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Let me know when that tide's coming in won't you
Showing posts with label Bullfinch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bullfinch. Show all posts

Friday, 17 March 2023

Signs of Spring

There's lots of activity at the moment as things slowly drift towards warmer times. When we the sun has come out it has brought the birds to life and they're pairing up and territory setting. I've had some local Bullfinch brightening up my lunchtime walks and there always seems to be Goldcrest and Treecreeper singing. Neither of these are that easy to spot and require some patience, but I have that in abundance when it comes to birds, and sadly not much else.

We're now midway through March and I'm seeing reports of returning summer migrants already, so hopefully soon I'll have some pictures of these to bring you. It will certainly encourage me to get out and look more, if I actually needed any more encouragement. I'm always looking and listening. Even better is that the sun is rising much earlier and I can get out before most people have even put their kettle on or thought of leaving the house. I love this time of year, when I can reclaim nature for myself on a cold bright morning. 

Female Bullfinch eating her breakfast.

Treecreeper doing some creeping.

Friday, 19 March 2021

Exciting Times

Once again confined to living room birding, there has been some excitement this week, with a first Blackcap of the year visiting. A very nice looking female has spent a few days now scurrying around the various hedges and has even taken to having a nibble at a fat block. This bird was a day earlier than the first Blackcap I saw last year. So this makes me think that it may be a fresh in migrant.

Female Blackcap

More excitement when the male Bullfinch decided to put on a show for me, with the female that I presume is the same as the one I saw last week. I could hear it's call while I was sat in the window and then it flew straight across from my eyeline. A real treat.

Also this week, has seen a pair of Robins gathering nesting material and taking this to the bush outside my kitchen window. I have everything crossed that I get a group of youngsters in the months to come.

With leaf in beak.

Friday, 12 March 2021

Garden Gold

 Well, it's been pretty quiet of late. I am only birding on my daily walks, and rarely taking the binoculars out let alone the camera. So unfortunately there has not really been anything new to report.

Having said that, I did have my garden highlight of the year (so far) this week, with a female Bullfinch visiting. I thought I could hear it's call while working away at my desk, but couldn't see anything from there. I carried on, but then it flew across my window to the trees opposite. I was hoping that the male would soon follow, but sadly it didn't. I can't complain though. What a bird to have outside your window. Just to think that I wouldn't have seen this had I not been working from home. A real bonus.

Hopefully soon I will be able to get out and about a bit more, as it's really starting to frustrate me. I need my birding and photography fix. Plus the best time of year is coming, in terms of migration. 

Female Bullfinch

Friday, 29 March 2019

Elton Reservoir

Elton Reservoir in Bury is a great place. It attracts most of the common water birds plus good numbers of rarities and less common stuff. Any visit there brings reward in one way or another, be it some good birds, good pictures or just a nice pleasant walk.
At the car park area there are lots of feeders that are regularly topped up by a local birder. These have brought in some good birds during the winter months, in the shape of Brambling, Willow Tit and Lesser Redpoll. I managed to see a Brambling while I was watching, but it was camera shy.

This very nice looking male Bullfinch was a pleasant surprise.

 A nice Common Buzzard overhead.

A Dunnock on territory and looking very nice too.

There were three Goldeneye on the water, but sadly they didn't hang around.

Sunday, 29 January 2017


It's always a pleasure to see a Bullfinch, and I'd not see one for quite a while. So I went to one of the places that you can almost guarantee to see them. I was not disappointed. Quite a few pairs were around. So I sat and enjoyed their company for quite some time and manged for pictures too.

Pretty good looking male.

And a good looking female too.

Thursday, 19 May 2016


My last visit to Norfolk, at Easter time, took me back to Sculthorpe Moor near Fakenham. I do really like this reserve. It is peaceful and full of wildlife, you can feel a thousand miles away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, as though it is just you and nature. Not something that is easy to do in this day and age.
At the Whitley hide you can look across the marshes for harriers and other birds of prey, while close by there are some feeders that brings the smaller birds in.



 The view from the hide. Such a vast area to lose yourself in.

Friday, 4 March 2016


I've been very fortunate to have several pairs of Bullfinch on the feeders outside my lounge window recently. I've counted up to five pairs at once, which I think is the most I've ever seen together. Along with Siskins, Redpolls and lots of the more common species, it really has been a good time to watch out of the window and while away the hours as the rain continues to fall.
I guess it won't be too much longer before they are harder to spot. The leaves will begin to emerge on the trees and Spring will soon be with us. Thankfully, I have some pictures to remind me when this does happen.

A good looking male.

And never far behind him, is the female.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

More Sculthorpe Moor

Sculthorpe Moor is always a good place to see Bullfinch, and this years visit was no different. A pair were at the first viewing screen as we stopped for a look at the feeders. The male so resplendent with its peachy red colouration, showing up starkly against the bare branches. Not as easy to spot once the leaves are out though. They are quite secretive and even their call is quite low pitched and easy to miss.

A Pheasant looking for easy pickings underneath the feeders.

It wasn't really that cold. Mum and Dad always dress like this. I didn't even notice the writing on the bench. :-)

A lovely view from one of the hides across the marsh. The pale wintry sky even looks cold.

Friday, 10 July 2015


Something to brighten up any birding trip for me is always seeing a Bullfinch. Stunning birds and the males in particular with their bright pink breast and black head. Never easy to locate when in the trees as they stay quiet and are easily spooked. Some help is often required, such as a feeding station. This can almost guarantee a sighting and can often mean some decent perched poses too.

Can anyone notice anything unusual about this individual? Look closely.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Pennington Flash - Bunting Hide

The Bunting hide is always my final stop off when I've been to Pennington Flash. The real action happens in the vastness of the rest of the country park with its varied and wonderful habitats. So what better way to finish off a few hours walking around than to sit and watch birds feeding at close quarters. All sorts can be seen. Here are just a few.

Male Bullfinch.

An inquisitive looking Magpie

A Robin on the well stocked feeding table.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015


One of the highlights for me when visiting Pennington Flash is the almost guaranteed chance of seeing a Bullfinch. On Sunday I managed to see two pairs as they actively fed from one of the hides. They always take my attention, so I'm not going to say too much else about them but leave you to admire them too.

The less colourful female.

Tucking into a real feast.