Sunday, January 8, 2012

Today's Apocalypse Sign: The Weekend Graphs

Here are this weeks odd collections of I found. Sure to make you go...hmmm. Or not.

Bringing in the New Year...


funny graphs - Lots of Time and Money Invested...
see more Funny Graphs

funny graphs - At Least It's Good Fertilizer
see more Funny Graphs

funny graphs - Don't Mind Me, I'm Just An Everyday Skier
see more Funny Graphs

funny graphs - You Showed Them
see more Funny Graphs

funny graphs - Uuuuuugggggghhhhhhh...
see more Funny Graphs


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You really can't ever win...

Hootin Anni said...

You want the truth? Can you handle the truth? ----Well, I must be truthful here have me rollin'!

Especially where the dog poops. Okay, I'm a bit off the rocker sometimes, I can giggle at just about anything...including piles of caca. LOL

All these are hysterical.

Thanks for stopping by for my week's Shadow Shot See you next time...and have a glorious week ahead!!

Pat Tillett said...

This might be my favorite set yet. My wife is a lot like Vietnam. On the last one, I'd like to stay in the red category as long as possible! Hope you are having a great weekend...

Badass Geek said...

I have to say, dude. I really look forward to these posts. Keep 'em coming.

Chuck said...

Alex: No you can't.

Anni: That dog poop one had me laughing too!

Pat: I'm bettin' your wife let's you win every once in a while! Had a great weekend...where are the pictures from your latest trip??

BAG: Glad you enjoy. You can use them as visual education for Baby Badass is a few years. When she has her own Badass blog! Registered & Protected


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