Tuesday, December 30, 2008

No Wonder We're Exhausted

Don't worry, out of 170 pictures taken over the Christmas week/weekend, I only posted, well not all of them. It all began Tuesday, Christmas Eve Eve, when we began a new tradition - MAKING HOMEMADE TAMALES. We wanted something "Arrietta" to pass on to our kids and what better way than focusing it around good food! So every year from here on out, HOMEMADE TAMALES!

We missed our Ward Christmas Party so on Christmas Eve, we ventured out to the mall. It really wasn't that bad and because it didn't do any shopping this year, it was interesting to actually get out in the elements! My mom was a little confused with what Jackson was planning - she had no clue he didn't want to give the snowman a kiss, but instead, bite off the tip of his nose. No Jackson, that carrot isn't real!

Jackson was SO excited to go see Santa, he was pumped up.

Ryan was just excited - I am pretty sure he didn't know what was in store for him.

Well Ryan continued to enjoy the experience while Jackson...

Well Jackson wouldn't get anywhere NEAR Santa, this is him crying as he freaked out and avoided Santa.

Once back to my parents, the boys needed some down time.

And then it was back in the kitchen for all. It was day two of the tamales and because my grandparents worked on the chili sauce that morning, it really wasn't too much work that afternoon.

Abuelita had a mini audience while practicing for our Scripture reading of the Birth of Christ.

Both of our boys love music so much - we are so curious to see what comes of it!

Jackson insisted on putting on his own pants after a diaper change - he didn't mind the zipper in the back.

Abuelita used Ryan's hat to keep her head warm - she forgot she had it on.

For years we have opened one gift on Christmas Eve - we were all very impressed at Jackson's cooperation with this. He opened up his one gift, a book, loved it and was fine to open the rest the next day.

I have to say I think this is one of my favorite things we do each year and I am so thankful my grandparents have been able to join us. If you want to program, which includes scriptures and songs that correlate, let me know!

Jackson spent most of the time in the other room - but at each song, he would come and lean against the entertainment center to watch and listen. Once we would finish the song, he would clap for us.

And Finally - CHRISTMAS MORNING. Ryan spent the night at my parents because he was so out by the time we left, so the three of us got up and got out the door by 7:30am.

Santa went OUT OF CONTROL at my parents and Jackson loved every minute of it.

Jackson helped Ryan open most of his gifts - I don't think that will fly next year.

Andrew made us breakfast!

Pink - Can you believe it... I can't!

And the finale....

Jackson does not like riding it without Ryan in the back - good thing Ryan doesn't mind.

Then off to the Anderson's by about 9:30am.

Does anyone know what that is....

Emergency Kit toilet - my mother-in-law has been very good each year at trying to focus our gift around emergency preparedness, which is useful because I surely am not doing enough towards it!
Then we headed out to Corona around 12:30pm (Christmas day was mainly Arrietta and then the rest of the Anderson celebration was Sunday).

We played a white elephant game that I have to say was well worth the time and energy made dad put forth in wrapping all the random items I found around my house.

The funny thing, is they were excited for some of these things :)

I wonder if Nicole has eaten that baby food yet!?!?!

The next morning we were planning on heading to Andrew's grandma's house which is about 45min. from my grandparents - SO we spent the night out there. The boys were beat and ready for bed!

After a horrible night due to Ryan getting so congested, Jackson passed it on to him, we packed up and headed to Ethel's. I LOVE this house and Andrew and I just talk about all we would do with it - we will one day build something very similar!

Friday Jackson was not himself and Saturday we found out why. That previous week, Ryan had the flu and come Saturday, Jackson had it. I can't tell you how much laundry we have done since Saturday and yet I am SO behind in laundry. Due to his condition, we told him we had to take Ryan to the doctor's and he had to stay at grandma and grandpa's. He told me, "Ok you take Ryan, I take dad." I kept telling him dad had to come with us - he was so sad when we left him, I hated it. I much rather him not care at all when I leave. Anyway, he got over it and it worked out so well leaving him with them. I can't imagine what we would do without my parent's constantly coming to the rescue.

Ok Dayna - MAKE GIFT time.... Ethel: a pot of "flower" pens

Homemade Cinnamon spices for Tristan - she's a baker!
And embroidered hanky for Cosmo.
A snowman interview for Mya.

Andrew made a carrier for Annette's dog.

PJ's for Curtis.

Curtis made a pretty cool lamp.

Paige made a message board with personalized magnets for Jill.

Ryan enjoyed the show.

Oh Chris made this planter for Uncle Dale.

Chris looked how I felt!
It truly was a memorable Christmas this year and I am thankful for all we were able to do. I want to say if we could do it again I wouldn't have done so much - but really I don't know what we would have cut out. One day I won't be pregnant and all these events won't be as painful - oh and hopefully we won't be dealing with the flu and head colds too. I think both the boys are getting better though so here's to good memories and good health!