Showing posts with label 3D Printing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3D Printing. Show all posts

Friday, February 7, 2025

3D Printed Starship Game


Battlefront Valkyrie is a Starship Combat miniatures game from Fat Dragon. It is made so you print out everything. And it is quite easy to do so. The ships are designed to be printed on a filament printer with no supports, so it is quick and easy. As are the stands and game markers. The nice ship facing graphics are also supplied, I printed them out on photo paper and the result is impressive.

Two fleets come with the base game, both kinda Star Trek-ish, which I do love.

The Terran Fleet.

The Kurgun Fleet.

At the moment five small expansions have been released with a bunch more planned, including a new fleet. 

Painting was fun and easy, and they really look sharp on the tabletop. I'm printing the game tokens (filament) and the ship control cards (paper) and will be ready to try out this new game next week.

Advice from the Internets on reviving your (mostly) dead blog: Use cats.

Go Make Something
For 2D Space Gaming in 3D

Monday, September 30, 2024

Darktide With More 3D


Darktide comes with nice, sturdy chipboard tokens and markers. Including some two sided ones that represent the blocking terrain and barricades. 

I understand why they didn't include plastic terrain: the cost increase would have been ridiculous. But still, the game would be so much more immersive if the terrain was 3D. Luckily, some nice folk on the internets made made some STL files ready to print and paint! The files were inexpensive, and printed well in our plastic filament machine (Mrs. Blackheart used the Prusa Mk.3S and XL).

The addition of the 3D elements really do improve the look and feel of the game. So much so, we shall talk a lot about this side of the hobby in upcoming posts.

Go Make Something
The Robots Are Here to Help!
For Now...


Thursday, May 23, 2024

For Your Stenciling Needs


Mrs. Blackheart has entered a contest over at It is for designing old school drafting templates/stencils, so naturally she decided to go with a 40K flair. 

As she says, " Who will win?  Currently the Imperial eagle is the most downloaded, with Chaos close behind. Pick a side or join a Cult! Fun for the whole family!" 

They can be used as a drawing template or a spray paint stencil. Put your faction love everywhere!

Best of all, they are FREE! Head on over and download some today!

Go Print Something
That Will Let You Stencil Something

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Star Destroyer, Large


Imperial Star Destroyer. One of my all-time favorite starships (Galactica '78, Yamato, Enterprise-Refit, and the K'Tinga are the others in my top five). I have made a couple of the older plastic models, and I have the super fancy Bandai, and the big Revell/Zvesda kits, still unbuilt. But I have always longed for a really big model, maybe not the studio scale eight foot long monster, but larger than any available plastic kit.

Along comes the 3D printing revolution. I'm not (yet) a CAD artist, so I had to wait for someone to make a really nice STL that could be printed out...FAB365 makes a wide array of very nice files. 

So we just scaled it up by 200% and about a 120 hours later, Mrs Blackheart's fancy Prusa XL printer made a 30" long beauty.

The one thing I didn't really take into account was the huge amount of paint it took.
It was a lot, six-ish pots about three drybrush layers. Printing it in black saved a few painting steps as the model has very nice panel lines. Now to hang it up in my office.

Go Make Something
The Force Is Strong With This One

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Thunderhawk Stand has a New Home


The STL for Mrs. Blackheart's Thunderhawk Stand can now be found at:

It's free! So get one now.

*Thunderhawk not included

Let The Robot Make Something

Just Keep an Eye on it

Thursday, February 8, 2024

The Boltgun, accept no substitutes


There are many like it, but this one is mine. 3D printing has hit full sized fun!

Mrs. Blackheart has gotten a fancy new Prusa XL, (huge, filament 3D printer) so I found  her a project worthy of it. Who has not wanted a full (human) sized Bolter? Well, I'm sure lots of people don't, but I'm not with that crowd.

A mere 150+ hours of printing will get you this:

Then, spray paint all the parts, now add some bolts, nuts, and a couple of springs. A few parts needed to be glued together, and so many test fittings and trimming. The charging handle slides, the magazine can be ejected, and the trigger pulls. A well done design. 

It was a bit of an inviloved project to bring together, but so worth it.

Afterwards she printing one using just colored filament, no painting at all! It came out really nice.

Now I need to start looking for a good chainsword file...

Go Make Something
That Can Purge All the Xenos and Heretics

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Thunderhawk Stand Update


A few years ago we made some very nice Lexan stands for the 1st version of the Forge World Thunderhawk. They were very well received, but after a while demand fell off and our stock sold out. It is impractical (and very expensive) to make a new batch of the clear Lexan stands, but with the rise of 3D printing, we have made an alternative. 

The new stand is made of PLA filament (plastic) is not transparent, and a little bit shorter than the old stand. It is also much less expensive, lighter, and one piece.

The STL will be made available soon, (we have to decide a few things first.) or if you want to buy a printed item please feel free to email me at

The Emperor Protects

Now in PLA  

Friday, March 25, 2022

Cthulhu the Dice Tower


Some days you just need a Cthulhu idol dice tower.

3D printed in PLA filament.

Go Make Something

At Least Until you Run Out of Sanity