Showing posts with label birthdays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthdays. Show all posts

Friday, August 16, 2013

Faythe turns 5

Do we ever stop looking forward to our birthdays?  My kids get so excited when they know their birthday is coming up.  Faythe and I made a chain to count down the days, but I think she got confused.  She thought that when there was one chain left then it was her birthday, so the morning before her birthday she came into my room with a huge smile on her face saying it was her birthday.  I hated to burst her bubble and tell her she had to wait one more day, but luckily she was OK with it.

Faythe's only wish was to go swimming.  Things happened a little differently than normal.  My sister had tickets to a Diamondbacks game.  Faythe didn't want to go to a baseball game, she wanted to go swimming.  So Jonathan and Darrien took the 7 older kids to the game, and Jennie and I took the 3 younger ones to a swimming pool.  Faythe got her wish and didn't care that the whole family wasn't involved.  I wish I'd taken a picture of her.  We  had lots of fun playing a younger version of the game categories and the other kids had tons of fun at the game.  It all worked out.

Several months ago Faythe found a picture of some yummy looking cupcakes in a grocery ad and decided that she wanted to make them for her birthday.  The picture has been hanging on the fridge forever.  I asked my mother-in-law (the baker) how to go about making/decorating them.  She helped me out and I attempted to copy the picture.  They don't look the same, but no one cared and the process made me grateful that I don't work in a bakery. 

Happy Birthday to Faythe!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

My Birthday Boys

Jonathan and Ephram celebrated their birthdays a couple of weeks ago.  Ephram requested crepes for breakfast.  Jonathan is our resident crepe maker, so he had to cook his own birthday breakfast.  He's a good sport and will always do what Ephram wants as part of his birthday celebration.  He did get his own birthday cake though.  Ephram made a chocolate pudding pie and Jonathan got impossible pie.  As a birthday activity Ephram decided to order pizza and watch a movie.  He has never had a birthday party and I don't do parties until they are 8 (I used to do them all the time, but changed that before Ephram got one).  He really wanted a party.  I compromised and let him invite friends to enjoy pizza with us.