Showing posts with label League. Show all posts
Showing posts with label League. Show all posts

Friday, January 5, 2018

Round Two, Engage

The WInter League has wrapped up Round one, and now the battles get bigger. The Guard has done very well with the new paint job and stands at 3-0. Next up the Eldar are 2-1, Tyranids 1-2, and the Marines got shut out.

We decided to play the same mission for all Round Two battles, (as can be seen over there on the right >) The Power Level has risen to 75 and Flyers are now allowed. We are using the special flyer rules from the Skies of Death section of the Main Rulebook.

Mrs.Blackheart and I got our battle done yesterday, and it was a close one. If it wasn't for some truly amazingly good rolls from my Hydra, I probally would not have prevailed. It was a damn close match until turn three when the dice turned against the Eldar.

Will the Marines stage a comeback? How scary will the Hive Mind be? Can the Guard be stopped? Can anyone stand up to the Psychic mastery of the Eldar? Stay tuned!

Go Roll Them Bones
And Don't Forget Your Command Points 

Friday, December 1, 2017

Round One, Fight!

The Winter League is underway! Last weekend we had two exciting matches: Imperial Guard versus the Tyranids, and Raven Guard taking on the Eldar.

Matt was using his new Codex for the second time, which was a bit unfair to him, but the dice were really unfair to him.
The Exocrine got a huge amount of hits on my command Leman Russ, and exactly zero wounds. It got better, but having a first turn where you can't kill anything is a big handicap. The game went five rounds, but in the last turn it was 3 Tyranid Warriors versus a pair of Leman Russ, a Manticore, and a handful of troopers. A victory for the Guard.

50PL makes for a small Space Marine force. We don't have a huge sample base, but it seems very difficult for the Marines at low Power Levels. Jeff put in a good showing with the Raven Guard, but the Eldar Swordwind stole the initiative and rolled over the Marines for a win.
Good games overall, a little rough on the Marines, but I'm sure they will bounce back and find a good balance. Next round will feature some fun match-ups as we continue at 50PL.

Let The Games Begin!
Somebody Wake Up the Dice

Friday, November 17, 2017

Winter League

With the release of the Tyranid Codex, now everyone here has at least one "real" codex. So it is time for a league! We are going to do a escalation type:

2 matches at 50PL, 2 at 75PL, and the final two at 100PL. Then some kind of grand finale at 125. The matches will be every two weeks, starting the weekend after Thanksgiving.

We have some interesting rules to go with our league:
No Flyers for the first two matches.
No Lords of War for the first four.
No Fortifications.
You will know the mission and opponent ahead of time.
You may change your list every battle, but must keep your faction.

Knowing the mission and at least what enemy you are fighting gives you the ability to somewhat tailor your force for the upcoming battle. It should make for some good matches.

The battle reports will of course be posted here. The  schedule will be as well, over there, on the sidebar -->.

May Your Dice Roll Well
At Least Better Than Normal