Showing posts with label dog food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog food. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

All Better

Well, the bee sting took just a few hours to get over.  However, the vet instructed us to keep Alfie on a home-cooked diet of brown rice and chicken for a few days, then slowly switch back to kibble.

Oh. My.

Alfie's discovered a new raison d'etre:  DINNER!  He's gone from being a good eater to being downright greedy.  No wonder...his food smells really good.  One morning the kids came out to the smell of it simmering on the stove and were all like, "Oh, Mom, you're cooking us breakfast!"  Nope, I sheepishly had to was for the dog...

All I can say is:  Wish us luck switching back!

Alfie sitting on leash and looking up with a happy smile

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Where's My Dinner?

Thankfully, Alfie's feeling better and everything seems back to normal.  He made it (and WE, amazingly, made it too!) through 24 hours of food deprivation -- but not before telling me exactly what he thought of my neglect!  Poor dog...

Friday, August 20, 2010

Tummy Trouble...and, New Favorite Place

closeup of Alfie's snout on a green rug; all you can see is brown whiskers and big brown nose

Tuesday night Mr. Alf actually had an accident indoors -- a sure sign something's wrong in the tummy department, as his housetraining has always been great.  He tried to wake me up, poor guy, but I just couldn't quite get him out in time.   Wednesday I thought he was better but then Thursday I could tell things still weren't normal so I called Larry (puppy supervisor).  He confirmed what I'd guessed -- time for our first line of defense, withholding food for a short time to let Alf's system rest and work out whatever's bugging him. 

Let me just say:  Alfie's NOT going to like this!  Although"output" isn't normal, he's quite as bouncy and happy as ever, and his appetite hasn't suffered.  With our first puppy, Willie, we had to do this any number of times and he just moped around resignedly until it was over.  Dakota, our 2nd puppy, was a bit of a poor eater and the time or two we had to withhold food he actually seemed relieved:  "Oh thank goodness, they aren't going to make me eat that stuff tonight!"  But Alfie is another personality entirely and there's no telling what he'll try when he thinks we've forgotten his dinner.  So wish us luck! 

On another this an odd place to sleep or what?

looking down, you can see the edge of the toilet next to the tub; Alfie's lying on his side jammed in the space between them, nose and front paws sticking out

His coat kind of blends in with the dark floor, especially when he's sound asleep and not's ever so slightly creepy to think you're alone in the bathroom and then notice this...

the shower curtain is bunched up next to the toilet and hides all of Alfie except for a tiny bit of snout resting on the green bath mat; his fur is dark brown, the same color as the floor

...or worse, not notice until a tongue licks your foot...yowza!  He seems to think that teeny little space between tub and toilet was designed just for him!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Some Things Never Change

I've shared this video before of Alphini at about 12 weeks, settling down to what he seems to think is a gourmet dinner...

[video shows Alf as a tiny puppy, lying down all relaxed to eat his dinner while people walk around, chat, and play music in the background]

...and here he is today, at about 9 1/2 months.

[Alfie's a big boy now, but still enjoys his dinner lying down...]

...Well, if being relaxed is good for the digestion, at least he never ought to have any tummy issues!  Is it just me, or is this a little unusual?!  How does your dog eat?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Why You Should Use Stainless Steel Dog Dishes

Alfie's on leash, sitting, looking down at the dark floor where the white shrapnel of his shattered dog dish is lying scattered in front of him
Hmmm...not quite what I'd planned...think they'll give me a bigger one now?

Because preoccuppied mommy types like me can forget to pick them up...

...and somepuppy gets hungry...

...and his not-so-subtle way of telling us involves grabbing the bowl and flinging it on the ground...


'nuff said?!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Dinner Time

Alfie loves to eat. It may only be dog kibble, but when mealtime rolls around he relaxes and enjoys it like a real gourmand. He's the only puppy we've had who eats lying down!

My family is visiting for Christmas and I thought perhaps all the hustle and bustle of nine people in and around his meal area might bother him...nope! Here he is settling in to enjoy yet another meal.

Bon appetit!