11.30 am
Good news from Ampang Putri. Doctor incharge already give clearence for dato to move to normal wad. But he still need much rest to recover.
9.00 pm
Last night we manage to saw him when he woke up. After zipping few drop of water he chat few words and as precaution measure we been advice not to talk to him but knowing Dato he still want to talk. hehhe..Dato look refresh after the surgery as if he just take a long long rest.
6.00 pm
Dato still in his deep sleep stage recovering from his surgery. All well wisher are encourage not to come visit in this few day in order to allow him to have complete rest.
4.50 am - Ampang Putri Hospital
The operation is successfull. Hope dato will go tru speedy recovery
4.20 am - Ampang Putri Hospital
For those who know dato zol please pray for him. He still in operating room for his bypass. We will update as soon we get the good news from the doctor.
The operation is successfull. Hope dato will go tru speedy recovery
4.20 am - Ampang Putri Hospital
For those who know dato zol please pray for him. He still in operating room for his bypass. We will update as soon we get the good news from the doctor.
Hospital staff escorting Dato after the surgery to ICU