Friday, January 13, 2012

Today's Apocalypse Sign: Right Out Of The Gate...Ominous Dates Begin 2012

Happy Friday The 13th! And if this date gets you bent sideways, you have...paraskevidekatriaphobia (or friggatriskaidekaphobia)! Say that three times fast and click yours heels...viola! You're cured. I can't even say it slow or phonetically. And I've lost interest.

I give you the following courtesy of the Huffington Post and Dr. Franklin Ruehl, Ph.D: Comments in red are mine all mine!

-- The fear of Friday is skeviphobia, the fear of the number 13 is triskaidekaphobia, and the fear of Friday the 13th is paraskevidekatriaphobia (aka friggatriskaidekaphobia).

-- While both Friday(because Judas was thought to have been the 13th guest at the Last Supper) and 13(because it is an uneven number following the even number 12 widely considered beneficial) had independently been considered unlucky for centuries, the dark nature of Friday The 13th appears to have only originated in the West in the 19th century, possibly with Henry Sutherland Edwards'
1869 biography of Gioachino Rossini wherein the date is termed unlucky!

-- Apollo 13, which barely escaped becoming a doomed flight, was launched on 13:13 CST, April 11,1970, with the explosion that disabled the craft occurring on April 13(a Monday).

-- In Spanish-speaking nations, Tuesday The 13th is regarded as unlucky!

-- Oklahoma bandit Crawford "Cherokee Bill" Goldsby murdered 13 victims, and was captured with a reward of $1300, At his trial, 13 eyewitnesses testified against him, the jury took 13 hours to render a verdict of guilty, and he was hanged on April 13,1896 on a gallows with 13 steps!

-- President Franklin Delano Roosevelt would never host a dinner party with 13 guests in attendance and refused to travel on the 13th day of any month!

-- Cuban leader Fidel Castro was born on Friday, August 13,1926, while celebrated outlaw Butch Cassidy was born on. Friday, April 13,1866! These two seem to be a wash. Evil and good.

-- Miami Dolphin Quarterback Dan Marino wore No. 13 throughout his distinguished football career. In his one and only trip to the Super Bowl(1985), the San Francisco 49ers clobbered his team, 38-16!
Marino truly was unlucky. Many of his teams had all the skills to win the big one, it just never happened.

-- The majority of skyscrapers in America do not have a 13th floor, while some hospitals avoid rooms numbered 13, and a few airline terminals bypass gates numbered 13! All skyscrapers have a 13th floor...just because you don't call it that doesn't mean it not there!

-- Every calendar year has at least one Friday The 13th. The most Fridays The 13th that can occur in any given calendar year is three, such as in 2012(January, April and July)! Well of course it would be THIS year!!!

-- The longest period that can occur without a Friday The 13th is 14 months, either from July through September of the following normal year, or from August through October of the following leap year!

-- In the 1960 cinematic thriller, 13 Ghosts, director William Castle, known for creating innovative PR gimmicks, introduced "Illusion-O" and offered audience members "ghost viewers" to enable them to see the invisible spirits(unfortunately, his on-camera appearance is often deleted from TV airings of the film).

-- On Friday April 13, 2029, the asteroid 99942 will make its closest encounter with the Earth! Now I'm worried, oh wait...when the world ends this year it won't matter! Take THAT Mr. Ph.D dude.

Here is a Friday The 13th related video link:

It's stupid but what the hell.


Roland D. Yeomans said...

I followed over from Alex's blog. Yes, we certainly seem to starting the "Last Year" off with an ominous start. First, LSU now Friday the 13th! LOL.

You have a fascinating blog. If you have the time, you might check out my Friday the 13th post :

Have a great weekend, Roland

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

It's never been more than just a normal day for me.
If superstitious people really thought about that thirteenth floor, they'd realize staying on the fourteenth floor was the same thing.
Thanks for all the support, Chuck! Hope the Packers win for you this weekend.

Manzanita said...

This is interesting, Chuck.I didn't even try pronouncing the names. I just saw on TV there will be 3 Friday the 13th this year and all 13 weeks apart and this is that goofy end-of-the-world year too. (whoo, whoo, whooee--play a little twilight zone music)... and war is nipping at us.
Do you ever listen to "Coast to Coast AM" on the radio or listen to the programs on Youtube? Some of the shows are pretty startling.

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

There's an opportunity for a series . . . interesting things that have happened to single people on the first of the month, on the second, the third. Then you could have the surprising number of events that have happened in threes on the sixth of every month . . .

Misha Gerrick said...

Some interesting facts.

Now that you mention it, I noted the other day that the off-ramp numbers on our national road into the city work like this:


But like you said, 12b is STILL the 13th off-ramp. I think it would have been better to make an offramp 13 and keep it closed. :-D

Pat Tillett said...

I don't believe in any of that superstitious crap. It's BAD luck... yeehaw! Registered & Protected


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