Sunday, November 2, 2008

My Very First 10K!

I did it! I have been saying forever that I was going to run in a real race, but I have been too chicken to do it because I am not a competitive person at all and I have this tremendous fear of failure. But I got a great workout buddy 3 months ago and she gave me the push I needed.

I had no idea what to expect (and spent the first half of my week throwing up) and Sarah had only run 5K's before, so we decided to set VERY conservative goals: to finish the race, to run the whole time, and not be last. We had no problems with any of our goals and both felt really great afterwards. In fact, we turned to each other after we crossed the finish line and said, "Oh. That wasn't bad at all!" We both felt like we could have gone faster, but we were scared to push it too hard because we didn't want to burn out before the finish line. It turns out spinning does wonders for endurance!

So thanks for the push Sarah! It was a blast and we are looking forward to our first half-marathon in spring -- aren't we Sarah:)


Nicole said...

I thought it I outed myself on here it would force me to actually DO a half-marathon, so now you all have to nag me about it.

Also, I should have just linked to Sarah's blog, because I pretty much plagiarized everything she wrote down to the picture:) I am just too blogged out to think of something original, and really, how much is there to say about a 10K?

Nicole said...

Dang it, I meant "if" I outed myself, not "it" I outed myself.

Oh well, at least I have 2 comments now:)

Deb said...

Oh HOORAY! Good for you, kickin' your mental chicken's trash!

Since I've never run any Ks before, I have no concept of how far 10 of them are. Also too we live in this great country of America (wink, nod head) and we do our own mavericky kind of measuring and it doesn't involve the letter K. But I can imagine it is very far indeed, particularly if you're actually running it. WHICH YOU DID! So good for you, and for Sarah. You're better than a pit bull; you're a cheeta, a cheeta with lipstick. B40!

Deb said...

Four comments, and consider yourself nagged.

Nicole said...

Deb, you have done many MANY K's -- that little thing you just did in Philly? 100K's. Not kidding.

10K=6.4 miles, so it was just a little baby jog next to what you did in the name of ta-ta health:)

Deb said...

Yes, well, I walked them. Running is a whole different beast. It is unimaginable to me to run 6.4 miles. Really. I tried to run for some of my training, downhill 200 yards, and by the time I was done I had shin splints, cramps and side stitches and my fanny pack was wrapped around my neck, backwards. I called it good and never looked back. SO YOU ROCK!

When's that half marathon? :-)

P.S. Feel Your Boobies!

Emma said...

SO IMPRESSIVE!!! It's a good thing I'm not in GA, because if I'd tried to keep up with you guys, I totally would have wimped out. Then I would have felt like a loser, a wimp and fat. So, I guess it's a good thing that I'm here in Germany eating chocolate and getting fat by myself, right? :)

Betty said...

Congrats, Colie!

The Galan Family said...

Yeah for us! We need to milk this for all it's worth. And no you did not plagiarize. I am with you on the half marathon. That was our original goal remember? That is what started this whole thing. See, we do have lofty goals :) I also have to say that I would have never tried spinning if it weren't for you and that seemed to be the key to our success. We need to keep it up. Can't wait for the next one.

Tyler Walton said...

It very cool to finish a race and feel like you could have done more! Good work, now go train and tell us what half you are going to do? Who knows maybe Anne will fly in and run it as well?

PS we did it (Phone call) and it felt good. Boo yaaa

Christy said...

Good for you!!!

I've been running 5Ks forever too and this Thanksgiving I hope to finish an 8K. I have to EASE into my training for a 10K!! LOL!

I too hope to one day complete a half marathon, but like you I have a ton of mental blocks; I am not Kilgore by blood! (those people can achieve anything they set their minds to)

Or maybe it's a Lebanon thing, because Deb too is an overachiever! LOL!

Whatever it is, I seem to lack it and hope to one day have something wonderfully inspiring to post about too.

Great job!

Anonymous said...

How did I not know about this?!?!?!?!?

You have some 'splainin' tp do...

Nicole said...

Ummm, because I was trying to chicken out of it up until the night before, and I didn't want anyone to harp on me if I flaked. So I kept quiet (a modern day miracle in my book).

Stephanie said...

That is really awesome Nicole! You are braver that me. I actually had a goal to run in a 5K (I start smaller) when I was living in Texas, but we moved before I had the chance. Sadly, I never picked up that goal again and now that I have way more jiggly weight when running, it's probably not going to happen ANY time soon :)!

Ellen said...

Hey, thanks for the encouragement on my blog. It's so comforting to know people that get it. I read your profile and we're a lot more similar than I realized, especially about hating calling people. Except the running thing. Maybe one day. After raising this child, I may feel like I can do anything! Congratulations on the race!

Your kids are so precious!