Showing posts with label ::tagged::. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ::tagged::. Show all posts

Saturday, May 19, 2012


hari tu ada orang tanya aku pasal benda ni:

Three Things I Want To Do/Achieve Before I Die
1. Went to mekah
2. went to disneyland
3. meet ‘someone’ that hate me so much to accept my apologize

benda ni aku pernah post kat sini dulu-dulu.tahun 2008.erkks.
betul-betul tak matang nih.puas aku duk ingat siapa la orang yang aku maksudkan time tengah taip post tu.suprisingly, ingatan aku tak kuat.haihh.
entah pape.

I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh.. 
but I never knew looking back on the laughs would make me cry.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

cakap sorang2

1. Spell your name backwards.
esor anin

2. Where are you right now?
di HUIA residence..grafton road

3. What is the closest object to you?

4. Do you talk to yourself?
ye la kot.suara hati

5. Who knows a secret about you?
entah..ade ke..entah..

6. How long is your hair?
macam rambut rihanna dalam video klip tajuk rude boy tu.(haha.maen2 je)

7. How much money do have on your wallet now?
20 sen..tak bawa cash pegi mane2 la skang.sume bende pakai kad tu je.

8.What is/are the latest movie that you have watch?
hahaha..dah lama sangat tak tgk movie, latest or tak.seriously.
even internet sgt laju di sini, sy tidak layan apa2 movie ok~

9. Do you like anyone now?
ada..lecturer computer science yg org german tuuu...cute sgt2 ok~

10. When was the last time you lied?
haha..mana la saya ingat..daaaa~~

11. When was the last time you cried?
last week..sebab?..jangan tanya~

12. Is your birthday on a holiday?
entah..tak sure..rasa macam tidak la

13. What do you spend most of your money on?
bayar duit sewa HUIA laaaaaa...huh!!~~aaaaaa~

14. Last thing you cooked today?
roti canai segera setiap pagi itu..yg $1NZD untuk 4 keping.yeay~

15. What are you listening to?
drama king by meet uncle hussain ft. black

16. Why is the sky blue?
urusan Tuhan.

17. What do you do when you first wake up?
tengok hp sebab nak cek ada msg or tidak nak tgk pukul berapa

18. Where is your cell phone?
kat tangan..

19. Have any regrets?

20. Do you use an alarm clock?
nope..boleh je bangun sendiri

21. What is your cellphone network?
maxis & Celcom & on semua no ok~

22. Single?
single but not available

23. When do you give your cell number to someone?
kat akak2 senior yg baek2 hati kat sini..

24. What do you feel when someone asked you your number?
nak rasa amende lak ni?..kalau mamat hensem mintak ade la rasa gembira kot..haha

25. Have you tried asking someone their number? qila, dibah, ena, husna..haha....

Monday, October 19, 2009

tagged by LYN (kat facebook dulu2, baru skang nak buat)

It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag twenty people.

Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

1. What is your name : Rose Nina bt Roslan

2. A four Letter Word : Risk

3. A boy's Name : Rosli

4. A girl's Name : Rihanna

5. An occupation : Reporter

6. A color : Red

7. Something you'll wear : Ring

9. A food : Roasted beef

10. Something found in the bathroom : Running water

11. A place : Rome

12. A reason for being late : Rebellion or maybe road block

13. Something you'd shout : REALLYYYY??

14. A movie title : Rambo

15. Something you drink : Root beer?.red bull??

16. A musical group : Red Hot Chili Peppers (tibe2 teringat time IRP)..haha

17. An animal : Rabbit

18. A type of car : road runner.hahaha

19. The title of a song : Run away by soul asylum..try la

p/s : sebahagian lirik lagu Run away by soul asylum

This time I have really led myself astray
Runaway train, never going back
Wrong way on a one-way track
Seems like I should be getting somewhere
Somehow I'm neither here nor there
Can you help me remember how to smile?
Make it somehow all seem worthwhile
How on earth did I get so jaded?
Life's mystery seems so faded
I can go where no one else can go
I know what no one else's known

p/s/s: saya mahu tag emosah!!..kalau die tak bz..buat la ye..

Saturday, October 10, 2009

::nak jugak update blog walau takde idea::

1. Have you ever told anyone you were OK when you really weren’t?
Yup..malas nak kongsi dgn semua orang

2. What do you currently hear right now?
drops of jupiter-train

3. Does the number 19 have any significance to you?

tak pon

4. Be honest, do you like people in general?
Depend to who they are

5. Who was the last person that left you a comment?
ena, baru tadi die komen kat facebook

6. What do you think your best friends are doing right now?
ena tgh maen facebook..yana tgh siap2 nak pi sabah..

7. How old do you think you will be when you finally have kids?

25 kot..haha

8. What are you most looking forward to tomorrow?

nak melantak byk2 kat umah terbuka sape2 yg aku nak pi esok

9. Do you think you need anyone?

of course laaa..mane bley hidup sorang2

10. Been awake for 48 hours?

errkkss....tak kot

11. What is one thing you miss about your past?

jadi budak2 kecik..takde masalah..dapat maen2 je keje..hepi2 je

12. Are you jealous of anyone right now?

not yet

13. Do you like your first name?
suke je laa

14. Baseball or football?

footbal..john terry..heh~

15. Would you ever forgive someone if they cheated on you?

memang la aku maapkan..tapi mmg berat hati la weyh..aku paling benci org menipu2 ni..

16. What are you looking forward to in the next month?
tak de pape pon...

17. When is the last time you talked to number 1 on your top friends?
3 hari lepas..spend mase dgn ena dan yana..

18. Do you regret doing something today?

Yes...tak makan nasi goreng mama masak banyak2..jefry dah abihkan..haha

19. When you think of the rainbow, what pops in your head?

i love it..colourful...

20. Have you lost contact with someone you miss?

yup..tapi nak kata miss tu takde la

21. Do you think you’re old?


22. Do you wish you were someone else?

23. When was the last time you cried really hard?

time sengsara buat IB!!

24. If you could change your eye color would you?

aku suke je kaler hitam ni..

25. Ever kissed your number 2 on friendster?

aku takde frenster...due tahun lpas delete

26. Slept with someone you don't know in a bed?


27. How many hours sleep did you get last night?

6 hours

28. Are your friends with any of your exes?


29. What music are you listening to now?

malas tol nak jwb dah.. dngar lagu al-baqarah

30. Is there a member of the opposite gender on your mind?


31. Have you told anybody you loved them today?


32. Are you growing apart from someone close?
yup..form 1 da masuk asrama

33. Can a girl and a boy be besfriends without having feelings for each other?


34. Do you watch a lot of tv?

hehe..memang laaaaaaaa

35. Everything happens for a reason?
yup..totally agree with this one

36. Do you live with both of your parents?


37. Do you think too much or too little?

sometime, somewhere n when with somebody

38. Does anyone call you babe?


39. Did you kiss or hug anyone today?


40. What jewellery are you wearing?

cincin dan gelang itu..

41. Have you ever wanted something you couldn’t have?

Yes, terlalu banyak kot

42. What’s the number one thing you want in life?

successfully happiness . dunia dan akhirat

Monday, July 13, 2009

tagged by LYN bdk comey..

Syarat-syarat :
1. 'Tag' dijawab dalam Bahasa Melayu sahaja.
2. Tag orang yang telah men'tag' anda
3. Tag orang yg anda mahu tag.

Sila jawab soalan-soalan ini dalam Bahasa Melayu sahaja.

1. Apakah yang anda sedang lakukan 30 minit yang lalu?
::baru balik dari kerja laa..balik naik bas..sampai2 umah terus bukak laptop..
sbb nak maen game yg best tu kat facebook..

2. 2 jam yang lalu?
::sedang kerja laa..nak cari duit..

2. Anda suka
::tengok TV, tido, memerhatikan perangai manusia yg pelbagai ragam

3. Minggu lepas
::saya pergi ke KMS jumpe ckgu siti sbb nak uruskan hal yg itu,
sehari selepas result IB keluar

4. Tiga lagu yang boleh anda dengar berulang-ulang kali
::dilemma(nelly dan kelly)-sejak form 2 okayy
::kesepian (dygta)
::mungkin(anuar zain)

5. 3 binatang yang anda tak suka
::cicak..eeuuwww..sgt geli laa..

6. 5 fakta tentang anda
::suke mkn laksa
::sekarang perasaan agak bercelaru
::amat sayang akan keluarga saya
::takde hp(sekarang tgh gune hp adik sentiase, hp yg ade telah lama rosak)
::hari2 malas nak pegi keje(kene bangun b4 kul 6)

7. Tahun depan mungkin.
::saya dah start blaja laa..insyaallah~~

8. Saya tak reti
::nak masak sedap2 mcm nenek saya

9. Saya pandai
::makan, makan, makan..haha~~

10. Kawan saya
::semua baik2 belaka(harap2nya begitulah)

11. Saya ada
::keluarga yg bahagia..dan saya sgt happy!

12. Saya seorang
::yang pemalu(haha..)

13. Adik saya
::ada dua org..seorg lelaki dan seorg perempuan

14. Saya tak pernah bosan dengan (senaraikan 4)
::buku cerita yg best!
::makanan yg sedap!!
::kawan2 untuk berborak!

16. Perkara yang selalu orang tak percaya tentang anda
::ermm..tataw la pulak bab nih..sape2 yg bace nih sila jawab untuk saya peliss..

17. Saya rindu
::of course la kawan2, cikgu,tilam kat KMS dulu..sbb sangat empuk laa..haha..kat umah punye keras..

18. Saya tak sabar
::nak tahu result tentang yg itu~hurrmm..

19. 5 laman yang anda slalu layari:
::blog rakan2, politik2.
::laman web yg boleh detect sape2 yg invi kat YM tu
::laman web boleh detect siapa, dari mana, berapa lama mereka yg lawat blog saya
::utusan malaysia, berita harian dan sewaktu dgnnya

20. siapa yang anda mahu tag?
::emosah, majod, fain, rifqi, redza, sarah nur, syasya
dan siapa2 yg saya telah list blog mereka di sebelah ini

Saturday, June 20, 2009

tagged by syasya

What you're supposed to do... and please do not spoil the fun.
Create a new note, copy and paste this message, delete my answers and type in yours.
Then tag 21 good friends and family INCLUDING the person who tagged you.
The theory is that you will learn one new thing about each of your friends.

1. nina
2. rose
3. rosey

1. pekerja kedai buku
2. jadi akak koperasi sekolah menengah harian
3. berniaga buah-buahan spt durian, rambutan di tepi jalan

1. kem sungai udang, melaka
2. jasin, melaka
3. kuala sg baru, melaka

1. desperate housewives
2. CSI
3. numb3rs

1. genting highland
2. penang
3. kedah

1. mekah
2. venice, italy
3. deisneyland

1. spageti
2. pizza
3. laksa(yg mama masak je)

1. dapat gaji lepas penat2 keje
2. nak jumpa klasmates kat jasin dulu, eina, zaida, mai dll
3. banyak actually, tak mahu list kat sini okay..

1. kodi
2. -
3. -

1. rabiatul adawiyah
2. izyan
3. azhani

1. awie
2. ziana zain
3. alici keys

1. badminton
2. -
3. -

1. mineral water
2. -
3. -

saya mahu tagged:
emosah yg saya rindu,
asmaa ex-rumate yg baik hati,
majod yg baru ade blog,
chang yg saya jarang cakap dgn dia,
fain seorang yg lembut dan ayu,
ezzat razinie yg tgh bosan kat umah kot..


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

tagged by remy, fain & rifqi

tagged yg cmni dah pernah buat b4 ni, tapi takpelah...
buat la jugak..alang2 ade 3 orang tag bende yg same..
kire 3 in 1 la eyh..huaa2..

penat r bace bio td utk final exam..saje2 nak merepek kejap..

click la nama2 diorg tu utk link ke post blog diorg yg pasal tu..

#1 Describe 10 things about the person who tag you
1-aku tak knal dia kat mrsm trans dulu
2-skang blaja kat uniten kot..rasenye laa..
3- klas Iota time kat trans dulu

4-ade dlm list friends kat facebook aku

5-dah ade awek

6-suke maen game

7-sory la weyh, aku tataw sgt psl ko..

1-bagi aku la kan..die ni cun, cantik, ayu..lembut..huhu~
2-satu skola time kat mrsm trans dulu..
3-dah ade bf kot..rasenya laa..
4-rajin study..pandai..
5-seorang yg tabah..kan fain kan..aku taw ko tabah..
6-seorang yg baik..taro prnah ckp ko ni baik orangnya..
7-skang blaja kat UTP..
8-sory fain..tu je kot yg aku taw..time kat trans pon,
kite jarang ckp sgt kan..huhu..

1-tgh blaja kat melbourne, aussie..course ape eyh..aku tataw..
2-dah ade awek cun yg tgh blaja kat KMB
3-anak sulung.
4-aku tak pernah ckp dgn die lgsg..tapi rasenye, ade la skali kat jasin...
itupun die sampaikan salam orang..haha..aku ingat lagi time tu..
5-kelas epsilon rasenye time lower form kat mrsm trans tu
6-berat badan dia dah naik bile blaja kat aussie tu
7-blog die kadang2 private, kdg2 tak private...huhu
8-bapak die pilot
9-tu je kot yg aku taw psl ko..huaa3..

#2 Describe 10 things about you
1-tak suke pegi kedai kasut..sebab orang kedai itu selalu bilang tidak ada saiz buat kaki aku ini..selalu aku fed up bile pilih2 kasut nih..
2-tak suke lintas jalan raya sesak..rase ngeri, serabut..tak suke sgt ok..
3-suke makan ubi kayu rebus dgn kelapa parut..
4-suke tgk cite snoop dogg's father hood kat MTV channel tu..
5-ade lesen memandu, tapi mcm takde je..
6-tak ade akaun friendster..
7-suke basuh, sidai & lipat kain baju, tapi tak suke iron baju..
8-lgsg tidak memiliki alat2 make-up spt maskara, blusher dan
semua yg seangkatan dgnnya
9-tidak pernah mewakili sekolah dlm acara sukan spt
bola jaring, bola tampar & seangkatannya
10-tidak menyokong mane2 team bola EPL spt chelsux, arSengal, liverFool, MU(Maen kaYU) dll..tapi, dulu pernah la jugak sokong FULHAM....

#3 Choose 10 people to be tagged
rasenya, tidak perlulah nak tag sape2 lagi..kerana rasenya...
list kawan2 semua dah pernah buat..
tapi sape2 nak buat, dipersilakan..


Sunday, March 1, 2009

tagged by adik fieqa..

1)Go to your photos folder in your computer.
2)Go to the 6th folder of photos.
3)Go to the 6th picture in that folder.
4)Put the picture on your blog and description of it.
5)Invite six friends to join the challenge.

6)Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenged.

-minggu ni, secara rasminya aku jadi ahli PBSM(persatuan balik setiap minggu) setelah dua minggu aku tak jumpa parents..huhu~windu2..kat jefry & linda pun..

-lepas mengajar linda add math tadi, aku saje2 tgk kat list tagged yg tak dibuat lagi...ternampak pula tagged adik fieqa ni..

-thanz dik sbb tagged akak eyh..alang-alang buka folder pictures tu, saja2 tengok folder pics yg lain2...huaa2..cepat gila mase..dah nak abih IB rupenye..

-tak sangka pulak, dlm folder yg ke-6 dlm photo folders ni..ade lg folder dlm tu..paham x??..kirenye dlm folder, ade folder lain lagi..

-so, inilah gambarnya...

a brief description bout it..
-yeah..secara jujurnya..ini pic yg aku cilok=curi dari photo album friend yg ada dalam facebook aku..sengal kan??..orang yg first aku add bila selesai saja create account facebook ialah tuan punya gambar yg aku cilok ni..

-lokasi gambar ni??..entah..aku main save je dalam folder ciloks itu..

-apa lagi aku nak describe??..entahlah..dia juga merupakan silent reader blog ni..

-pada waktu ini, dan entahlah sampai bila..gambar ini juga merupakan primary picture aku di facebook & yahoo messenger..kadang kala, ia menjadi background desktop laptop ni..
ada juga emosah bertanyakan.."gambar apa tu rose?"..aku just diam je..

-tamat sudah menjawab tagged by adik fieqa ini-

aku nak tag sape ek?..
5-sarah nur


Sunday, January 25, 2009

tagged by emosah

1. Copy badge "2008 Cute's 3logger Award" di atas
untuk diletakkan di blog anda.

2. Link/ceritakan kembali siapa yang memberikan
award ini kepada anda.

3. Setiap blogger mesti menyatakan 10 fakta/hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima award seterusnya (anda di-tag).
4. Anda perlu memilih 10 penerima award seterusnya
dan menyatakan nama mereka di blog anda.

5. Jangan lupa melawat blog kawan anda dan meninggalkan komen
yang menyatakan mereka telah di tag.

tag kali ini daripada emosah iaitu:

-sekelas ngan rumate aku iaitu klas AS (actuarial science)
-agak garang n suke berleter..tapi aku suke dgr..
ade gaye ala-ala mak gitu
-bersiap agak cepat n sgt menepati mase.
-mase wat CAS kat zoo taiping dulu, aku tdo umah die ni la
-die sorg yg sgt baek hati sbnrye..nmpk je cam emo-emo sket..
-dah dpt offer dr indianna unvrsity ni..(btol ke aku eja ni)
-takut tgk darah n bnde2 yg sewaktu dgnnye..
-seorg yg sempoi n klaka..
-aku suke kwn dgn die ni..sbb die best...hehe=)

10 fakta tentang ROSE NINA:-

:suke sgt dgr lagu awie n ziana zain..

>:dilahirkan di sibu, sarawak..

>:rumah yg diduduki skang ni adalah rumah yg ke 12-13 cmtu,
sejak lahir die brpindah-randah, tapi skang tak dah

>:duitnya selalu abih beli spt makanan..eskem, coklat dll..
tp die takut gemokz.

>:suke gile mkn coklat..kek coklat, eskem coklat..
tapi paling BENCI perise STRAWBERI dlm semua bnde...

>:study group dgn RAB, NA'ILLAH, MAJOD, HILMI

>:suke joging kat taman tasek tu, lpas tu tmbah lemak balik
kat NKI bistro..ceit~

>:mcm emosah gak, tak suke kucing2 kat KMS..

>:suke sgt222 kat warna purple..

>:setiap hari pakai ctct lens sbelum pegi klas..tanpe ctct lens
die berase sgt tak konfiden..

dengan ini, award ini akan diberikan kepada..........


-sila2lah ye-

Friday, January 2, 2009

tagged by adik fieqa..

erm..sowy ek adik fieqa sbb lambt jawab..
tak perasan ade soklan2 laen kat atas2 tu..

My Top 10 Most Favorite Foods
laksa n soto yg mama masak..
cheese n chocolate cake..
chocolate indulgence kat secret recipe..
quartel meal kat kenny rogers..
pisang kaki..
karamel yg mama buat..
black forest chocolate cadbury..
makaroni cheese..

Top 10 Things I Love Doing
listen to music..
surfing internet..
usya2 facebook..bukan sume org punye..yg tertentu je..
bace buku IB..
wat EE..
berfikir ala-ala TOK..
tgk movie..

5 Things I Love Doing Wh
en I'm EMO
jumpe emosah..haha...
register emo group-penaung die emosah r..
takde laa..klu time emo..
aku dgr mp3 kat hp..pasang kuat2..
n terus tido je...bile bangun hilang la ke-emo-an itu

Top 5 Types of Guys I Adore
haha..takde r sgt..maen2 je..
cume aku benci tgk mamat2 yg bajet hot n macho..
tp kn...edward cullen dlm twilight tu..kiyut r gak..

5 Things I Love Doing When I'm Hap
menyanyi2 dgn riang ria..
tido kot..haha..takde keje laen ke..
erm..entah la..i hav no idea for this one..
tgk la cmne betol2 hepi dah abih IB cmne..

things I Wish To Happen
dlm jangka masa terdekat ni...
dpt lpas point utk fly..
yg laen2 tu..long list laaa..
tp yg plg pnting..
dianugerahkan ksihatan tubuh bdn yg baek..
dan dipermudahkan urusan oleh-Nya..

My Top 10 Most Addicted Song
nelly & kelly-dilemma
vertival horizon-the best i ever had
bon jovi-always
awie & ziana-senja nan merah
PCD-i hate this part
ape lg ek..
yg tu je kot skang ni..

tagged by zue..

ahaa..dah lame tangguh ni
sowy ek bayar hutang ni..

1.Tuliskan 10 perkara tentang orang yang TAG kamu?'
cun, 1 skola ngan aku dulu(mrsm transkrian) , sempoi , peramah,
sowy zue...aku tak kenal sgt kamu..sory ye..itu je yg aku taw

2.Masukkan emo yang kamu suka.
emosah, ahli2 emogroup, segala emo yg ade lg laa..

3.Senaraikan novel kegemaran kamu.
saga, meniti senja, okonkwo-merapu2 je ni
angels and demons-rab kasi pinjam ari tu..best2
erm..puteri lindungan bulan..dlu mase form 3 ade bace...

4.Senaraikan 5 bnde yang kamu sayang.
family, friends...erm2..GDC..
ntah, life, laughter..
heh~tak ade kene mengene pon..

5.Tag 7 orang dgn link blognya.
emosah-ko kne jawab..
alicia keys..
4 lg diskaun yerk..


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tagged by emosah and adik fieqa.


Due2 org ni telah tagged aku dgn list bende yg same..

So..kire 2 in 1 la ek…

sory ye dik fieqa, sbb akak lmbat jwb..sebab segan laa..

1.How old are you?
19 tahun 2 bulan..

2. Are you single?
it is complicated..ahakz..

3. In what age do you think you’ll get married?
mama bg greenlight mase umo 25 tahun..

4. Do you think you’ll be marrying the person you are with now??

5. If not, who do you want to marry
erm..erm..ngan nishikido ryo..x knal?

pi search kat wikipedia or google..haha...

6. Do you want a garden/beach wedding, or the traditional wedding?
huk2..beach wedding leh ke??bestnye dpt tgk laut yg sgt mendamaikan..

7. Your ideal motif?

ape ek..klu bley nak penuh ngan bunge2 hidup..

n semestinye red n white rose yg sgt bnyk..

8. Where do you plan to go on a honeymoon?
kat laguna beach bley??

haha..takde la..nak kat tepi pantai yg cantik...

9. How many guests do you think you’ll invite?
klu bleh, msti la nak invite sume relatives, kengkawan..

10. Do you want an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding?
mesti la yg grand2 kan..haha..takde la..simple2 sudah..

11. Do you want the traditional vows or something you’d make up on your own??
entahlah..tgk la keadaan..

12. How many layers of cake do you want to have?
3 layer..

13. Do you prefer having your reception at a hotel or at a simple place?
nak kat palace of the golden horses hotel tu..hahaha..melampau btul tu..

x de r..kat umah je la..

14. When do you want to get married, evening or morning?
malam bley x?..heh~

15. You’d rather have your reception outdoors or indoors?
due2 leh?

16. Do you like a grand entrance for your groom?
yup2..of course..

18. Name the song/tune you’d like played at your wedding???
I will always love you by whitney Houston..

20. Do you want a solemn ceremony or a light one?
light one laa..tak nak la solemn ceremony..

21. What age do you want to get married?
eeeiiii..da jwb td..pegi tgk no 3 td..

22. Describe your ideal husband/wife
baik..tough(takde r..maen2 je ni..)..penyayang...beriman..erm..

yg bley bimbing aku r..

23. Do you prefer fine dining or just the normal spoon & fork/knife?
fine dining..

24. champagne or red wine?
air sarsi..hahahahaha..

25. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
days after wedding la..sbb dah penat urus2kn hal kawen..=P

26. Money or household item?
saye mahu due2…

27. Who will pay for the bills?
hubby je laa..

Heh…x la..mesti la due2 pihak..

28. Are you ready for married life?

30. Will u always be true to your wife/husband?

Mestilah..ape la soklan ni..

31. How many kids do u like?
erkkss…4 kot….

32. A new house for a newly wed or an old one?
mesti la nk yg baru…

33. Will u celebrate silver wedding, gold wedding, or diamond wedding?

I prefer pon cam best..hahaha…tp diamond lg best..

tamak btol..

34. What kind of cuisine would u like for ur wedding?
erm..makanan org melayu biase hidang time knduri kawin laa..

tak kan nak la western food or indian food plaks...haha..

35. Will u record ur honeymoon in a cd or dvd?
haha..due2..takde r..tak yah record pon takpe laaa…

36. Whose wedding plans would you like to know next??? Choose 5 person.





p/s-tak suke jawab tag ni..sbb cm byk berangan jek..

lg 1, no 29 mmg xde..emosah tak letak pon no 29..

Monday, December 22, 2008

7 things..

segan dowh ko suh wat tagged ni..
aku maen2 je la..hehe.. tapi aku wat jugak la..demi ko..

7 fakta tentang aku
1. di lahirkan di sarawak
2. suke gile makan coklat
3. suke warna purple
4. suke tgk tv
5. selalu n cepat homesick
6. pernah pakai braces selama 3 tahun
7. tak suke dgr loghat kelantan..oppss..

7 perkara menakutkan aku di duniawi ini
1. yg mencipta diri ini-allah maha besar.
2. hidup sorang2 kat muke bumi ini
3. kalau parents aku marah kat aku..
4. bile takde sesen pon dalam poket aku..
5. kalau takde makanan lgsg time aku tgh lapar
6. perogol bersiri
7. kejadian bunuh-membunuh berleluasa-perang, sembelih, rompak2..

7 lagu yg paling aku layan
1. bon jovi-always
2. nelly & kelly- dilemma
3. Alicia keys- if i aint got you
4. ziana zain-kekal
5. awie- ukiran jiwa
6. vertical horizon-the best I ever had
7. oasis-stop crying your heart out

7 Perkara yg selalu aku sebut
1. cmtu ek?
2. gile r..
3. OMG
4. seriously
5. rilek r
6. lapar r
7. tak sukenye..

7 perkara yg bernilai bg aku…
1. my family
2. my friends
3. kesihatan tubuh badan yg baek
4. happiness...
5. pengalaman yg tak dapat dibeli.
6. good n bad memories-aku sedar bende ni penting,
mase tgk cite greys anatomy
7. kesetiaaan, kejujuran n kepercayaan-tak dpt di beli dgn duit.

7 pertama kali dalam hidup aku…
1. lemas time kat kolam renang kat mrsm jasin, bukan tak reti berenang, tapi sbb tibe2 kaki kejang..nasib baik aku idup lg smpai air ni..
2. menangis gile2 bile ade org kne bunuh-yg psl nurin jazlin ari tu.
3. bedah tikus-kat kms ni
4. non-stop maen lagu awie n ziana dlm hp, dr btry hp tu full,
smpai abih terus..
5. pakai contact lens time form 4..
6. tgk ade org tu delete nickname yg org laen bagi kat facebook tu..wlupun nckname yg diberi tu juz due huruf je..huaaa3..
7. ade kwn mcm emosah..die ni klaka dowh..baek hati..
penyayang..die ade ade group group tu.. emo-group..haha..tibe2 promote psl ko lak..

7 org untuk siapkan tag ni…haha!
1. alicia keys
2. beyonce knowles
3. erra fazira
4. .......
5. ..............
6. ......................
7. tak nak tag sape2 sbnrnye..

Saturday, December 13, 2008

tagged by kak izzah

hehe..another tagged maa..
dear sis izzah.. sowy ek...
rose lambat buat bende ni..

Bile dapat taw kene wat tagged yg ini..mule2 blur gak..
Sebab tak taw nak buat pasal sape untuk soalan no. 1-10 tu..
Ok laa..buat pasal orang jauh laa..
yg sedang “super bz” untuk final exam die..
Name die??..…A.J..
ye la..tu la name die..=P

yang soalan2 seterusnya tu..takde berkenaan dgn die da..

1. What is the relationship of you and him/her?

2. Your 5 impressions towards him/her.
- mule2 aku ingat budak ni same batch ngan aku..rupe2nye senior..adoi..
-pandai..tgh blaja medic, die dapat 7 utk MATH and CHEMSTRY
untuk final exam IB..
-macam budak kecik kot..sebab dalam facebook, ramai org bagi
nickname die ni budak kecik..
-klaka kot..banyak btol idea die ni bile komen2 pics org laen kat facebook tu..
-ape lagi ek..tataw laa..tapi aku ingat lagi..mase malam die nak fly tu..
ade borak2 kat tepon..bley jadik motivator die nih...haha..

3. The most memorable things he/she had done for you.
-erm…setakat ni laa..aku rase yg part bile dapat birthday card yg die post dari rep. czech tu la kot..bende ni nampak cam simple sbb maybe die post berbundle2 card dari sane utk membe2 die kat malaysia ni..
tapi bagi aku, cam agak bermakna gak r..huaa3..

4. The most memorable things he/she have said to you?
"dah2..pegi study..exam ni penting nak tentukan mase depan u ni..bla3..bla3”
Haha..selalu dok ingatkan aku yg mcm agak bnyk maen nih..

5. If he/she become your lover, you will..
Ahaa..of course la i will treat him right….n jadi lover yg baek laa..aauuww..

6. If he/she become your enemy, you will..
x nak jadik enemy..tak nak..tak nak…tak mo..

7. If he/she become your lover, he/she has to improve on his/her..
Jadi lebih penyayang sket kot…haha..

8. If he/she become your enemy, the reason is..
Ntah la..tak terfikir plak..maybe kalau die menipu la kot..
I mean juz ckp je the real things..tak yah nak sorok2…kpd sesiape je la..
aku terime je kalau org ckp depan2..berkatalah benar walaupun ia pahit~

9. The most desirable thing to do on him/her is?
Erm..ape yerk..
Mendoakan kesejahteraan die, di dunia dan di akhirat…
Semoga segala impian dan cita-citanya tercapai..

10. The overall impression of him/her is..
die seorg yang..baik…kot laa…

11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
I have no idea for this one..

12. The character of you for yourself is?
Errkkss..tak nak la cakap kat sini..
nnt macam masuk bakul angkat sendiri plaks……

13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
Cepat sensitive kot..

14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is
Me, myself and i…

15. For the people who likes you, say something about them?
thank you..thank you once again..
sowy kalau aku ade buat korang kecik hati yerk..

16. 6 people to tag?
- nur fazdlin
- nur hazwan a.k.a wan perasan baby cute
- hanisah a.k.a emosah
- shafawati..(my beloved rumate)
- hilmi halim (klasmate)
- rabiatul adawiyah (ex-mpp, ketua IRP group aku..)

17. Who is no. 2 having relationship with?
Ape ek name die, wan??..yg aku taw, mamat tu study kat korea je laa…

18. Is no. 6 a male or female?

19. If no. 3 and no. 5 were together, would it be a good thing?
Tak buleyh!!~~
Nanti ade org mara..kan rab kan??..lagipon no. 3 da ade calon laen..

20. How about no. 5 and no 6?
Bley2..setuju2..sgt seswai gitu~

21. What is no. 1 studying about?
Tgh amik IB gak kat KMB tu…insyaAllah lpas tu amic medic..

22. Is no. 4 single?
I think so..tataw la kot dalam diam2 kan..haha~

23. Say something about no. 3.
Grrrr..garang gitu..ala-ala macam mak..huaaa2..takut2..
Takde la..die sangat penyayang orangnye..klaka pulak tu.
Psstt..aku windu dgr ko membebel weyh

kepada sekalian yg di tagged, sile2..

Thursday, December 11, 2008

tagged by rifqi ade lg satu da lame gile tangguh..
once upon a time ago laa..

skang baru ade free time sket..

ok rifqi, aku dah langsaikan hutang..

1. Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right now.
2. Don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair... just take a picture.

3. Post that picture with NO editing.
4. Post these instruction with your picture.
5. Tag 5 people to do this.

p/s-tak suke wat tag yang ini..

erm..nak tag sape ek..

2.adik miyn

4.alicia keys

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

tagged by emosah..

dah lame patut buat ni..tapi time cuti ni je la ade mase sket..

sory emosah..
aku lmbat jawab..

ni sume soklan time zaman sekolah plaks..

1. Who were your seatmates?

Form 1>tak ingat

Form 2-3>azlin zeti, nabilah zakaria

Form 4-5>haslina hasan..

2. Still remember your English teacher?

Lower form-miss sarah..n beberape org yg aku tak ingat laa.
Upper form-miss durra..

3. What was your class name?
1 epsilon
2 beta
3 beta
4 ibnu sina 2
5 ibnu sina 2

4. Who was your first love then?

5. Made friends to the lower years?
Mesti laa..kalau tak berkawan, nanti jadi kera sumbang lak..

6. Had a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Ade laa..
Name pon kawan..bukan ade yg spesel..

7. How was your table arrangement in class?
Tak ingat laa..
Macam2 susunan ade laa..

8. Made any enemies?
I ‘m not sure laa..
Tataw la kalau ade org anggap aku ni musuh die dalam diam2..
Setakat ni takde la plak..

9. What games did you play?
Saya bukan seorang yg kuat main n tak pernah wakil apa2 acara pon..
(teruk btol kan..)

10. Did you buy your lunch?
Mesti la tidak..makan di dewan selera yg sgt menyelerakan…
(kalau tak selera, beli kat café laa)

11. Were you a party animal?
Apakah ini…

seingat aku..tak pernah laa..

Time lower form, aku LDP…tak berkesempatan nak skip klas..
Time upper form, rase rugi kalau ponteng..
Time sakit2 pon datang gak kelas..

Cume, time IB skang ni laa
Bnyk kali gak skip slip..(huk2)

13. Did you get suspended/expelled?
Mesti la tak pernah…

14. Can you sing the School song?
Wahai putera puteri bangsaku ayuh segera menuju
Mengikut gerak langkah maju bersatu mencari ilmu..
Ikrar taat setia pada guru, berdisplin selalu
Hari ini mulanya
Hari esok Berjaya
Lengkapkan segala yang ada, ke kuliah kita segera…

15. What was your favorite subject?
add math, biology..

16. What was your school's full name?
Maktab Rendah Sains MARA Transkrian
Maktab Rendah Sains MARA Jasin a.k.a TGB

17. Did you go to the dances?
Kalau aerobics tu kire dances tak??

18. Where did you go most often during breaks?
ke mana dewan selera laa..
Kalau time rajin or puasa pegi PSP…main internet kat situ..

19. If you could go back in time and do it all over, would you?
Mesti laaa…jadi budak skolah lagi best
Tak yah amik IB

20. What do you remember most about 5th years?
Tak ade ape2 yg menarik..
Zaman skola agak bosan…

21. Worst memory in 5th year?
Time tensen2 tu kot..
Duk mrsm bitara..cikgu ingat sume org pandai agaknye
Laju gile nak abih silibus..
(haha..tu worst ke??...lalala~)

Nak tag sape plaks ek...

>kak izzah
>sape2 yg rase boring or nak wat tu..sile2 laaa..

Saturday, October 4, 2008

tagged by kak izzah

seketika td melawat sebentar blog kak izzah..
huaa2..sudah terlupe untuk mnjawab those weirdos questions
yg aku janji nk jawab b4 cuti hari tu lagi~ aku try la bg answers......

1.The way to win your heart?

*keikhlasan, senyuman, chocolates*

2.What did you do last night?
*sleeping, buat note IRP business*
3.Do you have the same name as one of your relatives?
4.Are you looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend?
5.One song that's meaningful to you?
*best i ever had by vertical horizon, try r dgr..best2..*
6.Do you twirl or scoop your spaghetti?
*tataw la..tgk keadaan laa*
7.Do you drink milk straight from the carton?
*klu sendiri punye, mybe wat cmtu..x snunuh kan..*

8.How long is your hair?
*due jengkal kot..haha*

9.Do you like Batman?
*x suke~~*
10.Who was the last person who told you they loved you?
*ahakz...A.J kot..maen2 je keje die nih*

11.Addicted to anything?
*chocolates..adoi..x mo gemokz amik ni bnyk2*
12.Do you like anyone now?
*ade2..zed zaidi ( tu..)..haha*
13.When was the last time you sang out loud?
*baru kejap tadi..pagi yg gelap, kini sudah terang(lagu hujan..)*
14.What did you have for breakfast?
*nasi goreng..*
15.Is your birthday on a holiday?
16.Can you cook?
*ermm..tgk r msk ape..*
17.Did you have a nap today?
*not yet maa*
18.What was the reason you got in trouble last time?
19.What do you wear more, jeans or sweats?
*baju kurung..haha*
20.When is your birthday?
*31 october 1989*
21.Do you swear a lot?
22.Where did you get the shirt(s) you're wearing?
*sekarang tgh pakai baju kurung, time raye kan..tgh tnggu org dtg*
23.Do you have any regrets?
*too many22..*
24.What was your first alcoholic drink?
*isy2..mane de..*
25.What color are your favorite shoes?
26.Who would you like to see right now?
*fazdlin..miss her so much laa..A.J pon leh r msuk list*
27.Are you a social or antisocial person?
28.Have the cops ever come by your house?
*x pernah*
29.Ever been in love?
*yeahh..ade kot..*
30.Ever had braces?
*yup2!!..sgt sakit woooo..tapi berbaloi..*
31.Who was the first person to really break your heart?
*mane ingat..klu time kecik2 tu..*
32.What do you wear to bed?
*T-shirt bese je..*
33.Who was your first best friend and are you still friends with them?
*kehidupan aku brpindah-randah dulu, so..x de kwn rapat..stakat ni fazdlin laa kot*
34.Who was the last person to disappoint you?
*my lil bro, jefry..die tuduh saye amik duit raye die..waa..fitnah!*
35.Do you trust people?
36.Who was the first person you talked to today?
*my mother*
37.Who was the first person to text you today?
*my cousin, shakira-bile bley raye ni?..haha*
38.What was the first thing you did this morning?
*amik hp, dgr lagu dygta*

39.what are you doing ryte now?
*tgh tnggu org dtg umah raye*
40.what is the last thing u want to say?
*life is too short to wake up with regret..ahakz..(x de motif ckp ni)*