Hey, anyone out there still remember me??
The purchase of our new home went through smoothly. Now we're proud owners of a great house that, due to much deferred maintenance, falls squarely in the "fixer-upper" category. There's a lot to be done before we can move in: new heating and air, new floors and paint, as well as various exterior repairs. By the time we're done it'll feel like a brand new house! The great thing is, since it's just a couple of doors down from Mom's, it's easy to supervise the repairs from here.
In the meantime, I've also been busy doing freelance editing work, as well as getting in gear with the new year for homeschool. Things are hopping!
I love the neighborhood -- very friendly. Of course, people are always more friendly when they meet you out with your dog, don't you think? This is the first time I have met all my new neighbors, including those across and down the street, before we've even moved in! Alfie loves his dog neighbors: Missy the toy poodle on one side, Baxter the Norwich terrier behind us, and schnauzers Winston and Bosley, the self-appointed neighborhood watch, rounding out the field. Across the street there is little Molly...she looks a lot like a bichon to me although I can't say for sure. Anyway, you know the type: a sweet, smiling ball of white fluff. Alfie mainly meets her out on walks, and he is absolutely smitten! Two doors down we have Reesie, a sweet but shy Jack Russell terrier who was rescued from an awful life caged as a puppy mill breeder. It's so great to see her now, happily going for walks and playing in her yard -- what a difference!
Went to the doctor for a checkup recently and they asked me, Did I exercise? I said yes; I walk just about every day. For how long, they wanted to know?...Well, I explained, about 45 minutes to an hour every day -- see, I have this dog...
The nurse grinned as she scribbled on my chart. "You have a lot to thank that dog for! You better keep him."
Smile. Couldn't agree more.