Like these curious little musical toys:
...when you wind them up, the little rides start spinning, and they play Christmas music. Okay, cute. But Alfie found them totally amazing.
He carefully watched us wind one of them, tilting his head first to the right, then to the left...when the music started to play he was surprised and very excited. We set it down where he could see it and it seemed as if he wanted to play it himself, first flipping the toy over with his paw, then nibbling at the key to try to get it to work! This went on for quite a while, until I fear the tiny Victorian people on the ride were getting a great deal more excitement than they bargained for. We laughed til we cried, then I finally thought to take a little video before we had to take the toy away:
Enjoy your Christmas season -- in the midst of it all, Alfie reminds you: don't forget to let go, play, and have some fun!
...and take time to snuggle with someone you love...