Showing posts with label fragiles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fragiles. Show all posts

May 27, 2008

Fragiles -- in print

Hello friends! I hope your weekend was as simply beautiful as ours was here at chez 'esprit... Lots of family time, garden time and even a lot of relaxing time for us. Today back at the ranch, the FedEx man brought us a package of considerable heft. The coffee table book as I would call it arrived finally - cataloging the exhibition of FRAGILES along with a few personal portraits of some of the artists. It is not only a beauty of a book layout wise, but filled with amazing work. Our dear friend/artist Megan of course is inside and well, looking good.
Above and below a few quickie shots of the book. More to follow later at my flickr.
Enjoy the day - make some art!

February 06, 2008

Fragiles - Belgium!

with unusual growth -Megan Bogonovich
Well, we endured a wet snowstorm yesterday, with off and on electricity so no posting here at the blog. Catching up today with a new Lovely Hearts popped into the shop - do stop by and check out the goodness there!
I also wanted to point you lovely European readers towards the Belgium exhibition of Fragiles. February 15th to the 24th - Fragiles will be shown at Arne Quinze's Gallery 113 in Kortrijk, Belgium. This is the second showing and new work from the Miami exhibition will be included. Megan Bogonovich's pieces have traveled there with the show and we are thrilled to be a part of the journey. If you missed it in Miami, perhaps you will see it in Belgium!

December 10, 2007


Nice little write up that I totally missed over at MoCo Loco
Above: Megan Bogonovich's "Reconnoitering" sculpture which we sent (among other fabulous pieces) to Miami for the Fragiles show.
Doing the catch-up thing here, so bear with me. More to come later today on some highlights of the current show you might have overlooked!

November 12, 2007

Folktale bird

Folktale bird, originally uploaded by artstreamstudios.

Some little VERY affordable art in my little etsy shop.
All but this one (which is a bit bigger) are $15. Check em out here.

A huge thanks to Grace at design*sponge for the shout out about our participation in Fragiles down at Design Miami in December. Of course we thank Julian from Die Gestalten Verlag, for creating this marvelous exhibition! Read all about it over at design sponge. More on Megan soon!