Flexible and tough enough to be the main force, but cost efficient so you can have a good amount of them. You can fix many problems by throwing a bunch of Predators at them.
Flexible and tough enough to be the main force, but cost efficient so you can have a good amount of them. You can fix many problems by throwing a bunch of Predators at them.
More bite-sized posts for bite-sized models. Here we have the very tip of the spear, a unit of Justaerin Terminators. Abbadon always had a thing for black armor.
Just for fun! I'm not sure that was their War-Cry. Naturally I had to give them the most impressive ride possible, a pair of land Raider Sparans. When I get another unit of Terminators for the Sons of Horus, they will be painted in regular line unit colors.
Let the Galaxy Burn
While Wearing Stylish Black Armor
Still chugging away on my Epic Sons of Horus army. Here are three (out of the four) Xiphon Interceptors in that army. I have used them in battle, and are quite pleased with the close air support they provide.
I have a Thunderhawk, two Fire Raptors, and three Storm Eagles assembled and in the painting queue for all my aerial firepower and transport needs.
Fleet Does the Flying
False Emperor's Lap Dogs Do the Dying
More tiny Marines! I have finished enough squads and Rhinos to form a combat company.
Back to the small scale! After some trials and lots of errors, I figured out how to paint my Epic infantry.
A lot of people paint them on the sprues, but that was a bit klunky for me, and a few (tiny!) figures had to be assembled. Those Dreadnoughts are SEVEN @#$% parts. Ahem. So that was not going to work out for me. After trying blu-tack and crazy glue, I set upon good ole hot glue to temporarily attach the wee figs to a piece of wood.
I find this method fast and really easy to paint. Removing the little dudes does take a sharp X-actor and a bit of patience though. It also makes painting the bases much easier without anything on them.
I really enjoy the Grimdark at this scale, legions of infantry, companies of tanks, air power, and of course, Titans. It just looks so damn cool on the battlefield. Naturally I took the plunge as soon as the newest version, Legion Imperialis was realised.
The slightly bigger scale (8mm vs the older not-quite-6mm) give the minis a bit more heft, and maybe a bit easier to paint? I am going to dive right in and start assembling/painting. I guess I should read the rules as well.
Go Roll Some Dice
Really Small Ones