Monday, September 08, 2008

Rainy Days...

We got a bit of rain today and Em was excited to have a chance to break out his sloshies and umbrella.
Could he be any cuter?
Tim and I recently bought the kids some Nintendo DS. I've always shyed away from video games but--I'm loving these.
When they are done with their homework I give them some time to play. They are totally portable and we've used them at the doctor's office, in the car, during Presidency meetings, on the airplanes, and basically every time we need the kids to be quiet and cooperative. So far they are into a racing game called Mario Kart. They can sync them to race each other and they even have a few games that I like. (I'm a closet Tetris lover and I'm a big fan of Brain Age 2 which is a brain teaser kind of game.) Again not a huge fan of video games but I'd HIGHLY recommend these to anyone with kids. I've never witness my children so cooperative and willing to do anything. It's been amazing! Thank you Nintendo!


Margene said...

games can be fun and okay if they are used or allow with rules. Some kids on the other hand don't even like them.

iammommahearmeroar said...

Em looks SO SO SO cute with his golashes and his umbrella! How fun! I got Rex some a couple months ago and I can't wait to bust them out. Those DS things are pretty fun and the hynotic effect on your kids can definitely be used to your advantage. Pretty funny. I bet they didn't even realize you took their picture.

Patti said...

Love your new blog background and pics. Also love the shorts in the rain!

Kassy said...

I think we are the only family we know without DS. Our PS2 (that TED received as a gift a few years back!) is plenty for me!

Cassie said...

Love to see his sloshies out and put to use again. He's adorable that's for SURE!!!

moranews said...

What timing! G just asked for one...and I'm you put a check mark on the "maybe" side for him! I'm going to make him work hard for it, if he does get one!