Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Cassie gave me this cool idea to cover the diaper wipes container for a more chic look. I tried it out and since I no longer have diaper babies I'm making them for everyone I know.
I used ribbon instead of the thicker cording.
When I was finished I showed it to Tim, all proud of myself. He said, "Wow honey, that's really great! ....what is it?" I'm hoping for a better reaction from my mommy friends...
I also just sewed quite a few blankets for a shower I'm going to. This one is headed for you Melissa.


iammommahearmeroar said...

Nice work! Your's turned out adorable! Very chic. I really the fabrics you chose for it and for the blanket. Look at you Crafty McCrafterson!

Cassie said...

Nice work copy cat! Actually it's super cute and I like the ribbon but my question is didn't you burn your fingers using ribbon instead of the thick cording?

Kassy said...

Knock off the craftiness. We don't live close enough anymore for me to just send Anna over to learn from you!

Julie said...

So cute! Oooh, oooh, I'm having a baby! Do you want my address?

The Snow Queen said...

Oh yeah. That is sooo cute.

Taylor Swim said...

I would like you address Julie. I'll send you whatever you want. Rumor has it you're having a girl....