Showing posts with label Pron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pron. Show all posts

January 10, 2010

ABC Podcast Episode #75, plus visual aids

This episode of Awesomed By Comics is brought to you by TECHMOLOGY, the kind that makes you sound like a hamster or a methfreak or a misogynist. In this first episode of twentyten, we cheer Peter David's lovable X-Men-mocking X-Factor: Nation X one-shot, fear Suicide Squad's Amanda Waller and Sweet Tooth's Mr. Jefferts, and jeer the idea that Wonder Woman would make a more logical Star Sapphire than Green Arrow. We also get a visit from a favorite friend of the show, and wax cautiously optimistic about Siege and the end (?) of the Osborn Era.

Download/subscribe to the show here or in the right sidebar, and leave an iTunes review! Tell us what you think in the comments, or visit our show forum.

Cover(s) of the Week

Aaron's pick, from The Boys #38, cover by Darick Robertson:

Evie's pick, from Marvel Boy: The Uranian #1, cover by Marko Djurdjevic:

Panel(s) of the Week

Evie's pick, from X-Factor: Nation X #1, by Peter David and Valentine DeLandro:

Aaron's pick, from The Mighty #12, by Peter Tomasi and Chris Samnee:

November 18, 2009

Hugh Hefner, Jack Kirby and Frank Zappa walk into a bar...

It's been a little while since I've had the time to write about comics like a relative grown-up, but the new issue of Royal Flush Magazine and the accompanying controversy over Paul Pope's naughty centerfold provided a good subject for a look at the intersection between comics, pornograpy moguls, print magazine publishing and skittish chain retailers. So here's a little ditty in Publishers Weekly, please to enjoy, and I highly recommend picking up a copy of Royal Flush wherever you can, it's one of a kind.