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Let me know when that tide's coming in won't you
Showing posts with label Hen Harrier. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hen Harrier. Show all posts

Saturday, 27 July 2024

The Hen Harrier

Earlier in the year, I was pretty fortunate to have quite a few sightings of Hen Harriers. Most, if not all, were seen around our coasts, as they over-wintered or passed through. Most were fairly short glimpses through the binoculars, and on one occasion one was a stunning male. One early morning though on the East Bank at Cley, I caught an early distant sight of a female heading towards me over the reeds. I had time to get me camera ready as this majestic bird glided ever closer and then right across the path in front of me. I probably only had it in view for a minute (if that), but it was enough to make me smile and feel very privileged.

Female Hen Harrier

Thursday, 26 January 2023

The Wirral

A day trip to the Wirral is always a good day out and more often than not packed full of birds. The Dee Estuary is one of the most important sites in the UK for wetland and shorebirds. Large swathes of marsh and wetland attracts many different species and lots in good numbers. From Pink Footed Geese to raptors and waders. There's plenty to see, and even more so on a sunny day. I took a day off work last week to coincide with some good weather and I made the most of it, visiting many familiar spots along the Wirral coast.
One favourite to see in the winter time is the Hen Harrier. The viewpoint of the marsh gives many miles to see from left to right and out in front. There could be many birds out there undetected while you scan the whole length. So picking out this ring-tailed Hen Harrier was a real treat. It was quite distant but a real joy to watch through the scope. These are no more than record shots, but a nice reminder of the day.

Hen Harrier

Another bird that appears annually on this part of the coast is the Snow Bunting. This one has been plying its trade in the sand dunes. A great little bird to see.

Snow Bunting