Showing posts with label free time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free time. Show all posts

Monday, September 10, 2012

Mom, What Ca I Do?

I'm sure we've all had a kid come to us looking for something to do.  I've always tried to encourage my kids to find something to do on their own by offering a job.  But, recently I had an epiphany.  Just like kids need to know their options when it comes to learning, they also need to know their options when it comes to free time.  My hope is that having some ideas will spark new ideas and projects.  There are a lot of ideas out there.  I searched and came up with a list of things to do.  I printed it onto 2 sheets of paper and taped it to the book shelf.  When my kids can't think of anything to do, they can pick something off of the list.  I've pasted the ideas below.  Enjoy!

o   Do 1 chore of mom’s choice

o   Draw a picture

o   Play outside

o   Have a picnic

o   Make cookies

o   Play with sidewalk chalk

o   Vacuum 1 room of the house

o   Eat a vegetable

o   Interview a family member

o   Take out the trash

o   Play hopscotch

o   Find 5 toys to donate

o   Read for 10 minutes

o   Look at a photo album

o   Fold laundry

o   Exercise

o   Water the garden

o   Clean 1 toilet

o   Take a nap or rest

o   Write a letter

o   Pick up trash

o   Organize your toys

o   Write in your journal

o   Pull weeds

o   Clean your room

o   Play with bubbles

o   Color in a coloring book

o   Play a board game

o   Make a sock puppet

o   Play hide and seek

o   Do an art project

o   Make a craft

o   Dance

o   Make an obstacle course

o   Build a fort

o   Play dress up

o   Ride your bike in the back yard

o   Do a service for someone

o   Plan a family activity

o   Have a photo shoot

o   Do something nice for your siblings

o   Put on a play

o   Put on a puppet show

o   Find 5 nature items outside

o   Clean out your closet

o   Read a story to someone

o   Research a president and give 5 fun facts about him at dinner

o   Call a grandparent and report 5 fun facts about them at dinner

o   Write someone a thank you note

o   Play legos

o   Play-do

o   Make a treat

o   Paint

o   Puzzles

o   Play with the army men

o   Have a tea party

o   Soap carving

o   Musical instruments

o   Write a poem or a song

o   Paint your fingernails

o   Make a movie

o   Sticker book

o   Hair salon

o   Write a story

o   Illustrate a story

o   Macaroni necklaces

o   Tracing

o   Watch birds

o   Jump rope

o   Play soccer

o   Nerf gun battle

o   Tag

o   Play catch

o   Collect bugs

o   Mud pies

o   Draw pictures of animals

o   Mini Olympics

o   Boat race in the tub

o   Duck, duck, goose

o   Make a string telephone

o   Yard safari

o   Make instruments

o   Make a diorama

o   Play grocery store

o   Make paper airplanes

o   Find things that start with every letter of the alphabet

o   Have a lego building contest using only __________ (red, blue, certain height, etc)

o   Gather and paint pet rocks

o   Make a card for someone

o   Research 2 animals and tell about them at dinner

o   Nature rubbings

o   Have a talent show

o   Draw a map

o   Make a paper plate ring toss game

o   Dust 3 rooms

o   Learn 10 words in a different language.  Teach them at dinner.

o   Play 20 questions

o   Use as many different body parts as you can to balance a small toy

o   Make a zoo with your stuffed animals

o   Draw a picture with your foot

o   Draw a picture with taking your pencil off the paper

o   Draw a picture blindfolded

o   Practice your school work

o   Play with Faythe

o   Create a game

o   Do 10 math problems

o   Make a collage all about you