Showing posts with label Jessica's Law. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jessica's Law. Show all posts

Little White Faces

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My organization has done so much on the national level to shift the focus to the truly dangerous. An organization that you don't think too highly of. What's the deal?
- Jim Freeman
Executive Director SoHopeful

Remember this guy? The one with the little white face? In case you've forgotten that's Jim Freeman, former executive director of SoHopeful. He's the guy who claimed he wasn't a pedophile. He's the guy who claimed he was low risk. He's the guy who claimed he didn't pose any danger -- after all he was the perfect example of "non-dangerous" sex offender wasn't he?

When Jim tumbled down the mountainside earning himself multiple life sentences it went virtually ignored by Sosen. Well, except for their attempts to hide their association with him. And of course Cheryl Griffiths subsequent attempt to cover-up her cover-up attempt.

Sosen never stopped to consider that there could possibly be another Jim Freeman hiding in their forums pretending to only care about "No More Victims" while having children sexually assaulted and filmed to order and on demand. Little children. Toddlers. Infants.

"How could we have missed this?" or "Was there anything we missed?" or "How can we prevent this from occurring again?" were not questions they asked as they scurried about pretending they weren't involved with him. Perhaps they paid him no attention because he had a little white face?

To imply Sosen must be racists and not care about his crimes because he had a little white face and that's the reason they ignored the possibility of other Jim Freemans hiding among them and implementing changes which may help prevent them from harboring another recidivist sex offender sounds pretty offensive to me. But that must be why, mustn't it? What else could it possibly be! Certainly they wouldn't miss an opportunity to "prevent and educate" would they? Which idea is more offensive? That they really blame the victims rather than the offender, that they rationalize on behalf of the offender, that they fail to recognize the serious crimes that have been committed and the possibility of them being repeated and instead try to insult those who have been victimized because they really deep down hate victims - OR- the idea that they treat victims this way because they're racists? Which is it? Does it have to be either/or? Can it be both? Could it be something else altogether? Something perhaps deeply rooted in blame-gaming philosophy? Try to think like a Sosenite for a moment and figure this out because Sosen has sunk to an all time low - even for their standards as Richard Schalich attempts a new technique. According to Richard, people who try to make the world a little safer for children are no longer simply "the haters" they are now racists too. And he has proof.......

Megan's Law, the Jacob Wetterling Act, the Adam Walsh Act and Jessica's law were all named in honor of children who were white.
A child named Lunsford or Kanka or Walsh with a little white face attached to it will attract more voters and PAC money. You probably will not see a "Christopher’s" law. His last name is Barrios. He has a brown face and looks too much like the dirty illegal’s the politicians and their pundits love to rant about.
it is obvious these laws are rooted in racism and discrimination
Wow! Not only do they compare their struggle to escape the consequences of their own actions to the historically widespread mistreatment of other minority groups - those minority groups who weren't labeled because they had harmed someone else but merely because they were born with it. Richard Schalich has taken it to a whole new level.

Richard doesn't understand that these laws were enacted due to the hard work of the families of those abducted and murdered children. It was due to their determination to do something to help other children, to turn their never-ending loss and pain into triumph and to assure that their own child had not died in vain.

There wasn't a new law proposed in honor of Christopher Barrios because he was Black/Hispanic, but rather because his family didn't lobby for one. The case of Christopher Barrios wasn't hidden and "not talked about" because he was Black/Hispanic - it did in fact receive widespread attention. Google "Christopher Barrios" and your results will be in excess of a half million. It faded from the forefront however, because his family allowed it to. They could have stayed in the spotlight and kept the case on everyone's lips if they had chosen to. The media would have flocked to them. Why is Richard Schalich trying to put the focus on something else which had nothing to do with this case? David Edenfield received the death penalty. He said that killing Christopher "felt good". George was a registered sex offender and is being evaluated for competency. Peggy won't face the death penalty in exchange for testifying against her husband and son. In case Richard Schalich has forgotten, these baby-raping killers - the Edenfield's all had little white faces.
Parents of murdered children are actually encouraged by law enforcement to do such things - to focus their energy - to volunteer - to lobby - to keep busy doing something to help with their grieving process. But of course Richard Schalich wouldn't be aware of that. Like the other Sosenites he's too busy trying to find someone else to blame.

But perhaps we should look at some other faces.

How about Jesse Timmendequas it looks to me as though he has a little white face. He had already re-offended multiple times before he raped and murdered little Megan Kanka in 1994. In 1979 he had sexually assaulted a 5 year old girl for which justice meant a suspended sentence. In 1981 he sexually assaulted a 7 year old girl. He got 6 years for that one. A therapist stated that she thought he would re-offend one day. Of course, no one expected he would go that far.

What have we here? Another little white face it appears. John Couey's sex crimes went back over 20 years before he abducted, raped and murdered Jessica Lunsford then buried her alive. Of course, he'd never exhibited such horrific violence before, he wasn't considered especially dangerous. Who could have predicted what he'd go on to do? Even experts now agree that it's practically impossible to accurately predict who will or will not re-offend. Which reminds me........

This is Michael Jacques, a twice-convicted sex offender, in fact a violent rapist - who was allowed off probation early because Richard Kearney of the Department of Corrections called him a rehabilitation success. In fact Richard told the court "When I make comments about successes in sex offender treatment, I have three names of which Michael Jacques is one." Of course the court didn't know that Jacques also had other convictions........a sexual assault he'd managed to have expunged from his record. And of course Richard Kearney didn't know that at the time he told the court these things - Michael Jacques was molesting a little girl and had been since she was nine years old and continued to for the next 5 years. And of course they didn't know that he would go on to rape and kill his own niece. He had groomed everyone it appears, not only his family members but the DOC as well. He was a model sex offender alright. He also had a little white face.

This is Jon Savarino Schillaci aka Dylan Thomas. An unremorseful pedophile - in fact an activist for pedophiles and one time webmaster of BoyChat. Jon served 10 years in prison for the sexual assault of two boys - twins - when he was a teenager. While in prison he earned two Master's degrees. He spoke several languages fluently, was an accomplished pianist and disturbingly articulate - for a filthy pedophile. After capturing the attention of a woman who was taken by his poetry that was printed in a prison publication he managed to convince her that he was reformed, regretted his mistakes and wanted to make a new life. She agreed to help him. She allowed him to move in with her family, he registered as a sex offender, enrolled in a doctoral program at a nearby university and gave her 5 year old son piano lessons. He also downloaded child pornography and repaid her kindness and willingness to give him a chance by molesting her son. He had a little white face.

Shall I continue? Here is John Gardner. A registered sex offender in fact a child rapist who was considered low risk to re-offend. He's confessed to raping and murdering 17 year old Chelsea King and 14 year old Amber Dubois and attempting to rape a woman. He has a little white face.

This is Joseph Duncan. His first recorded sex crime occurred when he was 15 years old. In that incident he raped a 9-year-old boy at gunpoint. He was sentenced as a juvenile and sent to Dyslin's Boys' ranch in Tacoma, where he told a therapist that he had bound and sexually assaulted six boys. He also told the therapist that he estimated that he had raped 13 younger boys by the time he was 16. He went on to murder an entire family, kidnapping 9 year old Dylan and 8 year old Shasta Groene. He tortured Dylan, raped him - made Shasta watch, and of course raped her too. No one anticipated his actions. He had a little white face as well.

Here's a little white face for you. Thomas J. Leggs, a registered sex offender charged with the murder of Sarah Foxwell - his girlfriends niece. He's facing the death penalty.

I could go on like this all day. Instead, why don't you go here and see a wall of little white faces staring back at you. Little white repeat sex offender faces. It must be racism and discrimination! It simply must be, the lack of someone else to blame might be too hard for some people to bear.

Sex offenders vary widely in their risk to re-offend. Estimates suggest that 40%-45% of untreated sexual offenders will sexually re-offend in their lifetime. These rates are considerably lower than rates of re-offense for other types of violent offenders.

Heartless Bastards!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

From the mouth of Zman!

"This was not good before, and by forcing a woman to live there is asking for problems. Is the state going to be blamed if she is raped by someone? I doubt it, but they are the HEARTLESS BASTARDS that are doing this. WHERE ARE THE HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS? Hell, do they even exist anymore? So what's next? Are you going to also be sending child sex offenders to live under the bridge as well?"

I was under the impression from reading that article that she was offered a place to stay and didn't have to go under the bridge. She's a sex offender who TWICE failed to follow registration laws and now refuses to go anywhere else to stay because it doesn't "suit her". While I don't particularly care to have sex offenders living under a bridge I can't help but wonder why Zman would be worried that she would be raped living with all those other sex offenders but he can't grasp why parents would be concerned about them living next door to their children.

Maybe it's his "thinking disorder" that's at fault. He claims sex offenders are judged guilty before being tried and you can't believe the media because they lie. He also claims:
Well, that is the problem, the media has force fed you lies, so has the media, John Walsh (who is an admitted sex addict), Mark Lunsford (who had child porn on his machine when Jessica went missing, and his son has since been busted for molesting a child, but walked free), and politicians. The sheeple believe anything that is force fed to them, even if it's a lie.
Shut the hell up Mark! You were out of the house at some skanks house that night instead of taking care of Jessica like a REAL father would do. I wish someone one look into the child porn you had on your machine, and put you in prison where you belong
Maybe they should read this article, which shows CHILD PORN was on Mark Lunsfords machine when Jessica went missing. It seems everyone is trying to bury that, but, I won't let it be buried.
We need to stop letting rage filled idiots like John Walsh, Mark Lunsford or Marc Klass make laws. People not thinking clearly created idiotic laws, that has been proven by history.
Seemingly oblivious to the fact that none of those men MADE laws. They didn't sign them into effect, they didn't vote them into effect, they didn't enact any laws. They merely lobbied for their beliefs. The same way this idiot with a big mouth does.
John Couey constantly asked for help! Did he ever receive it? No, why not? If you would've got him treatment a long time ago when he asked for it, Jessica would still be here.
Seemingly obvious to the fact that Mark Lunsford didn't even know John Couey before he abducted, raped and buried his daughter alive.
This man is another John Walsh who is, IMO, exploiting his daughters death for fame and money. He was nothing before all this occurred. It's about torturing as many people as possible, when you need to accept some blame as well for leaving your daughter at home that night while you went out to a bar/girl friends home, AND LEFT THE DOORS UNLOCKED!!!
Seemingly oblivious to the fact that Jessica was not left alone and it is not uncommon for a single man to leave his child with her grandparents while he stays at his girlfriends.
Because those people are not informed, and will believe anything this idiot says. But, you have to question his motives, and also what about the child porn he had when Jessica went missing?
If this is about accountability, then why don't they further investigate the child porn Mark had on his machine when Jessica went missing? Mark is trying to be another John Walsh and exploit his daughters death to make some quick easy money, IMO.
And why hasn't anybody brought up the issue that Mark had CHILD PORN on his machine when they checked it, yet it magically vanished?
There was also child porn on his machine when Jessica went missing, which magically vanished. Why was he not investigated for that?
Your whole family is a basket case!! You are just looking for a scapegoat to blame, when you are responsible for taking care of your children, not the police.
But the strangest one of all:
Why must people always find a SCAPEGOAT to blame instead of taking responsibility for their negligence and irresponsibility? Why? STOP PUSHING THE BLAME OFF TO OTHER PEOPLE FOR YOUR STUPIDITY!
Zman the king of blame gaming accusing other people of scapegoating? Now those are but a few of the examples, I could point you to well over 500 instances where he has said things like this. It is now rampant amongst the blame-gaming sex offender activists who no longer report it as "once there was a news story that said this" no, now it has become a cold hard 'FACTOID'.
A statement of presumed fact that people believe to be true because they hear it repeated over and over
And yet, way back when......Zman knew that it wasn't true.

Dear Mr. Gelman,

This is to confirm my prior representations to you that Mr. Lunsford's computer was seized from his home at the time of the disappearance as part of a routine investigation. The computer was examined by the Citrus County Sheriff's Office. They found no evidence of possession of child pornography on the computer. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of further assistance.

Richard D. Ridgway
Assistant State Attorney
Zman has known all along that what he was saying wasn't true, it just suited his purposes to say otherwise. He prefers to point at and blame other people for his predicament rather than himself. In fact, he just doesn't know WHO to blame, he just knows it's someone else not him. Never him. I guess everything that has befallen him is all the fault of the evil vigilante bloggers. Like perhaps Stitches who went to SOA and said "People can relate to Walsh and Lunsford, don't attack them or people will hate you for it" and was subsequently attacked for telling the truth. So then how would you explain this?

This is how you solve problems, all sides should get together, and as adults, talk about all the issues, good and bad, and help solve the problem, instead of passing blame from one side to the other. Maybe when Perverted-Justice, AbsoluteZeroUnited and others see this, then we can help solve the sexual abuse issues.

Hosted by: The Fallen One (ReFORM Radio)

Title: Ep. 8: Barriers to ReFORM Featuring "Valigator"
You can correct me if I'm wrong but I believe Valerie told you the same thing regarding the nasty things all the blame gamers say about Walsh and Lunsford. And of course you can correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears that SHE is one of the people trying to force sex offenders out of neighborhoods and under the Bridge. Perhaps you talked to the wrong person after all Zman? Oh and by the way, you left the background out of your "heartless bastards" graphic. No worries, I fixed it for you.

"I'm gonna rip them apart"

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What the hell is going on in Massachusetts?

Representative James Fagan that's what. He opposes Jessica's Law.

This is what he said:

"I'm gonna rip them apart," Fagan said of young victims during his testimony on the bill. "I'm going to make sure that the rest of their life is ruined, that when they’re 8 years old, they throw up; when they’re 12 years old, they won’t sleep; when they’re 19 years old, they’ll have nightmares and they’ll never have a relationship with anybody.”

Fagan said as a defense attorney it would be his duty to do that in order to keep his clients free from a "mandatory sentence of those draconian proportions."

He would say that to someone who looks like this

And he would say THAT in defense of THIS

My question now is, how long the people of Massachusetts are going to allow that FREAK to represent them. Does he? Is he representing the wishes of his constituency?

Time will tell. Most people do not take lightly to behavior such as that. And most people will never forget it come voting season.

Ulterior Motives

Monday, June 02, 2008

Reposted from July 19, 2007

Perverts have a new plan, yeah. They have a petition they want people to sign. But before we take a look at what's on it, let's see what a pervert is:

Here we have Unico


He tells us clearly what he thinks about little girls, doesn't he?

And here we have Abraxas


He strongly supports this petition.

An Urgent Call to Support the Well-Being of Children and the Rights of Us All

  1. Abolish all provisions of state and Federal sex offender registries that publicly shame offenders. There should be no internet or other public posting of the identity, photograph, address, workplace or personal information of any offender.......
    In cases of genuinely violent sex crimes, especially against young children, and with a specific finding of a likelihood to re-offend, registration may be required, but information will be shared only among police officials.........
    Strong penalties should be levied against police or others privy to the registration information who violate the privacy of the offenders

  2. Abolish all life-time civil commitment for sex offenders who have completed prison sentences and/or parole and probation
    In cases of violent offenses and specific findings of a likelihood to re-offend, carefully constructed court hearings, with medical advice and full due process, should determine if the person may be further incarcerated, and then only for a short time and with regular review

  3. Stop public vilification and demonization of sex offenders. Oppose the use in the media or by public officials of obviously pejorative language with regard to offenders. Use of the term "pedophile" should be extremely limited and accurate. Children should be defined as persons under the age of puberty.

  4. De-criminalize all consensual sexual activities among teenagers. Stop all required sex offender registration for minors

  5. Abolish all laws that provide the death penalty or life in prison without parole for sex offenders.

  6. Support broad sex education for children, and empower them to make their own decisions and stand up for their rights

  7. Provide accurate information and support valid research about sex offender characteristics and recidivism rates

  8. Help sex offenders re-enter society by abolishing measures which make it difficult for them to find a place to live and a decent job. Encourage support groups for sex offenders, including help with finding housing, employment and effective treatment, before their release and afterward

    Yes, Abraxas likes it.......sorta

    " Though this reform does not go far enough--none has yet for me--it is a great beginning toward common sense and justice.


    I wonder what Jessica Lundsford would think of all that?

    Or Dylan Groen?

    Or all the people walking this earth today who are carrying the scars left by men who think of them as throw-away objects.

    Yes, I wonder what they think of this petition.

    But I think we may have an answer from the pen of one of GirlChat's finest. The infamous Turtle explains what they all show us everyday........the scorn they feel for CSA survivors.

    "why do i read posts by angry "christian" women that go on and on about how sick and evil it is and how their lives were ruined?

    are you that weak minded? do you have to find someone else to blame for your own personal failures?

    it was one event,it shouldnt ruin your life. kids in other countries live through much worse. stop whining,and put the blame where it belongs:on your own shoulders. sex is a beautiful thing and only becomes perverted when you decide that it is perverted"

    95% of all child molestations are committed by pedophiles. Pedophiles mock society, they mock children, they mock parents and they mock sex abuse victims. They have nothing to offer this world but misery and heartache. They are all filthy pedophiles. And if they try to pull the number on you...."they just LOVE children, oh no they aren't the child molesters..........they are the true child lovers" well you can rest assured that they are LYING. It's one of the things they do best.

    Dare to feel the pain

    Monday, January 14, 2008

    "The Second Chance Society"

    "Our mission is to fight a battle based on truth and documented facts. We shall encourage the young adults who have been cheated out of a childhood to work with us in finding realistic solutions for tomorrow's children. Those who have lived the hype and the fear will have a clear vision for the future and a roadmap to get there."

    So speaks Shirley Lowery, the former CEO of Sosen. Recently shamed and ousted from her position during a gruesome hostile takeover, Shirley became depressed and announced her retirement. Unfortunately, it didn't last long. She's back with a vengeance and plotting her return to activism with her new mission statement, above.

    One of her ways of making a come back will be to address America's youth. Not those who were victimized by sexual abusers but rather those she claims were cheated of a normal childhood by parents who were afraid that their child would be abused. She says:
    "Adults threw all kinds of things on you to protect you from a fate worse than death.

    Were you frightened or were you victimized and cheated out of the best years of your life due to the adults in your life that were scared witless?

    It will be interesting to hear what you have to say about families being tossed out and burned out of their homes. People have been mugged and murdered.

    These are things that are being done in your name."
    Personally I think it will be far more interesting to hear from children who were groomed, manipulated and molested. Those who were sexually assaulted and battered. Those whose mother stood up for them .... and those that didn't. Those who had their abuse dismissed and/or denied, versus those who had validation of their right to be free of sexual abuse by having proper sentences given to their abusers. But that's me.

    Shirley lost her American Chronicle articles, along with Jan Kruska and Jan's pseudonym Amanda Rogers. Of course Sosen itself lost their account also, but that's another story. This story is about Shirley's comeback.
    "I am tempted to try again under another name but need an e-mail and profile completely separate from everything else.

    I can still post on Arrivenet which gets some attention over time but not the grab of the Chronicles."
    If you guys see her writings show up on the Chronicle under another name, could you please let me know?

    Today we have the rare opportunity to observe one of her infamous blasts at society in progress. So far we have two versions she's presenting for group input. Let's look at some of the things she's saying.

    She offers some snippets from a CNN transcript of John Walsh talking about his problems with sex addiction and how it hurt people in his life including his wife, children and himself. Shirley says:
    "With this information we know that Walsh admitted to a raging sex addiction in 1999. He is well aware of the intensity of this condition and how it can ruin lives. If treatment worked for him it should work for many others with the same or a similar sex disorder. He owes the public an answer."
    This is actually nothing new, all the RSO activists are trying to compare a sexual addiction to a sexual offense. This only serves to show their complete desperation and ongoing habit of pointing fingers, blaming others, and refusing to admit that they and they alone are fully responsible for their own actions. A sex addiction has nothing to do with sexually assaulting, raping, or molesting others unless the two are combined.

    Next inline for finger pointing and blame-shifting we have Jessica Lunsford. We previously saw how Shirley made the allegation that Jessica had consensual sex with John Couey and then committed suicide by having Couey bury her alive. She's got a new spin on the situation, let's take a look.
    "Every year we have young females who are abducted, raped and murdered. Jessica Lunsford was one such case. Her convicted killer, John Couey, did not suddenly turn murderer because of some long ago, non-violent sex crime. He turned killer due to the large amounts of crack cocaine that he ingested just hour's prior to Jessica's disappearance. By pretrial motion that information was withheld so even the juror's deciding his fate were not given this information. This tends to put a damper on the concept of a fair trial by a jury of your peers"
    Let's stop there for a moment. Nobody has ever accused John Couey of murdering BECAUSE of his previous sex crime. Furthermore the same laws that allowed his drug use to be withheld in trial are the very same laws that prevent a jury from knowing a child molester on trial has a history of molesting 10 other children. It works both ways. And to make matters even worse for Shirley Lowery, in her haste to look like an idiot, completely fails to address the fact that John Couey kept Jessica for a week, raping her repeatedly before burying her alive. I hardly think he was on crack cocaine that entire time, and no one else thinks that either. That level of drug use would have killed him as no human body could withstand it.
    "Jessica's horrific death would not have sparked any undue attention had it not been for old charges that required registration as a sex offender. That is the stage that was set for the American people. It was a power play with sex at the forefront and drugs pushed out of the way."
    That's interesting. The way I recall events, Jessica's disappearance created a LOT of attention, BEFORE it was known a registered sex offender had kidnapped, repeatedly raped and killed by live burial little Jessica. THAT is how *I* recall it.
    "Because of the way this case was presented everyone from home security people on up profited from this child's death. If John Couey had not fondled and tried to steal a kiss all of those years ago there would be no such thing as Jessica's Law."
    Isn't it so terribly unfortunate that these things had to happen to Jessica before we could get our legislature to recognize what we've been telling them for years? But Shirley continues. She claims that the job the jurors did
    "has been cheapened by the fact that even they were given partial truth to work with in a trial that was a mere mockery of justice.

    This case was presented to a nation in such a manner as to induce public hysteria. It is time for us to remember that this is America where that sort of thing will not be tolerated.

    For the health and welfare of this nation we had a right to know that the search was for a junkie rather than a sex fiend. Such careless, political power play has done irreparable harm to our country"
    Search for a junkie? It was a search for an unknown person of unknown qualities who was acting for unknown reasons. It wasn't until after he was identified that anyone knew he was a registered sex offender. Furthermore, WHY does Shirley Lowery believe she has a right to know everything about a case yet you don't have a right to know that your next door neighbor molested a 5 year old child. When you have a 5 year old child.

    WHY? Why is Shirley Lowery so hell-bent on blaming everyone except John Couey? Why is she so hell-bent on shifting attention AWAY from sex offenders? Could it be that her son, serving 60 years in prison for molesting Shirley's granddaughter, because of pleading guilty AND taking a plea bargain which REDUCED his sentence to SIXTY YEARS has caused her to flip her lid? Or was she always this wacked out?

    "A child who has been victimized suffers from low-self esteem. If there is any shred of self-respect left it is quickly ripped away by society's very vocal perception. We are damaged, emotional cripples with diminished capabilities and nobody is willing to waste time on a lost cause. Society "saves" children by jerking them out of a bad situation and ensuring that the abuser is punished to the full extent of the law. There is no individual that notices or cares that only the faces have changed in a child's ongoing nightmare.

    The hunger for revenge is what keeps these incidents as front-burner items. There are high-profile individuals who will tell you that a child deserves what he or she gets if they aren't willing to give up a loved one for 25 years. This is typical thinking for someone who has not experienced the situation. Most kids are not going to buy in to a 25-year future of public misery. We bide our time until we can walk away legally. The family is intact and there is no stigma. It is called survival.

    The government never does anything right yet there are great expectations that they will fix the sex offender problem. Realistically, we are further away from a solution than we have ever been. Please stop the drama and pretend that your precious child has victimized another of your equally precious children. Dare to feel the pain of being alive with your heart ripped out. Get up close and personal with all aspects of such a situation and then give the world a valid opinion on how we should proceed."
    Please pay close attention to this:

    We bide our time until we can walk away legally.
    The family is intact and there is no stigma.
    It is called survival.

    Dare to feel the pain of being alive with your heart ripped out

    Shirley Lowery, I am addressing you.

    You lost any credibility you may have had long ago. You have serious emotional and mental problems. Seek help for it and give this up before you make it any worse than you already have. You cannot be an activist anymore, no matter how much you want to be. We won't allow it.

    Graphics courtesy of Jacey

    Fluff n' Stuff

    Tuesday, August 21, 2007

    Amanda Rogers, as she likes to call herself, describes herself as
    a freelance investigative journalist from Phoenix,AZ.

    She is a human rights, civil rights, and child safety advocate, as well as a political ball buster. Amanda is the author of numerous articles and video blogs. Her articles and editorials have been published in news magazines both nationally and across the globe
    Amanda writes for American Chronicle, an online tabloid type website. She's also on the board of SoClear a pro sex offender rights organization which describes her this way:
    Fed up with the barrage of blatantly unconstitutional and ineffective legislation regarding sex offenders and so-called "child protection", Ms. Rogers has made it her mission to educate the public on the truth behind the headlines: To cut through the hype and spin to bring you the facts, un-tethered by political bias, affiliations, or agendas. It is only through truths, however painful, infuriating or embarrassing that real discussion on these issues can begin and effective changes be made.
    Amanda believes that society is demonizing sex offenders. She believes we are mistreating them. She believes we are thus endangering children. She is an activist. Her issue is to reform sex offender laws. She supports the petition we wrote about HERE.

    Amanda claims that that only 3% of sex offenders recidivate. She bases that on the 1994 DOJ report regarding recidivism rates of sex offenders. Then, in typical Lindsay Ashford style, she subtracts the number of those offenders in that study who were reconvicted within a 3 year period from 100% and erroneously concludes that it must mean 97% of sex offense cases are committed by someone never before convicted of a sex crime. WA LA She's using this insane conclusion to promote abolishment of sex offender registries, life imprisonment sentences and age of consent laws.

    When we very helpfully pointed out to her that studies done over a much longer period of time found that the offender didn't typically start to re-offend until 5 years post release from prison, which would actually make this DOJ statistic a moot point, she very typically deleted our comments and proceeded to harass a CSA survivor. Wouldn't want people to know the truth now would she?

    Amanda wants this

    Abolish all provisions of state and Federal sex offender registries.. There should be no internet or other public posting of the identity, photograph, address, workplace or personal information of any offender

    Whose side is she on again? She believes you don't have a right to know that Joe next door raped a 5 year old child.........when you have a 5 year old child.

    She also makes note, as do all these activists that there are very few sex crimes committed by those on the sex offender registry and in some insane twist of logic concludes that WA LA we don't need one. Whereas I'm saying it may just be working. In cases where the offender was registered but they weren't adequately followed by law enforcement, she concludes that we are wasting money on the SOR, whereas I believe we need to invest more money into it and ensure that all agencies have the staff and resources they need.

    At one point she becomes so bold as to say that the reason for widespread under-reporting of child sexual abuse is because people know that bad stuff is gonna happen when they report it. For example prison sentences, SOR, possibly the breadwinner being removed from the home. Whereas if there were no punishment for sex offenders and it wasn't something required by law to be reported, well then the victim could just gently guide the offender on down to the corner therapist and WA LA problem would be solved. She doesn't understand sex offenders much does she?

    I should say not. But I would like to ask her why she blames Adam Walsh's mother for the actions of the man who cut off Adam's head. And why she blames the family of Christopher Barrios and the entire system for the actions of the gruesome twosome who raped and murdered him while that hag looked on getting her jollies.

    "Little Christopher paid the price for this ill thought out legislation with his very life. It is the opinion of this writer that lawmakers have just as much blood on their hands as the Edenfields themselves"
    She refers to Mark Klass, Mark Lundsford, John Walsh as the flock of vultures. And addressing the issue of Megan Kanka (Megans Law) and the man who raped and murdered her (a convicted sex offender) she says that law enforcement knew he was dangerous and yet they let him out anyway. Well oh me oh my, if you really feel that way Amanda, why do you support doing away with all life imprisonment sentences for sex offenders? Why?

    Why are you addressing the parents of murdered children with scorn and hostility in your voice? Why are you trying to dig up dirt on them? You wouldn't be the judgmental type now would you? You wouldn't be one to try and legislate morality now would you? You wouldn't make a statement like: "The common thread with all of these cases is that the parents were living less than, shall we say, good moral lifestyles....." And why are you blaming everyone, everyone for the deaths of Dylan Groene, Jessica Lunsford, Megan Kanka, Adam Walsh, Carly Brucia, and Danielle Van Dam except the men who actually committed the acts? Yes, Amanda, as parents we have to take care of our children, but when you said:

    "This world is not your babysitter"

    All I could think was........Am I my brother's keeper? And in this case, Amanda, yes yes yes I am. When it comes to children we all are. If you don't agree then I would imagine you perhaps have ulterior motives for this cause of yours?

    Amanda believes that teenagers are the victims in this modern day hysterical witch hunt. To solve that problem she supports this:

    De-criminalize all consensual sexual activities among teenagers

    She draws no line. A 19 year old 11 month and 29 day old person would be exempt from being prosecuted for having sex with a 13 year old and 1 day old child. Oh! But she did use the word consensual. As if she believes the 13 year old is capable of making a rational decision about sexual activity with the 19/20 year old. I guess she does believe it.

    But on the other hand she DID say she was against pedophiles and so I'm just scratching my head here. WTF? Because you see what this petition says is
    Stop public vilification and demonization of sex offenders. Oppose the use in the media or by public officials of obviously pejorative language with regard to offenders. Use of the term "pedophile" should be extremely limited and accurate. Children should be defined as persons under the age of puberty.
    Ok, there is the definition of child that she supports. But then how do you explain this?
    Support broad sex education for children, and empower them to make their own decisions and stand up for their rights
    THAT right there is an advocation for abolishment of age of consent laws, and the typical pedophile movement's modus operandi. Turn it on the child. Make THEM responsible for what the adults want to do to them.

    And like we said before, this reform petition is about removing all punishments for sex offenders, placing the responsibility for CSA on the child, and removing restrictions for pedophiles. I think Amanda's a malicious LIAR whose attempts to manipulate public opinion with false propaganda are on the lines of reckless endangerment.

    And they call us ignorant and uneducated? Well, Amanda did. But then I think she has more hair than brains. In fact I just call her fluff n' stuff.

    Jan Elizabeth Kruska describes herself as

    a freelance journalist from Phoenix, Arizona U.S.A.

    She is the author of numerous articles, live concert reviews, and musician interviews which have been published both nationally and internationally. Jan also does live concert photography which helps to bring the stories and reviews together for both readers and fans.

    Please see her website for more information and concert photos at

    Jan Kruska is a registered sex offender herself you see. Jan is Amanda. Jan has ulterior motives behind her numerous pro sex abuse articles, and her website and her organization of the rally in Miami and her support of this horrendous excuse for a petition that claims it is "part of the effort to support the happiness, well-being and freedom of children"

    I did find it quite interesting that this petition which states:
    We call on those who agree with us to sign our Call publicly, with full disclosure of real identity
    And Jan did that. Yes indeed she did. The strange thing is that she also signed Amanda's name. You know, the Amanda who doesn't even exist?

    I don't know about you, but I would sort of think that a reformed sex offender wouldn't stoop to lying now would they? And if they did.....which activities of theirs should we believe in and which ones should we question? As for me I don't believe anything she has to say.

    Graphics provided by Jacey

    What's the Hurry?

    Friday, March 23, 2007

    Look at Christopher Michael Barrios, of Brunswick Georgia. Look at his face. Look at that smile. Imagine him in front of you, six years old, how small he would be. 3 feet 6 inches tall and 60 pounds. Just a little boy playing on a swing set after he got off the school bus. Just a couple hundred feet away from home....

    ....And right across the street from a convicted sex offender.

    His funeral was today.

    Now let's walk across the street and see what we find.

    Why it's George Edenfield who pleaded guilty in 1997 to molesting two boys, ages 7 and 9. He was sentenced to 10 years on probation.

    As part of his 1997 conviction, George Edenfield had to register as a sex offender in Georgia. A Georgia law passed last year prohibits registered sex offenders from living within 1,000 feet of a school bus stop; the Edenfields lived about 600 feet from the one Christopher waited at. This law has currently been put on hold, pending......

    Now let's see what else is across the street. Living with George we have his father.

    David Edenfield. David pleaded guilty to incest in 1994.

    Wonder if he also molested George when he was a boy? Enter the mother:

    Peggy Edenfield. Not a registered sex offender, but she lied during the search for Christopher. She sent investigators off on wild goose chases....away from Christophers body.

    But perhaps she wasn't trying to cover up what her son did....or what her husband did for that matter. Maybe she was just trying to cover up for the fact that she watched while both her husband and her son molested the boy....Or the fact that she masturbated while watching?

    Perhaps it was both. Nevertheless, all three have been arrested and charged with capital murder. Apparently the prosecutor will be seeking the death penalty....and frankly they all three deserve it, no matter which one actually strangled him to death....after getting their thrills. Or perhaps his death was part of the thrill. Of course, if Jessica's Law had been in effect back in 1997....and George had received the minimum sentence of 25 years, little Christopher would still be alive.

    Could anyone argue with that? Well Dissident could. You remember Dissident. The pseudo-pedo philosopher. There was a discussion about Jessica's Law. And of always..Dissident is opposed to any measure that might punish a pedo. He claims that it won't prevent real child molestations it will merely punish those involved in consensual sex with children. Well he claims that child murderers should never be let out of prison in the first place so it doesn't really effect them. But I think he's missing the point. Is it purposeful?

    John Couey was arrested for fondling a child. He served his time. He got out. He progressed....he kidnapped and murdered. George Edenfield was convicted of fondling two little boys. He got probation. No jail time. He progressed....he kidnapped and murdered. Are we seeing a pattern here? These are just two examples of why we need ONE STRIKE LAWS.

    Just for the record here are some of the pedo-opinions about legislation like Jessica's Law... one that would have prevented John Couey, George Edenfield and even Joseph Duncan from progressing:
    Vespucci: "What a travesty of justice"

    darth: "It is so sad that love has such a heavy punishment'

    Santi: "Sex offenders, especially the ones to offend a minor are to pay forever."

    Dissident: "I find it highly insulting that the fears and emotional devastation of a family are used to divert further oppression upon a highly misunderstood minority group"

    28: The only way to protect children is to educate them about the differences between child molesters and order to empower children with the comprehensive knowledge they need, in order to make good decisions when confronted with potential exploitation."

    Lux: "For every one dangerous-to-children molester, there are a thousand harmless sex offenders"

    Hierophant: "These are not anti molester laws....these are anti love laws."

    Turtle: "New laws won't stop scumbags from raping children. They will just ruin more men and womens lives and continue to tear families apart."

    LGsinmyheart: "I would chop my feet off, bracelet included (speaking of tracking device), give the bracelet away as a present to a little girl....just to prove a point"
    Well, you made your point LGsinmyheart. You sure did. Nothing will stop you will it? Not as long as you have your freedom anyway.

    Jessica's Law Challenged in Nebraska

    Sunday, March 18, 2007

    James Fisher feels his rights are being infringed. He has been sentenced to lifetime supervision, GPS monitoring and unannounced searches of his home by parole officials. As a result he is currently suing the Nebraska Attorney General, Department of Corrections and the Parole Board. Full story here

    His punishment comes as a result of Bill LB1199 – the Nebraskan equivalent of Jessica's Law. Fisher's attorney, Sue Ellen Wall, works as a "cooperating attorney" for the ACLU in Nebraska. You can read more about the ACLU's connection to abuse and exploitation of children here and here. Not surprisingly, Wall had this to say:

    It (sex crimes against children) is a problem we're all cognizant of but you can't just throw a human being into a cage without there being some rational basis for it.

    Let's see if we can find some rational basis, shall we?

    He was convicted of brutally raping a 4 year old child

    That is more than enough basis for me. I think I speak for all the contributors and allies of AZ when I say I don't give a damn what Mr. Fisher feels he is entitled to.

    A spokesman for the Attorney General has stated they are "prepared to defend" this legislation.

    Please contact the Attorney General here to voice your support for this legislation and its application to this perpetrator. Let them know that the public supports their stance!

    It is also vital to contact Nebraskan law-makers and ensure that laws continue to reflect the majority view that sexual predators against children have forfeited all their rights. Here are the relevant details to email:

    Governor Dave Heineman
    Senator Ben Nelson
    Senator Chuck Hagel
    Congressman Jeff Fortenberry
    Congressman Lee Terry
    Congressman Adrian Smith

    A Modern Pedophile Attack on Children

    Tuesday, January 09, 2007

    Is it a virus as Nihil seems to think society is? Perhaps it's cancer or the plague. Bill Glaser said it best in Paedophilia : the public health problem of the decade :
    Imagine a society afflicted by a scourge which struck down a quarter of its daughters and up to one in eight of its sons. Imagine also that this plague, while not immediately fatal, lurked in the bodies and minds of these young children for decades, making them up to sixteen times more likely to experience its disastrous long-term effects: life-threatening starvation, suicide, persistent nightmares, drug and alcohol abuse and a whole host of intractable psychiatric disorders requiring life-long treatment.
    Society understands this and is taking preemptive measures against those who don't. Against those who would harm our children, those who threaten their safety with their lies and deceit.
    will be the catch phrase that we use to put a stop to this crap that has gone on for far too long. Of course the entire pedohead community thinks we're hysterical, but I wonder if they really want to take a chance that we aren't serious? Perhaps we should first look at the words of one of the pedo-activists out there speaking on behalf of nodding pedo heads. Let's go back to nihil_aeturnius:
    In the modern age, children exist in a truly grim state of affairs. Their lives and choices are routinely subject to oppressive control, rather than loving guidance. Their interests are often narrowed from the time they can speak........ into activities they have no interest in but serve the self-aggrandizement of selfish parents
    Nihil believes there are 3 main components which facilitate the total development of children:

    1-Good Parenting
    2-Good Teaching
    3-Good Outside Influences i.e. Pedophiles

    Nihil believes that parents think of their children as burdens, and that those people who choose not to have children reflect badly on themselves.....and on those people who DO have children. NOT having children, says Nihil:
    inevitably leads to a slow decline in the effort placed into parenting. Many parents are incapable of performing the balancing act of guidance and freedom that the job entails - therefore, you either have controlling parents who restrict their children's every activity, or deadbeat parents who let their children sit on their ass and watch TV all day.
    So, the answer to all problems regarding children then, according to nihil is for everyone to have children whether they want to or not, to raise them the way that nihil thinks they should be raised, and to have a dirty old man in their lives to enrich their childhood and free them from unwanted piano and ballet lessons.

    Nihil thinks pedophiles are the only answer to problems our children may face:
    it comes to us - the outside forces, the lovers of children. It is our responsibility to right the that children can be brought up in the best environment possible.
    The nodding pedohead Paper-doll calls this deranged rant a *motivating* argument!

    Nihil forgets the fact that people who have children do so for reasons other than perverted pedophilic selfish sexual desires. ***IF*** Nihil's intentions are not sexual in nature but a true love for children then perhaps he should have his OWN child. This will serve several purposes:
    • 1-He'll have a child to give *all he has to offer* to
    • 2-He'll learn what it REALLY means to be a parent
    • 3-He'll leave our children alone
    • 4-He'll finally shut his incessant rattling mouth
    I'll sum everything up for Nihil and all the other pedofreaks out there.

    You don't have a monopoly on loving children.

    People who care for children, why they have a family. They raise their children, and NO it is not all fun and games. It's work, hard work. You are responsible for them 24/7. So before you---Nihil--- you little twit, DARE to call parents 'selfish', I suggest you get a little bit of experience in life first. Experience for yourself first hand the long hours, the work, the sleepless nights, the worry, the sacrifice along with the intense joy and deep love that goes along with being a parent. After you have done these things and have some experience from which to speak you might feel differently. As it is you're just one more stupid pedofreak. Nothing more. Nothing less.

    And I will leave you with a final word from Bill Glaser:
    The comparison of paedophilia to a plague is more than just a vivid metaphor. It suggests that lessons can be learned from the other great scourges and pestilences of human history.

    Tolerance is not an option

    Tuesday, October 17, 2006

    Jessica's Law, Proposition 83, Megan's Law, Dylan's Law, Adam Walsh Child Protection & Safety Act all of these enacted and/or proposed laws came about due to a heinous act and the death of a child.

    We all feel revulsion when we learn of these acts of atrocity. It sickens us, we feel pain in our hearts for what the child went through and we empathize with the victims survivors.

    But imagine for a moment that it were your child.......difficult isn't it? And while we would never wish any of these things on anyone....we're still glad that it's not our own when we hear of it.

    We look at them, our children, with wonder. They, whom we love like no other, are our treasures. We know that no one will ever hurt our children. No, not ours. Why?

    Because it would be too much to bear. It would be beyond our comprehension to even imagine it. And yet, those things do happen, have happened and will continue to happen until we put a stop to it. Until we say:

    NO MORE!

    You who would harm a child, you who would even think of it, you who steal children's underwear and photos from family albums, you who produce child pornography, distribute it, or possess it, you who fantasize about toddlers and babies, you who molest children and call it love, you who spread your filth around the internet and encourage your 'brothers'....your time is up. You can either get back into that toybox you crawled out of or pay the consequences. Tolerance is not an option.

    If You Only Do One Thing Today:

    Thursday, July 27, 2006

    The California Organization of Police and Sheriffs, known as COPS, is looking for your support regarding Jessica's Law.

    This proposed law stems from the February 23rd, 2005 kidnapping and subsequent brutal murder of nine year old Jessica Lunsford of Homosassa, Florida. A "registered sex offender" buried Jessica alive, following her rape, a mere 150 yards from her house.

    Go here to sign the COPS petition.

    Please, if you do nothing else today, do this.

    Your support will be for the proposed Sexual Predator Punishment and Control Act of 2006: Jessica's Law.

    This act would:

    - Ensure that all child molesters who molest children under the age of 14 are put into a prison with a mandatory minimum sentence of 15 years or 25 years to life;

    - Electronically monitor convicted sex offenders for life, if they are ever released from prison, through GPS tracking;

    - Create a 2,000 foot "predator-free" zone around schools and parks to prevent sex offenders from living near where children learn and play.

    Again: if you do nothing else today, click on that website and electronically sign and forward the petition.

    You'll be glad you did.


    Jessica's Law

    Saturday, July 08, 2006

    Sexual Predator Punishment and Control Act of 2006 — Jessica’s Law

    California has currently 63,000 registered sex offenders. One in every four sex offenders in California are currently missing.

    How can we protect our children if we don’t even know where the sex offenders are?
    That's why we propose the most comprehensive sex offender punishment and control reform that will be the toughest sex offender law in the nation. Jessica’s Law will:
    Ensure that all child molesters who molest children under the age of 14 are put into a prison with a mandatory minimum sentence of 15 years or 25 years to life. Closes all loopholes in California’s “one-strike” laws.
    Eliminate all “good-time” credits for sex offenders ensuring that these sex offenders are required to serve their entire sentence and will not be released for good behavior.
    Electronically monitor convicted sex offenders for life, if they are ever released from prison, through GPS tracking.
    Create a 2,000 foot “predator-free” zone around schools and park to prevent sex offenders from living near where our children learn and play.
    Please click on the fact sheet to see the other provisions of Jessica’s Law that will protect our children.
    Current Law v. Jessica’s Law Fact Sheet

    Our kids deserve the protection of the toughest sex offender and punishment law in the nation. Please join us today.
    Website here.

    One Small Step (In the Right Direction)

    Friday, June 30, 2006

    The governor of Missouri signed a sweeping piece of legislation designed to protect children. It is a 46 page law, but what is of interest is this tidbit.

    At the heart of the new law is a life sentence for anyone who rapes or sodomizes a child less than 12 years old. And unlike so-called “life” sentences in some states, this sentence will really stick: Offenders will not become parole eligible until they spend at least 30 years behind bars.

    Good for Missouri, and the many other states that have passed similar laws.

    H/T Little Miss Chatterbox

    Chatterbox also points out that these laws still need to be passed in Vermont, New York, Maryland, Massachusetts, Wyoming, Arkansas, Tennessee, Idaho and North Dakota. If you live in any of these states I urge you to contact your Governor about protecting the children in your state.

    Breaking News - Jessica Lunsford

    Confession Of Man Accused In Fla. Girl's Slaying Tossed
    POSTED: 8:40 am CDT June 30, 2006
    UPDATED: 9:35 am CDT June 30, 2006
    ORLANDO, Fla. -- The confession of a man charged with kidnapping, raping and killing 9-year-old Jessica Lunsford isn't admissible in court, but the discovery of her body can be used as evidence, a judge ruled Friday.
    Full Story Here.

    A worthy cause

    Monday, June 19, 2006

    Those of you that are unfamiliar with Jessica's Law, please visit Campaign For Child Safety: Jessica's Law. Not only can you learn more about this important legislation that cracks down on child predators, but you can help it along as well.
    You can sign state petitions, make donations, and keep up on the latest news regarding the passing, or lack of passing, of this type of law in various states. To date, many states have come on board with similar laws that impose mandatory harsh sentences for child predators.
    It is truly a worthwhile effort. Go take a peek today.