Saturday, November 29, 2008

Funny/clever title here.

So my mom and sister came out for a very brief Thanksgiving visit, and in between 2 more trips to the hospital (I think I have earned my free visit on my punchcard now), we decided to let the kids open their Christmas presents from Grandma. We figured that way she would get to see them play with their gifts, and also cut down on the chaos on Christmas. I don't know about your kids, but ours get a little overwhelmed on Christmas morning, and all they really want to do is play with the toy they just opened -- not necessarily open more gifts.

Anyway, they were all thrilled and really enjoyed Grandma and Caitlin's visit. Here's the proof:

This is funny only if you know how much my mom wants our cats to leave her alone. They have some spidey sense though when it comes to people who don't like them + bonus points for the black pants = "Mom the cat magnet".

Ry and Caiti reading books -- Rylan will read to anyone who will listen to her, and Caiti needed to practice anyway (love you Caiti:)

Branik had a lot of fun with "Aunt Tatey" and really enjoyed the tickle-fest.

He also enjoys trying to catch the camera.

Onto the gifts. Rylan got a wooden doll cradle that she hopes will be filled with a new baby doll in about 26 days. This is all because of Cilka and Payton's visit in October. As long as she isn't still saying, "I wish I had a real baby in my tummy" in another 5 years, I'm cool with it.

She also got Boggle Jr. and will cream you if you agree to play her. It's a double whammy to have your children suck your brains out (ie "Mom brain") and then use them against you in board games.

Keaton died and went to heaven over his new helicopter. It spins it's 2 rotors, it rolls on the floor, and it makes a rocket blasting noise. This could have been his whole Christmas and he would have been happy. Seriously, he kept saying over and over, "Grandma, I love my new helicopter!" and "This makes me so happy!"

See, he wasn't kidding.

He got a huge pad of art paper and his own markers too, and look what he wanted to draw:

Yeah. So he was thrilled. He is sleeping with the helicopter, and keeps reminding us that Grandma gave it to him.

Branik got a really cute Take Along Thomas engine wash and a new little James engine, along with a John Deere dumptruck that he uses to transport his trains in. You know, because trains need a ride to get from place to place. I should have taken a picture of him playing with the whole setup. I didn't. Mom saw it and that's all that matters:)

Oh yeah, and we had Thanksgiving dinner. I have no pictures of any of it, and trust me, you don't want them anyway. I seriously didn't even shower until bedtime that night, and I'm only about 37% sure I was wearing a bra at the table. It turns out making pies and rolls and turkey is time consuming and leaves very little motivation to photograph the fruits of your labors. But it all tasted great and I feel confident now that I am not lying when I say, "I CAN cook, I just choose not to".

So yeah. Good times. Watching how excited the kids were with just a couple of gifts made me think, "Why do we bother with getting more than this?" It doesn't really seem like tripling the presents equals triple the fun. I think it's more about the adults than the kids when you go overboard (like I always want to do). And now I will quit my rant before I sound like a scrooge.

We are so glad we could spend even a few days with family, and can't wait to live closer. Thanks for coming out Mom and Caiti!

P.S. Go see "Bolt" with your kids -- we did and it was really cute.

P.P.S. The special-ed effects in "Twilight" are just as bad the second time around. But Edward is just as hot. Just so you know.


Joel (Bob) and Dresden said...

Wow, Keaton is quite the excelling artist! Glad you had some great moments amidst your hospital runs!

Cilka said...

The kids seem to have changed even since I've been there! Looks like you all had fun with your family.

P.S. Don't ever see "Edward" on a talk show. I saw him on Ellen and Jay Leno, and it kind of ruins his hotness. I will try to erase those memories and just remember him in the movie. Movie Edward...Movie Edward...Movie Edward.

Anna@Exasperation said...

Yup, I think Nicole and I have discussed the fact that our feelings for Edward/Rob Pattinson are similar to our feelings for Jason Bourne/Matt Damon. So I can second what Scott and/or Cilka said.
Keaton is an amazing artist. How old is that kid??!?! Is that even normal?
Fun times!

Nicole said...

OK -- I should have clarified that I drew most of that helicopter -- Keaton helped color it in, but he did NOT draw it himself! He is a pretty good artist, but not that good.

Not that I am saying I have some great artistic ability either -- just that my mediocre helicopter would be considered impressive by 4 year old standards.

Also, I have been told by numerous people that Rob Pattinson sounds like an idiot in interviews, so I will avoid any "non-Edward" moments like the plague.

That is all.

Patrick and Leigh said...

Nicole, what the heck? The hospital? That is really crappy-I'm sorry to hear that-especially over the holidays. And, I don't care if Keaton didn't draw the helicopter, he's 4 and not only does he actually want to stay in the lines, he actually can...and what 4 yr. old can write something other than an illegible version of his name, let alone 'Toby'..and draw a picture him that is discernible. Hope you guys are better soon!

Emma said...

I love the pictures! I must say, I'm glad you clarified on the helicopter drawing. I was really starting to feel like my kids were artistically impaired..... We miss you all!!!

Courtney said...

Yeah, the clarification for the art was good. And the scientific probability of your bra-wearing tendencies. I've never known someone to rip off their bra as quickly as you do when the door shuts after company leaves. Now all your company will hover outside your front door just to get a peep. Little do they know all they have to do is time their visits with your running episodes in the middle of the day.

Do avoid Edward-non-Twilight. Hopefully with all the dough they rake in the next movie will be produced slightly better.

And... maybe I should just have you ship Rylan to ME when this baby is born. She'd be superwoman, no doubt.

Courtney said...

and... your kids can open our gifts early too. For rizzle. Brinlee discovered Super Why this week and now I see what all the fuss is about.

Nicole said...

"I've never known someone to rip off their bra as quickly as you do when the door shuts after company leaves."

AFTER company leaves?

Not since Dr. Lopez, my dear:)

Deb said...

Extra points for using the word "bra" in both your orignal post and your comment; and for eliciting aforementioned word by others. Now you just have to incorporate the word "Walmart" to renew your annual UMC membership.