Sunday, September 14, 2008

Calling all Cooks!

OK, so this past two weeks has blown by with all of our new events. School is sufficiently kicking my butt (sorry for saying butt Mom). I know that we'll all fall into the routine quick enough but in the mean time a few of my motherly duties are suffering. I'm in a serious rut in the food department. I need some new kid friendly recipes! I'm sick of the same rotation of spaghetti, tacos, pizza, cook out, blah blah blah-- I know you feel my pain. I'm determined to shake it up no matter how much my kids complain. The adult in me would like some variety to stay sane. I'm sick of playing the same cards to avoid the dinner time conflicts ( and I know you all know what I'm talking about!!) So I'm calling out to you, my blogging friends, to send me your recipes! I know you have your few go too delights that you could save me with. I'm begging you-- I NEED HELP! (...and I'm talking the good stuff people-- no holding out!)

(You can email me or just post them in the comments.)


The Snow Queen said...

While I was on bed rest, I got a great meal(Thanks Suzie). It's one I had made before but that I had forgotten was so kid friendly. Take some steak (any kind-london broil, sirloin, flank, or the really good stuff rib eye etc) cut it into thin strips then marinade it in teriyaki sauce. I use a brand called MR. YOSHIDA'S it' by the ketchup at my grocery store. Marinade it for as long as you have time (overnight is really good) Sometimes after I get the kidlets off to school I get the meat out of the freezer and cut it and put it in the marinade and let it thaw and marinate at the same time. Then I thread it onto a skewer. I cook them in the oven on broil for about 5-8 minutes and serve with rice and a veggie. Make sure they don't touch! The kids like the sweet meat and I like that it only took 10 minutes to cook.

The Snow Queen said...

Don't forget the breakfast for dinner trick either. There is nothing tastier than sausage and french toast at 6:00 in the evening. My kids always giggle and say that we can't eat breakfast at night. THen they gobble up everthing on their plates.

Margene said...

I am thinking it has been a long time ago. Tim never ate anything but apple sause and grilled cheese sandwiches so don't ask him.

Jodi said...

Big Breakfast!!! =)