Sunday, December 20, 2015

Wrapping Up the 2014-2015 School Year

We have yet to have a bad year at Pinetree Elementary. The kids are always happy with their teachers and friends as am I. It was an interesting year as Andrew continued with Alpha and then started thinking of something new, too. The kids all did baseball and all had homework, things really started getting crazy busy. I began taking on sub jobs much more frequently and was always grateful when the checks came in. We also had lots of time with the Milhoan kids as Fran was finishing up her last year of Nursing School. Rylee Rose was starting to spend more time with us and that was always a fantastic adventure. It was a busy, busy year, but it was a good one.

 Andi did a fabulous job with the always emotional End of the Year Kinder program.

 Ryan and Andi had their end of the season baseball party at a parent's Martial Arts studio. That was way cool!

 We LOVED their coaches!

 The legendary Murray Pool Parties

 Fran's graduation was so exciting! It's amazing what a mom of four can do when she puts her mind to it.

 The kids loved getting together that day talking about the Summer Mead trips in store.

 Plank was kinda a thing around here for a couple months.

 Andi's end of the year field trip to the park just so happened to be on a rainy day. That didn't stop the fun.

 She came running over to me when she saw me. She's really our only one to do such a thing!

 Summer Survival Kits

End of the Year Preschool Party

 Nothing says Summer like a slip 'n slide.

 The first one to leave Pinetree - Kenna going off to Sierra Vista.

 I think it's hilarious they chose to take their picture together.

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