Tuesday, September 30, 2008

seremban dan kuala lumpur

semalam sgt penat sbenarnya..

papa ajak 1 fmly naek komuter dr rwang ke seremban..
sbb nak amik kete yg kne kat anta bengkel sbb eksiden time last day kat kms tu.
naek2 je komuter tu..aku terus trtido..wlupon x jalan lg..
smpai kat kL sentral baru trjage..pastu, smbung tdo balik..isy2..
smpai kat sremban kul 6 cmtu..pastu, naek teksi..
yg pada mulanya, pmandu taxi tu x bg kami berlima naek 1 teksi..
tringat klu time kat klj, mmg depa x bg klu naek brlime..
tp, yg pkcik tu snyum je tgk kami n benarkan je..
bengkel tu kat area pnjara sremban..
syukur..smpai2 je, cina apek yg baiki kete bg kami amik kete tu..
org yg langgar tu da bayar kat die..

lpas amik kete tu, singgah kolej jap
sbb ade brg2 yg trtinggal..
(tudung, bntal bucuk, contact lens yg blom bukak)
tibe2 trnmpak baju dobi asmaa kat depan dobi
aiyyaa~my fault..
aku trlupe nak amik n sidaikan..
sbb die balik awal..
asmaa..sowie sgt2..
mak ak suh angkut bwk balik umah
basuh n sidai semule..
(baru angkat td asmaa,da kering bju ko..)

time tu da kul bape da..aku pon ajak pegi bukak pose kat jaya jusco
mama setuju..die suh tnjukkan jalan nak pi sane..
walaupon nak dekat dua tahun ak kat seremban tu kan,
sekali pon ak x pernah jejak kaki ke j.jusco kat srembn 2 tu..
x prnh lgsung!
mmg la diorg ade ajak, tp nnt time tu
aku tgh syok tido la, tgk muvi la, tgh kering la
so, mmg x prnh la pegi lgsg..
haha..smlm pecah rekod la kirenye..
lpas bukak pose, igt nak shopping2 kat situ..
tapi, ade idea yg lg best...
kami semua setuju nak pegi..
jalan TAR n msjid india lagi...

solat kat RNR nilai..
n mcm bese, bile tayar kete brgolek..aku akan trtdo..
bile da smpai kat area2 sane...
ramainye umat mnusia..sesak..jem..
parking kete kat SOGO..huaa..
itupon lame gak pusing2 nk cari parking..
last2, dpt gak..dan..
kami mulekan pncarian...
(alas meja utk nnek,kuih raye, bju raye aku n linda)
sbnrnye da ade 2 pasang bju krung,
tp mama nak kami ade baju krung kaler biru lak..
biru tema utk raye kali ni..
da lame x de tema2 ni..
tibe2 thun ni nk ade plak..
aku ikut je..
mcm2 gelagat mnusia aku dpt tgk:
-mat salleh n kaum laen sibuk gak nak beli baju krung
-klu b4 ni, pegi tmpt tu siang, xde bau asap rokok,tp mlm2..adoi..brkepul2 la asap rkok smpai nk pitam aku..
-org tukang jual baju, kuih raye mcm2 aksi..siap ade pmbesar suare n pkai crmin mate yg ade lmpu kelip2..

aku igt nk amik gmbr suasana mlm2 trakhir kat sane, tp bateri kamera da abih la plak..

x macam tahun2 sebelum ni, aku n fmly pegi sane time mlm raye..
utk beli kuih2 raye..sbb time tu murah2..even mlm td pon lelong2 da murah2..
depa pon nak balik kmpung gak kn..

ape2 pon,puas gak r brjalan smlm..mlm2 sjuk..x panas..
dpt beli2 mknan yg ade kat celah2 gerai baju..
smpai umah mmg da lmbt sgt laa..

pg td trlmbt bngun saho~~

Monday, September 29, 2008

bayi kecil itu....

post kali ini, ade kaitan ngan post aku b4 nih..
kalau korang prnah bace laa..
pasal my cousin yang kene.........

kalau x de bace b4 ni..i..klik kat sini utk bace post tu..

smlm, papa ckp, kak dila dah slamat lahirkan
anak ke lima die...
sdey aku dgr..
lahir2 je, ayah da x de kat muke bumi...
mak long pon mesti sdey..
aidilfitri kali ni tanpe anaknye lg..

al-fatihah buat arwah abang along~

pi umah nenek..

hari ini, mama anta aku pi umah nenek..
utk tolong2 wat keje sket..
smpai2 je..
nmpk kete mak long..
kat umah nnek ade kak ayu(kazen) n pak usu gak
depa dok pasang langsir, lap tingkap, kmas2
n me?
kene basuh n lap peti sejuk
n mop2 sket
haha..pastu rilek2 kat bilik nnek..trtdo..
bngun2, tgk muke mak ngah mnjengah kat pintu..
nnek plak kat dapur siang ayam kmpung
yg disembelih di pasar pagi td..
4 ekor tu..utk wat rendang pagi raye nnt
rndang nnek plg sdap!
ape hasil hari ini?
hanya dpt siapkn note chem IRP(topic:organic chem)..
(my part je la..stelah dibahagikn oleh ketua IRP trsayang,
rabiatul...if she read my post ni..)

p/s= ENNA~smpai ati ko ckp aku gedikz ye..bile ak ckp psl A.J..waa~mane ade..help me...

Sunday, September 28, 2008


berjaye gak aku tuka layout page ni..
so, taraa~
suda brwajah baru...
b4 ni..bile gune kaler pink tu
ade yg ckp..
eeiii..geli r ak tgk page ko bnyk sgt pink..
padahal, aku bukan suke kaler pink tu pon..
suke kaler purple..
bile da tuka, ade yg ckp..
aku ske yg dulu lg laa..
mcm2 pndapat..

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Last day in kms b4 raya holiday

0000-0400=tgk movies like accepted, greys anatomy season 3..selaen itu, ade dwnload clip video mcm2 at youtube ..chatting gak sket2..on9 di bilik bersama2 enna.luckily, she was willing to accompany me bcoz both of my rumates da balik kmpung tinggalkan me sorang2 kat bilik..on laptop, n biarkan je atas meja..i was trying to finish the chem hmwk..only manage to finish it about ¾ .ok la tu kan..

0400-0550=aiyaa..why suddenly line wireless tibe2 jd slow??geram gak..rupe2nye, mnurut one of my fren yg tgh on9 dpan koop tu..time tu tgh rmai org on9 smpai die kne duk bawah je utk on9..isy2..smntara nk tnggu saho kat ds, smpat lg depa on9..

0550-0730-after subuh, tidoq..zzzz..ade org bising suh tido..pdhal da plan x nak tdo..n nk tdo dlm prjalanan balik umah je nnt

0730-0950=thanz to auni, sbb kjutkan me n enna bngun supaye pi klas..da mmg x nak bngun da tp sbb igt klas chem> pn khomah…huaa…bngun2..tapi, smpai2 je klas..die x masuk klas pon..huh~pnat brlari2 ngan enna nk pi klas..lpas tu klas bio, tp x pi..sbb da x larat sgt..brg2 pon x packing lg
ari2 trakhir di klas

0950-1200=x dpt tdo la..mmbe2 dtg bilik n wish slamat ari raye,mntk2 maap sume..last2,x jd gak tdo..fazdlin, my besfwen since kat mrsm trans(ex-rumate), call me 4 hours..hehe..thanz lyn!..bnyk gak story2 kite ni eyh..(bile bdk kms n kmb brborak~)

1200-1330=mama tepon, n da nk smpai da..huhu~x packing pape lg nih..pegi blik mmbe jap..smpai2 blik, tgk Linda n mama da ade dlm blik..papa n epi plak pi solat jmaat kat msjid negeri..

Aiyaaa..this part yg paling x best! X smpai brape minit lpas tu, epi call mama..n cakap keta eksiden on the way nk pi msjid! Ade keta kia spectra org cine yg langgar dr belakang..kete die trok gak..pecah crmin kete..n remuk trok..kete kami lak ekzosnye hmpir trcabut n bumper to rosak gak la..

1400-1600=prjalanan pulang ke kg…tdo je spnjng prjalanan..zzz..kat nilai, ade jem..sbb ade eksiden..isy2..bwk laju la tu kot..n bese la..musim cuti skola brmule, jalan2 sesak..jem..

Smpai rawang, singgah bazaar rmadhan kat bkt bruntung…n trus pulang ke rumah… Yeaaaa~~dpt buke pose kat umah..

hurm..yg ni ak konfem korang tataw ape namenye..
mknan ni ade kat kmpung aku je..name die bebotok..
linda suke sgt mkn bnde ni..

Hurm..lpas brbuke..linda ajak pi tarawikh..sbnrnye mls..sbb plan nak kmaskan my room tu..bese la..da tnggal lame, konfem jd stor simpn brg2.. Tp die beriya2 ajak temankn..ok la..pi same ngan papa n epi.. Lpas abih trawikh kat surau taman tu..ade mjlis khatam quran plak..

huhu~..mate ak da x larat sgt time tu..tp bace la sume surah2..pastu, ade mkn2 pulut kuning..part ni aku segar lak..siap due kali tmbah..aiyaa~ade rndang daging n gulai ayam..sdap2.. Pastu, smpai umah…on9 kjap..n tros tdo..zzz~ Skian saje..

Friday, September 26, 2008


What Rosenina Means

You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.

You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.

You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.

You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life.

You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you.

At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself.

You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong.

You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know.

You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do.

You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.

You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.

At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.

You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.

You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.

You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.

You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.

You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.

You have the classic "Type A" personality.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


hurm..post ini khas untuk mngucapkan brbanyak2 trima kasih kpd ckgu2 yg baek hati kpd kami, bdk2 klas BT31..

di bawah ni..adalah antara yg diberikan oleh ckgu2 trsayang sepanjang minggu ini..

semoga, cikgu2 skalian dmurahkn rezeki..

kuih raye ini(tataw name)..diberikan oleh cikgu biology(pn foziyah) kami khas buat menteenye shaja..
haha..mlm td gak da abih..dibedal oleh kami..

ok..yg ni plak..dr cikgu TOK kami iaitu sir azlan yg beli bnde ni kat australia smpena kursus under IB..huaa2..sdap2..stiap sorang dpt satu..ngee~

almond london..yummy2..yg ni plak, kolej yg bg..
kirenye sumbangan dari pengarah kolej laa..
tahun lpas die bg krepek kaler ijau yg pelik...
thun ni best sket..die bg kuih raye yg sgt sedap kpd stiap plajar di KMS..
sedap..x smpai kul 12 mlm td..da abih aku mkn pon..

yg ini plak..dr cikgu matematik kami..iaitu pn azian..die bg td time klas untuk dikongsi brsame 1 klas..konfem mlm ni gak abih nih~~

hak2..yg ni plak bukan makanan..yg ni semase ak on9 kat YM smlm..cikgu biology tegur me n send diz to me..ngee~~kiyut2...

yg ni plak..bukan utk aku..tp utk my klasmate yg mentee ngan ckgu business kami iaitu pn rahimah..sweetnye ckgu bg dedication ni..
jelez gak..heh~enna n qila..kne bagi ak sket taw..
aku letak ur pictures nih..
da siap promote da..korang suh letak dlm my blog kn td..
ni..da letak..

haha..sekian saje kisah ttg ole2 yg telah diberikan oleh guru2 kami.. namun, bukan shj ole-ole jenis itu yg telah diberikan..tetapi.. longgokan assigment a.k.a ole-ole yg sgt bnyk turut same diberikan.. huaa22...

rose: tgh pegang balang kuih raye yg sudah hmpir kosong..
yana: hepi ngan dedicatn kuih raye dr her mentor..

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


haha.. tajuk post x de mengene ngan ape nak di kate kat bawah ni..

semalam ade test BM..aiyoo~~
sgt2 mngantuk ketika mnjawab those question..
ye la..mane taknye..kul 3 ptg cmtu..
smpai 6 page penuh lak tu kene mengarang..

lpas abih test..ajak enna pi bazar...
wlupon cam malas..

sebab DS masak daging lagi..(daging a.k.a lemak)
jalan pi the store..n tnggu bas kat situ..
bcoz due org pmandu bas
kolej ni x de plak nk bawak kami pi bazar..huh~

smpai kat bazar..tawaf beberape kali..
survey2 ape yg patut..

last2..abih rm 10 lbey beli mknan..
tp ok la..x mmbazir pon..
sume mknan di abihkan ngan jayanya..
mee kari,bubur lambuk,
karamel,kuih muih,
air katira(sdap air ni..brkenalan dgnnya ktika skola kat jasin dulu..

owh ye..ade sape2 x yg taw ape name kuih ni..
tlg btaw..
aku suke bangat mkn..tp tataw name die..

p/s=mase tgh tulih post ni, shafa tgh dalam bas balik parit buntar..
sume budak2 utara yg balik naek bas kolej balik hari ini kul 5 ptg tadi..
x aci btol..x de ribut or taufan tibe2 ade pengumuman mase klas tadi yg bas mereka akan brtolak ari ni..
semoga die, dibah n yg laen2 slamat mnuju ke destinasi
owh ye..fadzlin pon ade msg td..die dalam bas pegi pudu..huh..mentang2 bdk2 KMB balik ari ni..huaaaa~~
(ooo..balik kmpung..oo0..balik kmpung..)

Monday, September 22, 2008

and i..

tgh layan lagu ni..
tajuk die..
and i..by ciara..
nice song..
(lagu ni best,try la dgr)

kadang kala malas nak kata apa
ye la..
btol tu..
me too..kadang2..

mlm td...
chelsea vs man u
jgn mara eyh A.J...
chelsea x besh~~

smlm ade org ckp something yg wat me trkejut..
serious ke cmtu, A.J??
or u tgh mamai?...

p/s: arap2 DS sdia mkn best ari ni..
rumates sume bukak kat luar lagi hari ni..
ari2 depa tnggal ak sorang2 dlm bilik..

Sunday, September 21, 2008


whoaaa..i'm craving for this one..
chocolate indulgence from secret recipe..
aiyaa..no time la to go that S.R in sremban..
ari2 time bulan pose dok tringat jek kat diz thing..
lgpon, nak pi ngan sape..
leh teman aku pi??
klu x dpt gak..arap2 balik umah nnt dpt laa..

smlm DS mkn daging..
is that thing consider as daging??
lemak je bnyk..isy..nk trmuntah aku..takpe2..saba2..
ajak yana pi marry brown nnt..
thanz yana coz sudi temankn..
smbil2 release tensen dok trperap dlm bilik je..

Thursday, September 18, 2008



“Rindu nak blaja math”,…..??


Die rindu nak blaja MATH IB HIGHER LEVEL tuh…

taw la skang da amik course medic...

nak windu2 blaja math plak..



Meh tolong ajar orang kat sini la cmtu..

Kalau dalam klas ade gak igt..

Blaja puas2 math..ade org jauh tu rindu nak blaja math..

Begitulah kate seorang budak kecik di rantauan…

di tempat yang kene tolak 6 jam waktu malaysia..

6 pagi di sini, 12 malam di sane..

Di tempat orang asing yg tak cukup makmum untuk mereka bersolat jumaat...

X de masjid ye kat situ..

Kat tempat yang agak pelik & aku tataw nak sebut b4 ni..

Tempat yang aku ingatkan kat rusia..haha..

rupe2nye kat sempadan german..

Mane la aku taw..

Mule2 igtkan die same batch,

sbb dia letak tanda pangkah besar2 kat lambang IB(kat frenster)..

(skang da x de fs..huk2)

Sesuke ati je tego..oit..x kan da masuk sem 3 da bnci IB lak..

Rupe2nye org tua yg aku tego tu..



Malam die fly,tibe2 jd motivator lak..


Sume kate2nye diingati selalu..pesanan & nasihat..

Org igt taw..tgh ckp2, tibe2 super saver da abih~


Mlm last org tu saho kat mlaysia kan..

Syukur..die selamat smpai kat sane..

Mule2 igt da lupe da smpai tmpat org..

Sbb bg msg b4 fly x rply..waa..majuk2~

Tibe2 dpt msg..

“Diz is my Czech no..save taw..”


Buat org tu..

>jgn nakal2 kat tmpat org..

>jgn wat bnde bkn2 kat sane..blaja btol2..jgn dok maen ja..

>jgn tinggal solat & selalu bace quran taw..

>jage perangai,adab, tingkah laku sume laa..

Last but not least…

Jgn lupe org ni..



Wednesday, September 17, 2008

x paham

x smpai berape minit aku appear online kat YM tu,
yg selalunye aku appear invisible je..

tibe2 ade orang gile msg aku kat situ..
setelah sekian lame die x msg or contact &
mmg aku x nak dgr ape2 cite psl die lg..

tolong r paham..aku x nak dgr pape psl die lg..
tolong r..kalau stakat nak kutuk2 aku,
or mncarut bulan2 pose ni..
x payah la weyh tegur aku kat YM tu
aku x ingin nak taw pape psl ko dah..

x larat laa..jgn nak tambah tensen aku di bulan mulia ni..
biarlah aku hidup tenang & hepi ngan khidupan skang..
walaupun aku x paham ape yg brlaku
aku x paham knape ko wat cmtu
aku x paham ape salah aku
smpai skang aku trtanye2..
sedangkan x de sebab pon ko nak wat cmtu b4 ni..
aku saba je segala maki hamun ko..
sumpah seranah ko..

cukup laa..

what goes around comes around

"A person's actions, whether good or bad,
will often have consequences for that person"

Sunday, September 14, 2008

jalan2 shopping raye

pemandangan sekitar jalan msjid india, jalan TAR(tnku abd rahman, chow kit
tapi seronok..
tiap tahun, mmg akan pegi tmpat ni utk beli baju raye,kuih raye..

bazar yang sesak


kuih raye

songkok besar.

Friday, September 12, 2008

LiFe is ShoRT...

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.

So love the people who treat you right.

Forget about the one's who don't.

Believe everything happens for a reason.

If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.

If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy,

they just promised it would be worth it.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

saho & brbuke

bila la nak bangun soq(bru blaja diz word ari tu) kat dewan selera KMS ni??
x larat sgt2 laa..
kengantukan mngatasi sgalanya..
nak brsiap semua..alangkah malasnya..
loceng itu...kenapa brbunyi kuat sgt..adoi..
seriously bnci sgt2 dgr..

sory asmaa..n ade insan(F.A) yg sudi tlg kjutkan saye bngun
tanpe kalian..saye tidak akan trjage untuk brsahur...
walaupun sekadar minum air & kurma sebiji..
cukup utk spanjang hari..

ketika brbuka,amat bnci melihat kucing2 itu
bukannye x suke kucing..tetapi
apabila melihatnya..mnyebabkan selera terus trbantut
kucing2 kurap..seriously nk muntah..
lebih baek brbuke di bilik sndiri..

ape2 pon...
esok, saye akan brsahur di rumah..yeaa!~

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

5 minutes late..

for the first time ever..
i got present from that old man with his grey hair..haha..my beloved TOK (theory of knowledge) teacher.. aiyaa..i was late bcoz i went to see my english teacher regarding on my oral presentation..hurm..when i was walking into the classroom,

i can see him grinning at me..
then, i got the 'punishment' from him which is......
like in this below picture..hurm..ok..i got it..so, next time..cannot late anymore laa..

oh yeah~~

2moro there will be a math test for IB students..
2moro there will be the oral english presentation..
today is adibah's and farah's birthday..
hepi befday to both of u my dear friends..
hope all your dreams come true..

Monday, September 8, 2008


Courage, it would seem, is nothing less than the power to overcome danger, misfortune,
fear and injustice while continuing to affirm inwardly that life with all its sorrows is good, that everything is meaningful, even if in a sense beyond our understanding, and that there is always tomorrow.

ade name aku atas tu..cmne bnde ni bley patah.tataw...
everything so blurry..


RULE #1 People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

RULE #2 Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending it to other people.

Tagged by : rifqi

1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?

sentence him to death..haha..(klu ade la,ini mmg da x de lover, maen ckp je laa)

2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?

i want to have a peace life..with good and nice people around me..oh yeah..a dream rite..i wish could travel around the world..muahaha..

3. Whose butt would you like to kick?

BuSH..really hate him!

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?

buy a luxurious house at a laguna beach(hehe)..take my family to do haj or umrah together.. hurm...help palestenian people..

5. Will you u fall in love with your best friend?

i dont know..cant imagine bout it

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?

i think...being loved

7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?

aiyaa...if he really22 hates me, what else to do..waiting in patience?i have no idea..

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?

trying to forget bout it..and find another one..(jgn kaco hak org..x baek)

9. If you like to act with someone, who will it be? your gf/bf or an actress/actor?

dr shepherd( from grey's anatomy.. trying to get rid meredith grey from him..kekeke)

10. What takes you down the fastest?

maybe..when thinking something negative..

11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?

a lovely teacher..haha..

12. What's your fear?

spending my lifetime alone

13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?

kind hearted, positive thingking..hardworking(yeke??..haha)

14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?

none of it..

15. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?

look at hp to know what time is it..and sleep back..

16. Would you give all in a relationship?


17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?

the one that love me

18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?


19.Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?

relationship..(when the time will come??..haha)

20.List 5 people to tag



VIERE @ afiq



Saturday, September 6, 2008


beberapa hari ni..kat seremban hari2 hujan..
syukur..hujan rahmat..
ketika bulan puase...

petikan lagu sudirman- hujan

Hujan yang turun bagaikan mutiara
Berkilau bersinar berkerdipan
Subur menghijau bumi terbentang
Dan bayu berpuput lembut

sambungan lagu ni..tak ditulis..kerana..
liriknya cam sdey je..so, x nak tulis..
sbb nnt lg brtambah sdey..
(tgh fighting with my own feeling..huaa)

minggu ni maybe balik umah..
mama bg msg td...die kate linda call td sbb nak balik minggu ni..
boleh jumpe linda kat KTM & balik same2 die..

aiyaa!~rose..get up..study2..forget the past...

so many things to read..and yet...still pening..

rat dissection

Last tuesday..

“Today, your class is going to do the rat dissection”, said our beloved biology teacher..

Oh no!~..

Teacher, we didn’t bring our lab coats. (This is because teacher did not mention about it earlier)

It’s ok..nevermind.just be careful so that ur dress will not get dirty of the rat’s blood..

I looked at yana..she is my lab partner…both of us were smiling happily..

all of us are getting excited when we heard about it..

so, the first thing is..the rat had to be killed before we can dissect it..

this is the crucial part..i said so bcoz one of my friends was crying when she saw it..

The lab assistant had put those rats in the big jar..then, he put also the chloroform (in the form of gas) in it so that the rats can be killed. Actually, the rats were not dead yet.. they were only unconscious at that time..

So, the pictures below were taken during dissection of the rats....

dissection kit..

siannye diz rat..we had to cut it.....

take out its fur..

yeaa..we were managed to not cut any blood vessels..


aiyaa..what we had done to the dead rat..

yeahh!!~pretending like in greys anatomy..muahaha..

Monday, September 1, 2008

kepulangan (part 2)

Malam mrdeka..di rumah…tgk tv..mcm2 gak cerita tv sempena hari kmerdekaan yg ade..

Masuk bilik..bukak laptop..on9..di samping search pasal topic ape yg nak di present during oral test bi nnt..also copy & paste bio notes..

12 mlm-mrdeka!..mrdeka!...aku still x tdo..still on9..smpai la bape pg ntah..

Takpe2..esok boleh tido dlm prjalanan ke skola Linda..fikirku..

Esoknya..awal2 pg..trdengar ktukan di pintu blik..

kak nina..bangun2..nnt lmbat smpai tmpat Linda..huaa…sore mama…

Sdey..sbb kene balik kolej awal..tp x pe laa..klu balik hari isnin kereta banyak..
sian my parents nnt..

Tgk kat meja dapur..ade laksa & kek chocolate..menu biase yg mama akan sediakan untuk aku bawa ke kolej…untuk di kongsi brsame rakan2 yg laen..mama siap belikan rice cooker utk panaskan kuah laksa kat klj…

Dlm prjalanan…

Haiyaa!~actually, aku cukup x suke nak pi skola adik..bukannye aku x nak jumpe Linda..jalan nak ke sane tu..bengkang-bengkok..cam ular kene palu..mmbuatkan kpale sgt2 pning..slalunye, aku akan make sure, dlm keta aku akan tido..dan hanya trjage apabila smpai di sane…tapi, baru saje nak lelap….ade org call..membe dr Melaka tanye cmne nak pegi pudu dr seremban..huaa….last2..dah smpai kat jalan bengkang bengkok still x dapat lelap jugak..aiseyh…

Smpai skola adik..

Jalan2 skitar skola & bace2 kat notice board..ade tampal markah students form 3..hurm…aku dpt la tgk sepintas lalu mrkah sbjek2 trtntu & ranking dll…

Waaa.. lalu jalan bengakang bengkok lg untuk ke sremban..ketahuilah bahawa aku sgt2 pening..sabar2..da 3 tahun lalu jalan tu..arap2 tahun dpan die dpt gi mrsm jasin or kuala kubu…

Smpai sremban…

Mkn pizza..yeaaa!!~sok da nak pose..kne mkn puas2....dan beli brg2 sket…

linda & jefri

Smpai kolej..


Penat2..unpack brg2..basuh beg sbb trkena kuah laksa yg trtumpah..

Dan panaskan kuah laksa dlm rice cooker..

Brmula sesi mnyiapkan segala hmwk yg ade…….