A superb sunny weekend saw me up and out early once again. I headed into the Cheshire countryside which for me is only a twenty minute drive. Miles of rolling hills, rivers and reservoirs and plenty of wildlife make it an enticing place, especially when there are so many varied habitats.
Before the sun had risen fully there was a mist rising from the reservoir, and then a lone duckling made it's way across the water. It's very unusual to see just one duckling on it's own, but there were no parents nearby and it will be a hard start for this little one.
The Common Sandpiper was still around. We'll be on first name terms soon.
Then, from the car I saw a Little Owl sat on a telephone line. I parked the car and managed to get a few shots.
Macclesfield countryside though the early mist.
The lonely duckling
A tough time ahead for this one.
A superb Little Owl