Saturday, November 15, 2008
Poverty and the Participation Agenda
Youth Work and the Millennium Development Goal
(CYP/UNICEF2005: 21)
Strategy for Scouting
A common strategy makes sense because:
- Based on a shared vision, it strengthens the feeling of belonging to a united, world-wide Movement, for both National Scout Organizations and individual Scouts.
- Developed at world level, it enables us to "step back" far enough from the details to help us see the forest rather than the trees.
- International co-operation on common issues enables us to help each other identify the "mental models" we are using and make the necessary "mind-shifts" which are required to find and implement innovative solutions.
- Sharing experience at international level enables us to avoid becoming static and to benefit from success stories and good practices.
- Building up and implementing a world strategy together, offers the best opportunity for National Scout Organisations to develop team learning and networking and to benefit from belonging to a world organization.
The Strategy for Scouting responds to the needs of Scouting because:
- It is based upon the mission of Scouting.
- It takes into account the key challenges which NSOs are facing in implementing the mission.
- It proposes a shared vision of Scouting for the 21st century.
- It focuses on three main areas which are crucial for the success of Scouting:
the needs and expectations of young people,
the motivation of adult leaders to contribute to the mission of Scouting,
new trends in managing non-governmental organisations - It identifies and proposes seven strategic priorities which should be used by each National Scout Organizations to build up its own action plans.
- It identifies clearly the areas on which the world and regional bodies should focus in order to support their associations.
World Scout Bureau: Youth Programme
It is the principal means of achieving the purpose of Scouting and is the key to attracting and retaining members.
Youth Programme is implemented through a partnership between young people and adult leaders, taking into account the participants' interests, needs and abilities.
Youth Involvement in Decision-Making is the first strategic priority in the Strategy for Scouting and it identifies three areas of work for young people to be fully involved in decision-making in the Movement.
These areas are: (1) Youth Involvement in the Unit; (2) Youth Involvement institutionally; and (3) Youth Involvement in civil society
ENVIRONMENT: Throughout the past 100 years of Scouting, young people around the world have been exploring, learning about and caring for the outdoors and our environment. The way in which Scouts contribute to tackling environmental issues have evolved with the times, and remains a fundamental part of the Scout programme.
The World Organization of the Scout Movement support National Scout Organizations (NSOs) in identifying and responding to the needs of young people, adults and society where Scouting is not currently having an impact.
As Baden-Powell (the Founder of Scouting) said: “Our aim is to bring up the next generation as useful citizens with a wider outlook than before and thereby to develop goodwill and peace in the world through comradeship and co-operation, in place of the prevailing rivalry between classes, creeds and countries which have done so much in the past to produce wars and unrest. We regard all men as brothers, sons of the one Father, among whom happiness can be brought only through the development of mutual tolerance and goodwill – that is through love.”
Personality Development and Communication: Done... next : Learning Processes
... the vast and growing youth population - ensures that we pay attention to young people. not always for the right reasons. and sometimes for our own very selfish ends, but we pay attention no less. In our plans then, we develop programmes that engages young people. So, we have young people, and we have programmes, but how often do we focus on those who deliver these programmes?
Tuesday, November 11, 2008