Friday, September 26, 2008

play days...

This is what my days are starting to shape into. Em and I get to do some fun things together. Yesterday we decided to meet some friends at the park. He was trying to get the most out of his slide rides.
This is his new favorite T-shirt. He picked it out himself because, "boys rule and girls drool." (according to him at least)
Jo and Chloe showed up...
Then we had a chance meeting with our cousins. We never get to see them and we both just happened to go to the park and the same time. The weird part about it is, Bob and Tom live in Portland, and Heather recently returned from China. You could say, they aren't park regulars here in Elkhorn. It was so fun to see them and catch up on things. Our random meeting totally made our day.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Do these dorks look familiar?

While Tim and I were away, my parents watched the kids. I'm pretty sure they had fun because I came home to these little treasures....

This one's for you Jo...
It's scary that they could actually have glasses like this later in life thanks to me.
Well, it just goes to show that these little munchkins can make anything look cute. Thanks for watching the kids Mom and Dad!

It's Suuuurgery September...

Tim has just returned from the hospital today from having a little back surgery. He had some disk trouble and they cleaned it all up. He'll be off work for the next two weeks trying to recover. He is feeling better than expected but required to take it easy for a few weeks.
My poor poor baby about to go in for a tune-up.
OK, so is it wrong that we have so much fun together in the hospital? We were Mr. and Mrs. Chuckles. We don't get too much time alone so when we do we laugh a lot.
This man flashed just about everyone in the hospital. Let's just say, he wasn't born to wear a dress.
Don't you think he could serve lunch at your school?
They did what?!?!?!
He is recovering well and enjoying a nice break from work. I went to the movie store and picked out every stupid guy movie I could find. He is loving the relax time.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I bought a few more items to finish off Rugby's Halloween outfit. Someone couldn't wait to try them out.
I think if you fast forward 25 years and change the hair color this is Rugby to the tee. Oh how I love my boys!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Z in action...

Z was gettin' her groove on this morning while I was packing lunches. She made me laugh so hard, I had her do it over again on video. She loves to make up her own dances and she hams it up pretty good. Lovin' the hip action babe!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Calling all Cooks!

OK, so this past two weeks has blown by with all of our new events. School is sufficiently kicking my butt (sorry for saying butt Mom). I know that we'll all fall into the routine quick enough but in the mean time a few of my motherly duties are suffering. I'm in a serious rut in the food department. I need some new kid friendly recipes! I'm sick of the same rotation of spaghetti, tacos, pizza, cook out, blah blah blah-- I know you feel my pain. I'm determined to shake it up no matter how much my kids complain. The adult in me would like some variety to stay sane. I'm sick of playing the same cards to avoid the dinner time conflicts ( and I know you all know what I'm talking about!!) So I'm calling out to you, my blogging friends, to send me your recipes! I know you have your few go too delights that you could save me with. I'm begging you-- I NEED HELP! (...and I'm talking the good stuff people-- no holding out!)

(You can email me or just post them in the comments.)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Thank you Jo...

Jodi bought Rugby a pack of these sleeveless undershirts because she knows he loooooooves them. Thanks Jo, he was in heaven tonight. He said, "This is the best night of my life. You can see my pits and everything!" It's the little things that count...

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


On Saturday night the kids were having a great time playing together. I was reading my book and monitoring their ninja game in the family room when there was a large crash. I am now down one picture and it's not coming back.
What should I do? I had these matching to take up the huge wall and now I'm thinking of tossing the whole thing and starting from scratch. (much to Tim's disappointment...)
I have one more on another wall of the kitchen and I could put that one in and work on this space instead but.... hmmm.... what to do? I'm not set on keeping them but I do like how they display a lot of fun pictures of the kids. It makes me smile whenever I look at them. I'm looking for something fresh and familyish. Any ideas?


Cassie gave me this cool idea to cover the diaper wipes container for a more chic look. I tried it out and since I no longer have diaper babies I'm making them for everyone I know.
I used ribbon instead of the thicker cording.
When I was finished I showed it to Tim, all proud of myself. He said, "Wow honey, that's really great! ....what is it?" I'm hoping for a better reaction from my mommy friends...
I also just sewed quite a few blankets for a shower I'm going to. This one is headed for you Melissa.

My Garbage Guy...

Rugs was on trash duty tonight and as I'm finishing cleaning I see this...
He told me he was trying to get the bag all the way down.
I've got one committed garbage guy. I think I'll assign him trash duty tomorrow just to see it again.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Rainy Days...

We got a bit of rain today and Em was excited to have a chance to break out his sloshies and umbrella.
Could he be any cuter?
Tim and I recently bought the kids some Nintendo DS. I've always shyed away from video games but--I'm loving these.
When they are done with their homework I give them some time to play. They are totally portable and we've used them at the doctor's office, in the car, during Presidency meetings, on the airplanes, and basically every time we need the kids to be quiet and cooperative. So far they are into a racing game called Mario Kart. They can sync them to race each other and they even have a few games that I like. (I'm a closet Tetris lover and I'm a big fan of Brain Age 2 which is a brain teaser kind of game.) Again not a huge fan of video games but I'd HIGHLY recommend these to anyone with kids. I've never witness my children so cooperative and willing to do anything. It's been amazing! Thank you Nintendo!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Melissa ROCKS!

While we were in Cali, I noticed that my sister-in-law Melissa, had a really cute purse. When I mentioned it to her, she immediately emptied the contents and let me have it. It turns out she sewed it herself and she had a lot more in the back. Well, since we've been home I've gotten a ton of compliments on my cool new purse. Thanks Melissa-- YOU ROCK! (If you are looking for ideas for the holidays or my birthday.... I'll take one in every color-- but no pressure.)

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

my preschool man...

Em started preschool today. He's been ready to go back for a while now. He's an old pro. He has the same teacher and the same classroom-- piece of cake.

As I pulled away from the school, in my empty car, it just felt wrong. I was alone-- alone! Next year I'll be alone all day long.... oh the possibilities! Don't get me wrong I'm sad about them getting older but also very excited about a little freedom.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

School Days...

Today is the first day of school. Our kids were unbelievably excited. They were bursting at the seams with excitement very very early this morning. By 7:00 they were telling me to hurry up in the shower. There school doesn't even start until 8:30 and we live right next to it. They were all dressed and fed with backpacks on before 8:00. It was great. I'd rather have them be overly excited than terrified.
Em was a little sad to loose his big brother. Rugs, on the other hand, was counting down the minutes until his big school debut.
The girlies and their new school partner. All the "big kids" of the family ready to go.
My babies...
Em sad about the twirlies leaving.
Breckyn in her new class. She didn't need me to stay. She was feeling the power of third grade. They get rights to the big kid play ground this year you know.
Z was being a goober. She was stoked about her new crayons. They bumped her up the the 48 pack this year. Oh the possibilities!

My big man. He has been ready for this day for a long time now. He wanted to have hot lunch and everything big schoolish. My baby is growing up! (...and I didn't even cry about it...)