Marking the beginning of Aidil Adha was the recitation of takbir, held in mosques, suraus and prayer halls throughout the nation.
The mass Aidil Adha prayers took place this morning throughout the country in mosques, suraus and prayer halls.
Muslims all over the world celebrate Aidil Adha on the 10th day of Zulhijjah, the last month of the Islamic calendar.
This holy day is celebrated in conjunction with the haj and to commemorate Prophet Ibrahim's spirit of Korban or sacrifice.
The occasion also marks the conclusion of the haj, as the pilgrims assemble in Mudzalifah, after the stoning ritual in Mina.
That is why, in Brunei Darussalam, Aidil Adha is also known as Hari Raya Haji or Hari Raya Korban.
Although celebration is not as big as Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, acts of generosity can be seen during this time of the year, as it is sunnat to do Korban and the meat must be distributed among those who are less fortunate.
It is sunnat for Muslims to do the Korban, from the within the days of tasyrik, that is on 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th of Zulhijjah.
Within these four days, it is also sunnat to recite the takbir.