Showing posts with label megan bogonovich. Show all posts
Showing posts with label megan bogonovich. Show all posts

October 15, 2010

Succulents need a beautiful home too!

Hop over here to pick one of these one one of a kind planters for your favorite succulent! A beautiful presentation ...

October 11, 2010

April 30, 2010

Megan Bogonovich: our new Artist in Residence

Big news! This spring and summer Megan Bogonovich will be our very own Artist in Residence! We are thrilled and so anxious for her to move in. Megan's work has graced our gallery for four years now and with her range of work (starting at 20 dollars!) and scope of artistry we couldn't be happier. It's not every day that you meet someone as nice either. Stop by in May and say hello to her!

February 04, 2010

It Takes Two - down to the wire

There was so much moving about last night here at the gallery - but things started to fall into place and now we are throughly thrilled with the final outcome of the show. Here are a couple, but more will come tomorrow - promise when the sun is back! Megan Bogonovich dropped off her sculptures and her husband Chuckie's pieces, so the exhibition is complete! I am thrilled the way her cube vases play against Julia Rothman and Matt Longacre's work so well.
It's going to be a grand opening on Saturday night - so it would be wonderful to see all you all for some fun then too - 5-7 pm!

December 02, 2009

Wandering the Treeline :: sneak peek of Megan Bogonovich's new work

Megan came by yesterday with the first installment of her new sculptures. It's over the top again - amazingly detailed and yes, believe it or not, she has outdone herself again. It was a full moon drama drop off, but all in all our lovely afternoon was spent chatting and eating and photographing some of the most incredible scultpures I have seen from her yet! All will be in the shop and available for purchase on Saturday! Part three of this sneak peek? Tomorrow! IPS 2 -- back by popular demand!

November 23, 2009

Megan Bogonovich : new work

Here is a peek at one of Megan's new sculptures for our next exhibit! It's entitled Picnic. Very excited to show the other new works including a Yellow Brick Road... The work is based around little worlds. Places to go, people to see, thoughts to think.

February 23, 2009

Tiny art, big ideas :: Megan Bogonovich

Megan has done it YET again ... she dropped by last week with some new little goodies see here above and below. These little bowls are a mere $20 each, but pack a whallop with subtle details like textured edges, silkscreened ladies and hand drawn loveliness. I am so taken with these little bowls and the ideas which she is developing into larger pieces too! All of these - except for the ones which have already sold ... will be in the shop!

February 02, 2009

Megan Bogonovich :: wedding bells

Megan is getting married this year and it's been fun chatting about wedding plans. She and Chuckie are two of the nicest most creative people I have met and their wedding will be as unique as they are. We just got a few new slip casts in the shop from Megan this week, so I thought it would be appropriate to show one of the newer ones - a wedding cake topper. As she says, "sometimes a groom can be a bunny"...

January 26, 2009

artstreamstudios art classes

bella, inside our gallery classrooms making a mountain
Hello all! Happy Monday!
I thought I would just do a few installments of what is going on in our classes here at artstream. Each Monday I have hosted for 13 years now, homeschooling art classes. My teen classes are creating some magnificent sculptures a la Megan Bogonovich style. So cool. They have all been inspired by the fabulous porcelain and ceramic sculptures which have been part of our To Rome to Roam exhibit. I thought hmmmm, why not? Why not indeed! The teens and some of the other 'tween classes have been making magnificent mountains out of mole hills of clay. When they are finished I will be sure to post the end results here. Until now - a little "in process" piece by 14 yr old Bella.

December 11, 2008

Roaming with Megan Bogonovich

hive by Megan Bogonovich, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

same boat by megan bogonovich: my favorite

recess by megan bogonovich

extreme gardening by megan bogonovich

morsels by megan bogonovich
Just a few shots today of the sculptures in the gallery. Won't you dive in with us and peek around? Remember too - 20% off for a one time purchase at the shop using the code: winter08. It's snowing! over here, what's it doing in your part of the woods?

December 04, 2008

To Rome, To Roam

looking up to the front.... where are the sculptures?

by Tom Glover

Sarah Ahearn's lovely work

more Tom Glover

Liz Kollach's vibrant work...
Here are a few snapshots from the new exhibition at artstream: To Rome, To Roam featuring Tom Glover's new paintings and Megan Bogonovich's new sculptures. Tom has simply knocked himself out with beautiful renditions from abstracted views to colorful realistic streets in Rome as well as over 30 sepia watercolored sketch paintings of Rome. Megan's sculptures feature six brand new fresh from the studio works which evoke a sense of discovery or roaming (hence the theme, cough cough) within them. Come, see for yourself, at the opening of this fun exhibition and forget your cold New England worries of winter heating bills ... bask in the Roman sunshine and scramble up the mountain of shell like structures to find a little fantasy atop with us tomorrow night at the opening... 5-8 or so. Roam with us, if you will.

As if that were not enough, we also have two amazing women in the eQuinox gallery during this show - Sarah Ahearn Bellemere from Ithaca NY and Liz Kalloch from the San Fransico Bay area. Their mixed media works are as sunny as their own personalities - I met them both in person at Squam and was so pleased that they would appear in our gallery for this show. We have the full set of photos filling up at our flickr and by tomorrow night .. (or perhaps just a wee bit later) we will have the full show online in our shop for purchase. But for now, some shots of the installation in the gallery. More to come tomorrow too... and much earlier!

October 27, 2008

Megan Bogonovich sneak peek

megan bogonovich sneak peek, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.
A little jump ahead to what will be coming in December/January for artstream. Megan popped over with beau Chuckie and we did a little photo shoot of her newest sculpture. This photo I took just for myself... All we can reveal right now is there are six to eight new sculptures being unveiled in Dec. in our To Rome, to roam show. Let me tell ya .... wow!
Stay tuned!

October 06, 2008

Concord Arts Market :: Weekend Fun

megan bogonovich's table, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

Saturday brought the Concord Arts Market - conceived and pushed forward by the one and only Katy Brown. She is incredible!
Daughter Chloe made a lot of her jewelry and was juried into the fair. I took her over and Megan, Boyan and a sundry of other lovely vendors enjoyed a brisk October day with plenty of live music and fun as well as good traffic to the fair.
I don't do fairs anymore, but broke the rules twice this fall - once at Squam (of course!) and once now for Chloe. All in all a great day. Big bonus - I met the huge talent - Mimi Kirchner as she also came out for the event. Click here to see a much better photo than what I came up with for the posed shot of the two of us - mimi and me. My flickr has a few more from the event as well. Check it out in the spring of 09. More fun to come.

June 13, 2008

Embroidery Love

The ever-effervescent-creative diva of NH, Megan Bogonovich stopped in last night for a workshop. She was sporting this fabulous blouse, which, I immediately stopped me in my tracks. When I inquired about it, she said, oh my mommy made it for me! Goodness knows I love me some fancy needlework, but this one is so purely original that she allowed me to photograph her even with details. Blimey! indeed! I love it and can't wait to hear about the dinosaur ones her mumsie is whipping up next... Talent runs, no, sprints in that family!

March 18, 2008

Whimsical vessels workshop

Better light today and a few little glimpses at the work in progress from the Saturday workshop with Megan Bogonovich. We had so much fun.
This footed egg dish and butterdish are just bone dry now and waiting for three layers of wiped on underglaze for a super magnificent texture popping color.
More workshops to come on Saturdays in April and May by Megan Bogonovich and some jewelry workshops in April and May by Makayla Brown.

February 15, 2008

Deer men are back ...


unusual growths

spider - man!

and they have brought some friends of Megan Bogonovich... Check 'em out here at the shop...
Have a wonderful weekend!

February 06, 2008

Fragiles - Belgium!

with unusual growth -Megan Bogonovich
Well, we endured a wet snowstorm yesterday, with off and on electricity so no posting here at the blog. Catching up today with a new Lovely Hearts popped into the shop - do stop by and check out the goodness there!
I also wanted to point you lovely European readers towards the Belgium exhibition of Fragiles. February 15th to the 24th - Fragiles will be shown at Arne Quinze's Gallery 113 in Kortrijk, Belgium. This is the second showing and new work from the Miami exhibition will be included. Megan Bogonovich's pieces have traveled there with the show and we are thrilled to be a part of the journey. If you missed it in Miami, perhaps you will see it in Belgium!

January 25, 2008

Podcast with Megan Bogonovich

Last Sunday, on the way back from returning our daughter to college, we stopped by Megan's studio to record this little podcast, complete with a slideshow - photos courtesy of Chloe and Rainer So here it is without further ado. Enjoy!
[Link to MP3]

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January 22, 2008

Artist Interviews + podcasts

I have been working on getting a few fun interviews together this week, and tomorrow we will kick them off with a podcast interview with Megan Bogonovich! Sunday night I stopped by her
Concord, NH studio and we had a little chat. Above are a few sneak peek photos from her newest WIP and tomorrow we will post the fully edited podcast from that visit. Meanwhile, Lovely Hearts poured in yesterday and I am busy getting them up into the shop this week, and over at my flickr. Check them out, there are some beautiful love related works with more to come!

January 18, 2008

Siren Song by Megan Bogonovich

Megan Bogonovich's work was a huge hit at Art Miami's special exhibition - Fragiles. It is going further though- it's in Europe now, starting with Belgium - on display at Gallery 113:

With the success of the Fragiles exhibition at Design Miami 07, we're happy to announce that the inspiring collection travels to Belgium for it’s first European show hosted by Quinze & Milan’s Gallery 113 in Kortrijk. For those of you who didn't make it over to Miami, we hope to see you in Belgium!

February 15 – 24, 2008
Gallery 113, Walle 113, 8500 Kortrijk, Belgium
Vernissage: February 15, 19:00 – 22:00
Opening Hours:
Monday – Friday, 10:00 – 17:00,
Saturday – Sunday, 14:00 – 18:00

Wouldn't it be nice to quaff a nice heavy Belgian brew and take in the sights?