Large, fluffy, and white as snow, Snowy
Owls are usually found in their natural habitats in the Arctic, rarely seen
migrating south of the Great Lakes. However, they’ve recently been seen
swooping in great numbers down the eastern United States, with one bird expert
saying they’ve never seen a migration this huge in the last 50 years. In fact,
these winter-loving owls have been spotted as far south as the Carolinas, Missouri,
even Bermuda.
Bird expert Kevin McGowan of the Cornell
Laboratory of Ornithology at Cornell University notes that a southern migration
of snowy owls is called an irruption, with the recent event being the largest
of its kind in recent history.
Potter fame
Snowy owls are perhaps most famous thanks
to Hedwig, Harry Potter’s messenger owl on the eponymous series of books and
films. These majestic birds are not hard to miss, standing magnificently at
3-feet tall, with a wingspan of 5-feet. Their white plumage serves as
camouflage in the Arctic Circle, where they’ve adapted to live and spend harsh
winters in.
for large numbers down south
So why are these owls migrating in such
large numbers to the eastern
United States? Winter migrations naturally occur
due to shortages of food, usually rodents like lemmings, in the north. Nobody
can quite explain why there’s such a huge migration this year. Theories range
from a crash in lemming populations up north, to more snow covering the ground
making hunting difficult, to a speculated boom in Snowy Owl populations.
The full story on Discovery