Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Odds and Ends

I just don't have anything to say. Or something. Here are a bunch of random things to munch on while you are waiting for dinner...

I am going to start with a few pics specifically for all my UMC gals. Here is your proof that Chrysta is in fact alive and does have a bouncing baby boy -- albeit a clumsy one:)

1 baby + 1 Scentsy (scented wax melter) = FUN!

Yeah. So Chrysta'a Keaton (we call him K2) grabbed the cord and the wax holder shattered and splattered orange spice wax all over his head -- Gorbachev-style. We sort of freaked out right at first, but Scentsy wax melts much cooler than normal candle wax and he was not hurt at all. He didn't even cry until his cruel parents picked the wax off his head. He smelled fantastic!

See? Happy as a clam. A really, really cute, orange spice scented clam. With blue eyes.

OK. Onto my own spawn. I mentioned earlier that Rylan is in ballet now, but this was the first look I got at her in class. She won't "do her moves" outside the studio, so I had no idea how she was doing. I'll say this: she looks GREAT on the barre.

Did I say she looks great on the barre yet? I did? Well, she does. Very graceful. She loves to tell me, "Ballerinas always have long necks." Things get a little but dicey once she is on the floor, but the girl moves FAST. So fast I couldn't get a decent shot of her. I'll work on that.

Keaton drew this on the wall in our hallway last week. I'm telling you, Toby is next year's Harold.

I had been meaning to paint that hallway anyway, so I got to it a few days after this piece was completed, but I'll admit it was hard for me to paint over this. So I took a picture. (Keaton, if you are reading this: "It is not cute to color on the wall! Time out!"). I have a massive Keaton post in the works, so stay tuned for more on our middle child.

Who took this photo of his brother:

Branik finally won me over for good 2 days ago when he walked into the bathroom while I was doing my hair (shut up, it happens from time to time) and said, "Mommy, go car!"

"You want to go in the car, Branik?"

"Yes! To Tardit!"

I have never been so proud in my whole life. Ever.

Okay, back to the pies...


Anonymous said...

Awww... there's my little Gorby!
My SIL Linda just said that we should send those pics in to Scentsy for them to use in their advertising. Hmmm... maybe we can make a few extra bucks exploiting my kids's exploits!

Anna@Exasperation said...

Yes! She's alive! Keaton's alive! And Chrysta has REALLY CUTE HAIR and looks FABULOUS! If her child wasn't covered in candle wax I would consider taking her case before the UMCC (ugly mom's club council) to see if she needs her card revoked. She's been off the scene for awhile only to show up looking like THAT!?! And wearing lipstick!?!?
(by the way, Chrysta, I need a lipstick tutorial over Christmas...I STILL can't get it right!)
And can I just say that I am so stoked to have a girl to put in ballet one day. Rylan looks so GIRLY in those pictures. Girly = FUN!!! Yay for 2012 Anna!
Naughty, naughty, K1. But great drawing/writing skills!
Good boy Branik. 'Nuff said.

Deb said...

Oh my. K2 reminds me of when (Sara's) Gaby broke one of our glow sticks into her eye during Fourth of July fireworks and Jerry ran around like a loon trying to find water. Good times. Us Pee-Yay Blanchards were pretty calm, though, because just a few weeks before, one of our neighbors bit into one of our glow sticks and ingested a bunch. You'll be interested to know that glow sticks are non-toxic, for future reference. Both were very glowy, but they survived. (We've been asked to stop bringing glowsticks.)

Love K1's art! The UMC has raised some artistic children. Another of Sara's kidlets drew a very realistic 8-foot centipede on her cream carpet using purple crayon. All 100 legs, too. It was a great centipede. My kids have tried that method as well, but my carpets are so dirty now that you can't see the crayon/chalk so much, so its all good. The orange silly putty is another matter, however.

We need to see some video of Rylan next time! Tell her that her neck looks very long and ballerina-like, indeed!

So what did you buy Branik at Tardit?!?!? He totally deserves something.