For those who works in Federal Territory, 1 February 2009 marks the FT Days, means a day off the office (cuti oooo!!!!) but for us, it is more special as it also means another year had passed since we became husband and wife in 2003..yes, it is our 6th wedding anniversary....cepat aje masa berlalu..
And I have planned to celebrate it in our very own World Heritage City, Malacca...
We did not go to A Famosa, Stamford Building...the weather was really hot and my twin is not in a good mood walking under the sun...yg menarik minat mereka is just the Big battle ship or trading ship, they saw during the Melaka Cruise...for those who want to experience Melaka Cruise, it is better to go at night trip since all the lamps, lights and neon make the riverside like having a festive or something like that...we also did not go to Jonker Street as planned since they are having Light Festival there since we spend the whole night searching for a place called Pengkalan Balak..yes, it is not on any signboard at the town or along the way to our hotel..rupa-rupanye u have to follow the sign board to Masjid Tanah and from there only, the name Pengkalan Balak started to appear on the signboard..hushhhh!!!
Oklah..let's share the photo...and we are planning to go the other World Heritage City, Penang...I've never been to Penang and hopefully can be there soon..
Our first stop at Muzium Lebah..sapa-sapa nak beli madu lebah boleh beli kat sini..
3 botol 500gm RM100...3 botol 1000gm RM150...
Tengah tunggu boat....
Me and my boys on the boat..These are the pictures taken along the Melaka cruise tu..45 minutes journey to and fro..ticket price is RM10 for adult and children was charged half price..
Muka Adam dah tension pasal sibuk dia nak ambik gambar..
Dalam kapal perang tu...Muzium Samudera Melaka
Johan Atas dek kapal
Adam atas pelantar depan kapal ..
Adam posing bergayut dlm muzium kapal tu..
Johan serius peluk Adam (mcm mencekik aje)... Adam dgn gaya Ultraman dia lah tu...
Adam pi panjat tangga tu sesorang dia..tangga tu curam tul..dah nak turun tak sampai kaki pulak, terketar2 jugak dia kat atas tu..I tengok aje, biarkan dia pasal nakal sgt, kita dah cakap jgn naik, dia naik jugak..nasib baik that nice chinese guy tu yg sedang posing utk mika dia, tolong si Adam turun..
Abahnye tengah reminisced the old memory masa atas kapal tu..tengah walking down the
memory lane lah tu masa muda2 dulu tu..siap ajak I naik cruise pulak pasal rindu duk atas
kapal katanya...ish!! apa I nak buat masa cruise tu...bosanlah..
Tu tak serik-serik tu..panjat lagi..
Sampai hotel, terus terlepek atas katil...tapi kejap aje ye sebab ada xtvt yg mmg depa ni suka sgt...
kami stay di Everly Resort, Tanjung Keling (but more at Pantai Klebang)
tu dah bersungguh-sungguh bukak seluar tu...nak mandi lah tu..anak2 saya ni amatlah
suka mandi...kat rumah tu, sehari kdg2 sampai 7-8 kali mandi sehari..sabar ajelah...
first round swimming dlm bath tub hotel ajelah dulu..mak nak rehat ye...
pastu depa and hubby sambung pulak mandi kat pool hotel..mak melepak aje dlm hotel, layan starmovies...lama dah tak tengok movies tanpa perlu bercerita jln cerita kat sesapa...That nite we planned to have ikan bakar at Umbai for dinner but was told by one of the hotel staff that Umbai is quite far from Pantai Klebang and since we are not familiar with Melaka, better try the one in Pengkalan Balak. which is about 45 minutes journey from the hotel.halfway the journey, we get lost again, stop at pump station and luckily this good samaritan asked us to follow his car...siap nak tunjukkan shortcut tu...thank you very much to the owner of MAA last we reached Pengkalan Balak but we couldn't find the gerai-gerai ikan bakar tu..makan ajelah at one of the kedai makan kat situ..but it is not the authentic ikan bakar, eat with the nasi lemak bungkus ... ..overall, the cicah is not good..takde umppphh langsung...Tanglin ikan bakar punya cicah lagi power beb!!! but the fried sotong and otak-otak kempas taste better...and the end, my hubby said, we really need to go to Umbai next time...nak kena cari yg original jugak kan..