Tuesday, July 30, 2013

My Birthday Boys

Jonathan and Ephram celebrated their birthdays a couple of weeks ago.  Ephram requested crepes for breakfast.  Jonathan is our resident crepe maker, so he had to cook his own birthday breakfast.  He's a good sport and will always do what Ephram wants as part of his birthday celebration.  He did get his own birthday cake though.  Ephram made a chocolate pudding pie and Jonathan got impossible pie.  As a birthday activity Ephram decided to order pizza and watch a movie.  He has never had a birthday party and I don't do parties until they are 8 (I used to do them all the time, but changed that before Ephram got one).  He really wanted a party.  I compromised and let him invite friends to enjoy pizza with us. 



1 comment:

  1. Wow! Hard to believe Ephram is 7! Happy Birthday to you and your dad! Seems like just yesterday he was a little guy running around my house....man, I miss those days!
