if they [the NYTIMES] can't get 30-year old history right [about Vietnam], don't be shocked about the errors that they have about current events [IRAQ!].
Vietnam was a noble casue; we were winning militarily. If the Left-wing dominated MSM hadn't LIED about the war, and if the doves/Democrats hadn't pulled the plug on the South Vietnamese in 1975 - A FULL TWO YEARS AFTER THE LAST US COMBAT TROOP HAD LEFT VIETNAM - then TODAY, South Vietnam would be as free and as rich as South Korea, and we'd probably be driving South Vietnamese cars, using South Vietnamese cellphones.
Instead, the south of Vietnam - like the north - is nearly as poor and as tryannized as North Korea! Because the 1970's Democrat doves (including the likes of current party leaders TEDDY JO KENNEDY and JOHN KERRY) pulled the plug on our democratic allies in the south of Vietnam, 65 MILLION Vietnamese have lived in poverty and under tyranny for more than 30 years!
If they are given the chance in 2006, I believe the Democrat doves - TEDDY JO KENNEDY, JOHN KERRY AND DEAN AND BOXER AND REID AND PELOSI AND DEAN AND DURBIN - will do the same thing to Iraq, Afghanistan - and Israel. And the LYING MSM will aid and abet.
Instead, the south of Vietnam - like the north - is nearly as poor and as tryannized as North Korea! Because the 1970's Democrat doves (including the likes of current party leaders TEDDY JO KENNEDY and JOHN KERRY) pulled the plug on our democratic allies in the south of Vietnam, 65 MILLION Vietnamese have lived in poverty and under tyranny for more than 30 years!
If they are given the chance in 2006, I believe the Democrat doves - TEDDY JO KENNEDY, JOHN KERRY AND DEAN AND BOXER AND REID AND PELOSI AND DEAN AND DURBIN - will do the same thing to Iraq, Afghanistan - and Israel. And the LYING MSM will aid and abet.