beginning to make sure how many weeks pregnant, and once for the 5 months detail scan. Kalau kat Msia every month check up je mesti scan kan...

But now that I have GD i have to have more frequent scans. Today my husband was busy at work so I just went with Adam. Luckily it was scheduled at 1.30pm, so Adam was having his nap in the buggy the whole time..

From the scan it looked like Baby's size is normal and actually below the average, which is good considering the fact that I have GD...alhamdulillah...lets keep it up Baby..But she is still breeched, which for now is still ok...hopefully she turns soon...

next wednesday I have another appointment to see the doctor and the dietician pulak...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Gestational Diabetes

The first thing that the diabetic midwife told me when we meet her was that the gestational diabetis did not occur because of anything I did or ate. The reason it happened is that during pregnancy my body requires extra insulin for the growing baby and so, there is now not enough insulin. Or, because of the many hormones running through the body because of pregnancy, the insulin in my body is not acting as efficiently as it should. Therefore, it is NOT my fault! Fuh..what a relief..

The risk in having GD is that the baby may get bigger and requires a c-sect later to deliver. The baby's body will also produce extra insulin to cope with the extra glucose and will result in the baby having low glucose after birth and will have to be taken to special care unit for her glucose levels to be monitored. Having GD also means that I am at risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life..

Then she goes on to explain some modifications that I will need to do to my diet to control my glucose levels. I should eat regular meals, avoid sugary and fattening foods, increase intake of starchy food like rice and pasta, eat low-fat dairy etc. The suprising thing is that i need to decrease intake of fruits and vegetables from the recommended amount of 5 portions a day to 4 portions a day. The reason is that fruits contain natural sugar. I should also watch out for sweet fruits like over-ripe banana, melons etc.

As i control my diet, I will need to monitor my glucose levels daily. She gave me a home glucose testing kit, and explained to me how to use it. It's really quite complicated to do...maybe i'm not used to it yet..i have to take blood sample twice or sometimes once a day.

my glucose kit. I like the package, neat ada bag dia sendiri. The monitor is digital and gives the reading. This machine must be calibrated for every new pack of strips and it must be checked every week with glucose water to make sure it works properly.

Here's the prick! with needles, and strips. Try sekali tadi prick my finger and read the reading in front of the midwife, to make sure i know how to do it...sakit jugak! tapi oklah...

My glucose monitoring diary...she gave me a schedule for when i need to check my glucose levels daily for this week. Next week on Wednesday I will have to come in to see her again. I guess i cannot cheat in my diet lah..she will check it every week..I was quite surprise how frequent i will have to have my ante-natal check-up addition to the weekly check-up, I will also have to come in for frequent scanning to make sure the baby's not growing too big (separate sessions) kesian my husband..nanti his work will pile up..dahla dia tgh busy skarang...sorry bang...

to dispose of the needles

There is quite a long procedure that she taught me to use this kit. How to calibrate, how to test the machine, how to set up the needle, how to put in the strip, how to prick etc. My husband said I should write it all down or else I might forget how. I'm thinking I will have to lock myself up in a room before I conduct the tests otherwise i can never get it done with Adam around..

I really hope controlling my diet can help control my glucose levels...If by dieting my insulin is still not enough...i may need tablets or insulin shots..

The midwife also checked my belly and the baby's heartbeat...then she said, wait, where's your baby's head?? she quickly then ordered a scan for babys is breeched! Alamak Baby sayang...pls turn soon ok...if she is breeched, dahla size might be big..payahla nak dpt deliver 34 weeks they will check again, if still breech, they will refer me to...(ok lupa department ape) where they will try to turn the baby from outside..

hmm...hopefully everything will be ok..

Looking at it from another angle though, it's amazing how the NHS here works. I mean, all of this care for me is free! Is there a similar system by hospital kerajaan in Malaysia? We took things for granted with Adam because we have insurance kan..with NHS, any pregnant lady in similar condition would have this special care available...imagine someone with no money...this free medical care would really help! alhamdulillah...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I had my 27 weeks check up last week. I also had my glucose tolerance test for diabetes which I was quite worried about – I’ve been eating way too much chocolates and sweets. I don’t know’s like a craving..everyday at least a bar of Sneakers..ugh…

Today I received a letter from the hospital saying that my glucose level is higher than the normal level and that they would like me to come in for another more thorough test at the diabetic centre to check whether I’ve developed diabetes in pregnancy. Oh no…I’m so worried…I was really hoping to have a smooth sailing pregnancy so that I can qualify for a natural birth at the Birth Centre at St Mary’s Hospital.

I’ve read so many negative comments about births at the normal maternity ward at the hospital. Awful treatments like pain meds wearing out in the middle of a c-sect (aww!), non-existent after-care… was really horrifying to read..not to mention the fact that Adam can’t come visit me and my husband can only stay during visiting hours and then I’ll be left alone with the baby. But the Birth Centre which is located 1 floor below the maternity ward received wonderful testimonials. They have birthing pool, calm cosy environment, single rooms with double beds and even a tv. The partners can stay overnight. Of course if God forbid anything goes wrong the maternity ward is just one level above so you can still opt to go for C-sect, or epidural if you need to. The birth centre only has 5 rooms for natural births with no painkillers etc..and to qualify you must have a no-complication pregnancy.So..this is what I’m worried about..if I have diabetes I don’t think I’ll qualify…sigh…

I’ve just called the Diabetes Centre and the next available appointment for the glucose tolerance test is 12th November..alamak lama lagi nak tunggu..the longer I wait the more I’ll worry..

On top of this I’m already worrying about leaving Adam with someone else while I’m at the hospital and my husband will be with me. Poor Adam…And then when we take the baby home, my husband will have to go back to work and I have no idea how I’m going to manage with a toddler and a newborn all by myself while trying to recuperate. I’ll have to do the cooking…chase Adam around as usual..I still have nightmares about my last confinement. It was a most painful experience I would rather not remember…yet that time I had a lot of help..

What will I do this time I don’t know…sigh….

Ok that’s a lot of whining in one entry…pls bear with me. I guess I’m just having a really bad day today after receiving that letter..

Friday, September 4, 2009

Anomaly Scan

I had my anomaly scan today. Alhamdulillah...Baby is doing great..the doc checked the brain, kidneys, heart, tummy, hands and legs...everything looks ok..

And.....we found out...

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Baby kicks

I've started to feel the baby kicking the past couple of weeks. Now even more frequent during Ramadhan...especially at the end of the day. Maybe Baby tak sabar nak buka puasa? I bet this Baby will be as active as big brother Adam...hehe...Unfortunately Baby won't kick for Daddy yet...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Second check up ( 17 weeks)

I had another check up yesterday. This time the antenatal clinic was suprisingly full. And suddenly instead of seeing the midwife, we saw a gynea and a training gynea. The check up was quick, she took a look at my blood results from last check up, asked me a few questions...wrote down a lot in my file. then she checked the baby's heartbeat on the machine...what's the name of the machine? it's not a normal scan where you can see the baby....just hear the heartbeat. I will have another check up in 3 weeks time for my anomaly scan.

It looks like everything's ok...Again Adam was really protective when she was scanning me. The doc let him sit on the bed next to me...and he started to cry...until he heard the heartbeat and the doc told him it's the baby. barulah dia paham and dgr bunyi heartbeat tu...hehhehe...

ps: We just arrived in Saarbrücken, Germany! We are visiting my brother here. Seronok Adam! (he is having a shower with Daddy. Pagi tadi bertolak awal..dia tak mandi) Photos to come later :)

Friday, July 31, 2009

First Check-up (15 weeks)

I finally had my first check-up yesterday. It's been a long wait since i missed my first appointment so i must say i was so relieved. I met the midwife, Rhian, who just happened to have just recently lived in KL for 2 years. We had a nice chat, she asked me all sorts of questions about my previous pregnancy, medical history etc. She explained about diet etc. She took my weight and height. I was surprised and relieved that i didn't gain much weight cos i was so sure i must've gained at least 5 kg because Baby has been making me eat so much even when i had no appetite. A nurse came and took my blood sample very efficiently which again impressed me because all my life i've always had a problem everytime someone drew my blood because it always take at least 2 tries before it can be done. Not to mention the pain and bruising that will come later. But this time no pain and hardly any bruising. Then Rhian scheduled me for a scan later in the afternoon. The whole process took almost 2 hours! To be honest, i'm really glad! In Malaysia when i was pregnant with Adam the check-ups normally take hours too, but all of that time are spent in the doctor's waiting room. the actual time spent talking to the doctor is literally 5 minutes, and that was together with the scanning. Hardly any time to ask any questions or learn anything much about the pregnancy.

After meeting the midwife we went for lunch and then came back for my scan. We saw Baby! Swimming around looking much like Adam did when he was in there...hehe. She checked the organs, limbs, brain, etc...everything looks great...Alhamdulillah..Adam pun happy dpt tgk Baby :)

Adam was so protective throughout. Everytime the midwife/nurse came near me to scan/draw blood Adam started wailing as if he thinks they're going to hurt me. Hehe...thank you Adam..

Monday, July 20, 2009

Swine Flu

There has been a case of swine flu at Portman, the children centre. So lately we haven't been going to the toddler groups anymore. Last time we went there it was almost empty after the swine flu case.Everybody is staying at home..Sigh..

It's really getting bad here. Last week alone there were approximately 55,000 new cases of swine flu in the UK. More and more people are dying from it everyday. Oh God, I really pray we won't get infected...We're scared to get out of the house. Even nak pegi park pun dah risau.. a way i guess we're lucky because i'm not working and Adam can stay with me at home. But still, it's stressful for Adam not being able to play with his friends as usual. We're trying to turn the house into a children centre - we got a drawing board, train tracks (his favourite at Portman). I'm planning to make playdough with him soon. Maybe more books, paints, etc. Hmm...I've got to step up my game..sian Adam...

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Adam @ 21 months and Baby @ 12 weeks

He’s still as tiny as ever, but he’s growing up fast…

He knows most of the songs we always sing at school. Normally he likes to observe but rarely participate in the dancing and signing, except maybe for his favourite songs like Itsy Bitsy or Zoom Zoom. But lately I realised that when he’s a good mood he will do all the signs and dance moves and attempt to sing them too. Surprised gak tgk that he actually picked up on them.

Lately while our guests were here there were a lot of people talking around him and talking to him, instead of just Mommy so he’s more encouraged to talk. Some bits and pieces came out like; “ Mana?” “Bukak ni” “ dia punya tu” “Tic tac”

He’s getting so smart so quick, I’m constantly surprised at the things he’s actually picking up on. I honestly have to watch everything I do and say. Recently when getting a back massage from Daddy dia buat bunyi “hmmm…aaahhh….mmm”. Sbb dia selalu tgk saya dpt back massage from Daddy since pregnant ni…

He loves carrot. If I cook anything with carrot in it, kene taruh byk carrot pieces, sbb nanti dia nak pick the carrots je…lain tanak..

Dah boleh nak negotiate with him. Like if he doesn’t want to have his bath, boleh ckp ‘ok if you have your bath now we can go the school later’. Or if he sits in his stroller for a little bit we can see the birds later. He understands and will consider his options.

He loves all kinds of animals and is not afraid of big animals like huge dogs etc. But funnily he’s scared of teeny tiny bugs like butterflies and like ulat2 yg terbang2 tu. Haritu masa pegi Zoo ada butterfly house menjerit2 dia bila bawak dia dekat butterfly..apela Adam ni…hehe…tapi kalau dog boleh pulak dia nak peluk..

Right now Daddy is sleep-training him. Train Adam sleep with Daddy without Mommy. Sedih saya dgr dia panggil2 “Mama…Mamama….”. Rase nak masuk je peluk dia…But I have to stay outside the room, otherwise esok ade baby susah kalau dia takleh tido without me…bila mlm kang baru saya masuk tido sebelah dia…sian Adam…Tapi after a few days ni tgk dia dah kurang struggle, makin senang nak tido dah..masa first day haritu sampai sejam dia nangis…they’re in the bedroom now…isk sedih…Sorry Adam…


In my busyness entertaining guests last week, I missed my first pre-natal appointment with the midwife. Argh! I’m so upset with myself. Here it is so hard to get an appointment! We have to go to the NHS, which is basically like government hospital, only maybe the standard is better than hospital kerajaan in Malaysia (only a guess). Teringat betapa senangnya nak pegi klinik dan hospital kat Malaysia. Klinik boleh pegi bila2 without appointments, and hospitals are plentiful, can choose any gynea I want, any hospital I want and make my own appointments in my own time (Thank you to Petronas!). Kepada all of you who are still enjoying this privilege, please do not take it for granted (like I did!). But here even demam pun payah nak buat appointment kat GP, nak register kat GP pun dah susah gile, took me months! Dahtu bila pregnant kene jumpa GP dulu, GP kene kluar surat pulak refer saya pada hospital (which they choose, not me) Then hospital pulak baru kasi saya appointment for a few weeks later, siap dgn password dan sebagainya. Itupun jumpa midwife, bukan jumpa gynea. And I missed the darn appointment! Argh! Now I have to go through the whole process again! I am still unable to make an appointment and they warned me it might take a while because the antenatal clinic is very busy! Argh! Kesian Baby..sorry Baby..

Other than that, this Baby isn’t giving me too much trouble. My morning sickness happens very rarely, and usually mild. I do have a recurring case of like….phlegm, which I don’t know is related or not. My nostril gets constricted, and from my throat to chest mcm ade phlegm. Tak boleh nak breathe fully, rasa tak cukup oksigen and gives me a headache. As usual I have to eat on time whether I feel hungry or not otherwise I get all gassy and uncomfortable.

My tummy is not yet showing tapi ade buncit sikitla..mungkin this one bigger than Adam..

I’m starting to feel encouraged to....nak pakai wangi2, and interested in make up. Which is totally the opposite of how I was with Adam. Since I was pregnant with Adam I stopped wearing make-up and perfumes. Today I bought a lipstick, first one in a long time. Husband selalu ckp “Natural beauty” tapi tgklah how he responds to this new change..hehe..Hmm…I wonder if that means I’m carrying a girl this time? Hehe..probably too soon to tell…

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Baby @ 8 weeks

So…I’m 8 weeks pregnant.

I’m a little hazy on the dates of my last period but the doctor has given me an approximate due date of 18 January 2010. My birthday’s on the 17th Jan, so it will be a nice birthday present J.

During our trip to Scotland, I was really exhausted and thus had some spotting and bleeding for a few days. We went to the hospital and had a scan, it looks like the baby’s ok. Saw his/her heartbeat. more bleeding since.

So far I’m getting nausea as usual, but it’s not so bad. But I’m reacting badly to food smells again, like with Adam. I don’t know how I’m going to cook..dulu kat Msia bolehla kalau I tak masak, nak mkn ape..i try masak bende yg kurang bau la so far…mcm sup..sambal2 mmg mabuk tak ingat..sampai ke esok pagi the smells bother me..To Aina, we’ll figure something out ok..

Saya mengidam nak mkn tomyam…dan maggi tomyam..sape ade maggi tomyam cap Ruski? Boleh poskan kat saya tak….hehe…terasa nk mkn yg pedas2…yg ade cili padi…maybe this baby’s as feisty as Adam..hehe..

Adam mcm fussy sikit..dia tau ke dia nak dpt adik? Kadang2 nampak dia nak extra attention from me..asyik nak dukung pulak..saya takut nak byk dukung sgt..kang effect baby pulak..tapi sian kat Adam..

Hope this pregnancy goes well…


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