i received my one n only kad raya for this year yesterday.
haha.of course i'm feel happy bout it..boooooo~
kecoh je rose dpt kad raye nak bitaw semua orang.
heyy...now days orang ade fb la, e-mail n all that kinda stuff, mane nak wish thru card lg kan..meh nak cite one thing thats really annoying to me when ppl loves to tag photos kat fb tu..helo.annoying stuff la tu..takde gambar aku pon, sibuk nak tag pehal..plz la ppl, let say u wanna wish 'slamat hari raya' to all of ur friends kan, why dont u copy n paste ayat tu kat every page for each of ur friends kan instead of tagged2 photos tu..lagi terharu kot when kawan buat camtu, sbb we know that he/she will click to open our page n write bla bla things that they want to..s0, thats y i do not hesitate at all to remove all those tag yg tak berkaitan..jangan kecil hati k..no offense, but that is what i feel..
back to the point..haha~thanz la to u kan..i smile when i read each n every single line u wrote in it...i know u still dalam flight lagi skang ni.delay.delay..haha.siann~
okeyh..realy need to put on my thinking cap now..
bcoz i must..yes, it is a must for me to submit 4 assignment next week..yeahh...u heard it..for FOUR different subjects that i'm taking for this semester..hectic week i must say..
ok.bye dear readers.
p/s- starting from today, time difference between malaysia and NZ is 5 hours, not 4 hours as before..take note.haha.
cheers~have a nice day (~.^)