Also called the Black-tailed Jackrabbit, these furry animals are actually not rabbits. They
belong under the genus Lepus and species californicus. Jackrabbits are actually
hares because they give birth to babies, called leverets, which are born with
eyes wide open and are covered with fur. These creatures line in extreme
environments, specifically in chaparrals and deserts where temperatures can
really rise up during daytime and drop really low at night. Also, these areas
don’t really get much rain, so water is hard to come by.
What makes these hares distinct is their
large ears that help regulate body heat. This works by decreasing or increasing
blood flow through the ears, so even if they live in areas with harsh
temperatures, they can still adopt well. They favor living in
wide open areas where predators are clearly seen.
With their long, powerful legs, they can
sprint to about 36 mph, fast enough to get away from predators like hawks or
wild dogs. The fur covering their soles help cushion their feet and insulate
the desert sand’s heat.
Male specimens can weigh at 9 to 11 pounds while females, which are commonly bigger, can reach a good 11 to 13 pounds.
They can also grow from 16 to 28 inches and their tails can reach 2-5 inches
Jackrabbits become sexually mature at a year old and can produce a litter
with 1 to 6 leverets in every 3 to 4 months. Mother Jackrabbits would usually
stay with their leverets for a month, after which will then take care of themselves.