Today you will receive not one but two D words.( I chose Double Dose as the title rather that Double D, you can understand why.) They go hand in hand, that is to say they are related.
1) Disaster Kits
2) Doomsday Preppers (the series)
We'll go in reverse order here, Doomsday Preppers front and center...
I LOVE this show on NatGeo. Cannot get enough of it. These people may seem wacked out to normal people but since I am not normal I think they are simply exercising the Boy Scout motto, "Be Prepared". Sometimes to the extreme, but that's why I like it!
Each episode follows 3 separate Preppers in various parts of the country as they describe what they do daily, what they stockpiled, what they are preparing for (reason for the doomsday), and then an analysis by Prepper Experts (no kidding, they exist) as to how well each has prepared and recommendations to better their prepping. All wrapping with a final word from each on what they have done regarding the recommendations.
To let you know how serious this shit is, the first episode was about a family who already has stock piled a food cache to last 15 years for their 20 people band of survivors! They have built a compound out of 9 shipping containers, have two school buses converted to "bug out" vehicles, practice drills on loading and evacuating their compound (should it be compromised), and fire arms practice. And these people live just 35 miles outside of San Antonio. Not too far from me should I need to form a marauding group to hijack their supplies.
Some of these people have bought everything from an old missile base in Kansas (cost the government $4 million to build in 1960) bought by this hippie dude and his wife for $40K. This place is HUGE. Another guy bought 42 old school buses and buried them under ground in a complex. Covered them with 18 inches of concrete and like 20 feet of dirt. He can house 500 kids to rebuild the world!! Name of the place? Ark Two. Catch a few of these on youtube or NatGeo and you'll be hooked...AND you'll go out and buy SOMETHING prep related I promise. (I did)
Wouldn't you like to be a prepper tooo!
Here are a few cool links to pop into your Favorites list to visit after the A-Z is done and you're ready to relax.
Nitro-Pak Survival Kits - Everything from MRE's to potassium iodide tablets. This site is the shiz.
Emergency Essentials - Mostly a large variety of food stuffs. One cool thing is the little map where you can click on your state and see a customized list of things to prepare for...not all are end of the world.
Kits4Disaster Survival - Mostly medical kits for various needs from pet survival to portable hazmat stations. Don't you love this shit!!
Emergency Kits for Groups - To keep your friends from killing you off the one with the group kit. Smaaart!
SKO - Pre-made kits or customize your own. Single or family of four. 3-day post disaster kits. Shop til you drop.
Ready Gov - And finally a planning site for everything including the Indian Country plan. Ironic that when disaster strikes, NOW we think of the native Americans. We've come a long way from Plymouth rock. Nice.
Now I need to go add to my food stockpile...see you on the E side.