In other "making" type news. Himself has been playing with his new welder. We are playing with old horseshoes and things to put cookware on fires on. Pot stands and griddle stands: (We got the idea on our cooking on fire weekend last year - do you remember that?)
We had a lot of fun playing with patterns (to say nothing of the welder - who knew that was such fun?) And you know - I do love a bit of fire, and i love cooking outside whenever I can. Not much of one for standard BBQ's these are ideal.
Finally: There has been a little sewing - it's not perfect, but i'm still very much a beginner. Top is Myla, and trousers are Simplicity 1663
Beachwear!!! I'll tell you about that next time ;)
Sorry it's more pictures than words today but i'm short on time. I may edit and describe the upholstery a bit better at a later date (if i can remember what i did!) for my own information, but don't bank on it!
T'il soon. ❤️