o Do 1 chore of mom’s choice
o Draw a picture
o Play outside
o Have a picnic
o Make cookies
o Play with sidewalk chalk
o Vacuum 1 room of the house
o Eat a vegetable
o Interview a family member
o Take out the trash
o Play hopscotch
o Find 5 toys to donate
o Read for 10 minutes
o Look at a photo album
o Fold laundry
o Exercise
o Water the garden
o Clean 1 toilet
o Take a nap or rest
o Write a letter
o Pick up trash
o Organize your toys
o Write in your journal
o Pull weeds
o Clean your room
o Play with bubbles
o Color in a coloring book
o Play a board game
o Make a sock puppet
o Play hide and seek
o Do an art project
o Make a craft
o Dance
o Make an obstacle course
o Build a fort
o Play dress up
o Ride your bike in the back yard
o Do a service for someone
o Plan a family activity
o Have a photo shoot
o Do something nice for your siblings
o Put on a play
o Put on a puppet show
o Find 5 nature items outside
o Clean out your closet
o Read a story to someone
o Research a president and give 5 fun facts about him at dinner
o Call a grandparent and report 5 fun facts about them at dinner
o Write someone a thank you note
o Play legos
o Play-do
o Make a treat
o Paint
o Puzzles
o Play with the army men
o Have a tea party
o Soap carving
o Musical instruments
o Write a poem or a song
o Paint your fingernails
o Make a movie
o Sticker book
o Hair salon
o Write a story
o Illustrate a story
o Macaroni necklaces
o Tracing
o Watch birds
o Jump rope
o Play soccer
o Nerf gun battle
o Tag
o Play catch
o Collect bugs
o Mud pies
o Draw pictures of animals
o Mini Olympics
o Boat race in the tub
o Duck, duck, goose
o Make a string telephone
o Yard safari
o Make instruments
o Make a diorama
o Play grocery store
o Make paper airplanes
o Find things that start with every letter of the alphabet
o Have a lego building contest using only __________ (red, blue, certain height, etc)
o Gather and paint pet rocks
o Make a card for someone
o Research 2 animals and tell about them at dinner
o Nature rubbings
o Have a talent show
o Draw a map
o Make a paper plate ring toss game
o Dust 3 rooms
o Learn 10 words in a different language. Teach them at dinner.
o Play 20 questions
o Use as many different body parts as you can to balance a small toy
o Make a zoo with your stuffed animals
o Draw a picture with your foot
o Draw a picture with taking your pencil off the paper
o Draw a picture blindfolded
o Practice your school work
o Play with Faythe
o Create a game
o Do 10 math problems
o Make a collage all about you