Showing posts with label predators. Show all posts
Showing posts with label predators. Show all posts

"A bit humiliated and ashamed"

Thursday, June 05, 2008

That's what Alan Melchert said.

Melchert, a senior Western Australia sports administrator caught up with 89 other Australians in a recent child pornography bust dubbed Operation Centurion.

"I basically am a bit
humiliated and ashamed
that I've even looked
at images like this"

It is said that the images were not passive images, but rather children who were actively being abused.

Who were the men trading them? They ranged in age from 19 to 81 and included teachers, youth workers, a Federal Police officer and several men with previous sex crimes convictions.

The six-month joint operation by the Australian Federal Police and state police forces uncovered several cases of child molestation and highlighted the astonishing way in which pedophiles form secret communities in cyberspace and use the global reach of the internet to trade child exploitation images.

To date, 70 arrests have been made across Australia. A further 20 people have been issued with summonses to appear in court where they will be charged with possessing child exploitation material. More arrests are expected in coming weeks and months.

Dubbed Operation Centurion, the investigation was triggered after a hacker infiltrated a respectable European website and inserted 99 degrading and explicit images of young girls from eastern Europe, the US and Paraguay.

The site - which cannot be named for legal reasons - was besieged by an incredible 12 million hits in just 76 hours after word got around online pedophile networks that the images were available and the website's address was circulated.

Almost 150,000 different computer users from 170 countries accessed the otherwise obscure website, including Australians using 2883 computer IP addresses. Of those, 1513 had downloaded one or more images in the 76-hour period.

The Federal Police alone has assigned 300 officers who have devoted 13,000 hours to the case, and revealed that a total of 1 million images had been seized from computers, disks and memory sticks.

Watch here as a Blame Gamer calls Child pornography a "victimless crime"

Look at this, an unreleased study reveals that "85 percent of the CP offenders said they had committed acts of sexual abuse against minors, from inappropriate touching to rape." and which went undetected.

See how Jim Freeman the co-founder of SOHOPEFUL was busted in the "most sophisticated child pornography operation in recent memory" And don't miss Cheryl Griffiths the COO of Sosen trying to cover it up

Read here about The Common Thread between some of these men who do these things and the importance of finding who they are.

Then read the pedophiles opinions of children who are tortured and raped

And don't forget Zman's infamous "Defenseless Child Predators" remark. It's a classic.

A BIT humiliated and ashamed? A bit?

Searching for a Nanny? Read This

Monday, April 28, 2008

There's an extremely stupid pedophile you may know by the name of Emovocals. He's pro adult/child sex. He promotes the abolishment of age of consent laws. He also has a very dangerous profession....for a pedophile. You see Donald Shepherd is a nanny. Yes, a live in nanny.

I'm not quite sure if Donald prefers boys or girls. But I am quite sure that he likes them both. He talks on GirlChat about liking little girls but not women. On BoyChat he talks about liking little boys. And on Men4SexNow dot com he advertised for a man. Specifically a date for his 21st birthday on 9/11. He gave his stats, size, weight,penis size (poor Donald), the fact that he's a cross-dresser and posts a nice pic too.
In Multiple paraphiliac diagnoses among sex offenders Gene Abel shows that the pedophile with multiple paraphilias, poses a greater risk to society. For example a person with exhibitionism but no other deviances has less chance of committing a crime than an exhibitionist who is also a voyeur who in turn poses less risk than an exhibitionist cross-dressing voyeur with pedophilia. ETC

Iluv2surf was responsible for outting Donald Shepherd aka Emovocals. Read full story HERE. Now Donald has discovered that his real name...his outting shows up high in a google search and number one as a search for Emovocals. Let's help him move on up the list shall we?

Donald Shepherd went to the pedo chats and asked to cancel his membership. He requested that all his old comments be deleted. BoyChat says it can't be done but deletes his request. GirlChat says it can't be done but discusses it with him.

Todd Nickerson:
I suspected you were heading in a dangerous direction the last time we spoke on the phone, but it was my understanding that you were getting help
You have been very careless with alot of things in the past Emo, especially your own personal security and safety...but, that's kind of moot now.
My advice to you on your current situation is to flat-out deny that the pedophile "Donald Shepherd" is you.
I discovered that my legal name is linked GC and BC, and being a Nanny I can't have that. That and that fuck with his forum and my Name being all over it. With pictures and all that. Fucked me over big time. All one has to do is Type my name in a Google search and that's the first thing that pops up. I am fucked big time. There is nothing I can do really.

I don't know how many families would actually do that, but if they do. They will find out that I am a pedophile. How would I denie such a thing. Tell them I was just acting or something?
Febri-chan gets righteous:
why would anyone deny being a paedophile?
I don't understand, are you trying to say that being a paedophile is something to be denied???
Which is really strange since the entire pedophile community talks incessantly about the dangers of coming out of the toybox. What's even stranger is what he's told when he worries about being able to get another job as a live-in nanny.

all you need do is tell them that that sort of questioning is not permissible in interviews for employment.

It's illegal for them to ask whether you're straight, gay, ped, or bi
This is pretty simple. Our children are in our care, until such time as they are able to adequately care for which time you freaks wouldn't be interested in them anymore anyway. Those parents have a right to know who they are trusting to care for their children.

Febri-chan continues:
The misopaedes are cowards and seldom take any direct action.... If they did, we may actually have a chance at dialogue, but because they are deathly afraid of what we stand for(and most of all, terrified of the voracious truth which is on our side), and know that our rationality and clear-headedness will always conquer their paranoia and prejudice, they will not risk any sort of real debate with us.
Clearheaded. Rational. Ok. I thought this might be a good time to think about what an Anti/Pedo debate looks like.

Pedofreak: Pedophiles DO NOT molest children. Pedophiles LOVE children. Ken Lanning of the FBI says 90% of molestations are committed by non-pedos.

Anti: Well, actually Mr. Pedohead, Ken Lanning did NOT say that. He said it was important to know which type of pedophile you were dealing with so you would know where to find his other victims.

Pedofreak: Runs away to BC or GC screaming "You just can't debate an anti!!!"
And as for Emovocals, he returned to BoyChat as JonnyXO and told everyone:
Have I got a secret to tell....It's me E M O--- YOu know who. I had to create another nick to get rid of emo. So now ya know.
Yep now we know. Donald Shepherd, live-in nanny, pedophile: GirlLover, BoyLover, cross-dresser, indiscriminately advertises for sex on the internet and goes by the names Emovocals, JonnyXO, Allison, Doodle, Sunrise25, Philosophy and Kyva. We just want to help you move on up in your Google search position. And hopefully warn any future parents you try to deceive.

Pedophile Pamphlets

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The pedophiles at girl chat are discussing making pamphlets to hand out to people. These pamphlets are supposed to "educate" us (society) that pedophiles are "safe", "child lovers" and "no threat to children".

Awwww pedophiles are people too. Boo hoo pedoheads are so misunderstood (as Rob would say...)


Pedophiles we got your number. We know you.

In this fight to gain acceptance, pedophiles forget that Children are people too!
Children deserve the right NOT to be abused, NOT to be sexualized and NOT to be exploited.
Children deserve the right NOT to grow up with a pedophile friend or family member using them for sex or masturbatory material.

Pedophiles want us to accept them in their lust and in their mental illness that is untreated and want us to agree that their mental illness is a sexual orientation. NOPE we won't!
Pedophiles want us to embrace them in their deviance and accept the fact that they look at children as sexual objects. NOPE we never will!

Here is some food for thought. While you think about pedophiles handing out pamphlets filled with lies about how they never would have sex with children here are some screen shots saying otherwise.

Last year a pedophile started a poll at Visions of Alice asking pedoheads if they would have sex with a little girl...people are still answering it. Here are a lot of their answers:

Oh yes if they had the chance.

This pedophile asks "what are you considering a child?"

WARNING!! The following screen shot is graphic and could cause flashbacks and or emotional trauma!

More yes answers....

This guy thinks bestiality is more worse than child molestation.

No matter what a pedophile says to the public, in a flyer, or in a newspaper article, on TV, or a radio show it is all lies. They want to have sex with children in one way or another.

The truth is that pedophiles are willing to lie and deceive society and whom ever they can so they can further their agenda. Their agenda is and always will be to have sex with children.

Hope you don't mind...

Saturday, October 27, 2007

But I've started something new, and wanted to share it with all of you. Given the special topic... I thought you might be interested.

Perverted Primates, because some people are just subhuman.

Judge gives okay to lure children, as long as place has only four poles and a roof

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Mitchell Pask was convicted in 1992 of sexual assault. But, that didn't stop him from walking past a group of preteen girls and after saying "'Look at those sexy little salty girls'", motioning one (who was 9) to follow him towards a shelter made of four poles and a roof at a local park.

The girl was smart enough to not follow him, police were smart enough to arrest him, and a jury was smart enough to convict him.

A judge however, believed that because the "shelter" was in view of a a street, and was a sort of "open air" shelter as we call them- that the crime for which Pask was charged- Wisconsin's child enticement statute- didn't occur.

After deliberating for just half an hour, a jury found 44-year-old Mitchell Pask guilty of trying to lure a 9-year-old girl to a park shelter for sex.

But after the verdict was read Wednesday, Judge Timothy Van Akkeren stepped in. In a rare move, he overturned it and found Pask, who was convicted of sexual assault in 1992, not guilty. The reason?

He said the park shelter wasn't secluded enough to satisfy Wisconsin's child enticement statute.

Of course, there is nothing to say that once Pask had her at the shelter- alone and in a more controllable situation- he wouldn't have attempted to get her to walk elsewhere with him. There is nothing to say that he wouldn't have diverted away from the shelter house and into another area. And, of course, there is nothing to say that he isn't sick enough to attempt to rape someone in a public place. But... at least he now has a good excuse for the next time he gets caught- "no, no judge... I was attempting to take her not into the woods, but to the open air shelter on the other side of the woods".

"I'm watching you, little girl"

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I'm referring to Joshua Kistler the 31 year old pervert recently sentenced to 24 years in prison for his online predatory behavior. What did he do?

First he posed as a 15 year old boy using images of his own son. He sent those pictures and videos to young girls and claimed to be dying of Leukemia....all to entice them into sending him sexually explicit pictures of themselves. The girls ranged in age from 12-14.

On March 11, 2005, FBI agents in Portland served a search warrant on defendant's residence, recovering numerous CD's and two computers that the defendant admitted to containing files of movies of young women in various states of undress, some of which were taken and recorded without their knowledge. In addition, a forensic examination revealed thousands of images containing depictions of child pornography.But hey, it gets worse.
He had a program which had recorded the girls on their web cams without their knowledge and he saved the videos.

He stated that he'd "always been a collector"

As part of his plea deal he gave agents detailed information about the software he used to view and record webcam video without alerting the person with whom he was sharing a connection, software designed to simulate reciprocal webcam video for the purpose of deceiving those minors with whom he was chatting.
This was eerily similar in a way to the case of the stolen panties except that the creep factor on this guy is off the scale. I suppose it should come as no surprise. We have no doubt that guys like this have no respect for others, including the little girls they claim to just love. Interesting that this guy made the comment

"I'm sorry for the harm I've caused," he said. "I wasn't aware I was causing any harm."

I found that interesting. And especially when you take into consideration pervert attacks on any law against their behavior. They don't like the idea that their privacy might be invaded. But the privacy of these young girls meant nothing. Just like their psychological well-being meant nothing. In fact none of the girls meant anything at all to this man except as a means to achieve sexual gratification. So what makes him different than these other guys? He got caught. That's the only difference.

Now what do the pedofreaks think about this?

believes its an over reaction on the girls part.... obviously he shouldn't have been so sneaky but 24 years in prison seems an excessive sentence
You can only be charged with possession of child pornography. It is not illegal to look at it or view it on a web cam. To my knowledge, there are no laws barring sexual type talk with minors
The first amendment simply does not apply anymore, free speech does not legally exist in the United States anymore
Patrick Kiernan of the FBI Internet Crimes Taskforce says:

“You wouldn’t invite a stranger into your house, or into your bedroom. Don’t let your computer do the same thing.”

Some recommended steps to help protect your child from this sort of thing include:
  • do not let your children have computers in their rooms; put them in open rooms only
  • keep your computer turned off when you aren’t using it, and if you have a webcam, turn it to the wall when you are not using it, or at least obstruct the view
  • purchase your children an email account instead of having them use a free one.
These men have one thing on their minds........and it's not the well-being of your child. I believe we'll be seeing more cases like this. We should all warn everyone of this danger. This man, like so many of these online pedofreaks we see, simply has no soul.

Jack's Back

We talked about pedophile Jack McClellan and his pedophile website recently HERE and HERE

Jack has his site back up and running, and guess what folks? He's right back to perving on kiddies. Hanging out at local events, taking pictures of other peoples children.....without their knowledge or permission. Ask Sabrina...this is one upset mother. Who can blame her? She has a message for Jack
"Stop, or else!"
Jack, just like Lindsay Ashford claims he's just exercising his first amendment rights. He sees nothing wrong with the contempt he's showing society. He's going to push, push, push the issue. It matters not to him that Sabrina doesn't want her daughter on a stinking pedophile's website. To Sabrina I say You Go Girl and to Jack I say There's more than one way to skin a cat Jack.

You and your cohorts show absolutely no common decency or respect for society in general. Why the hell do you think we should show you any?

Now State Senator Val Stevens is drafting legislation to be introduced in the next session to make this website illegal in Washington....and hopefully to be expanded later to the Federal level. Who knows, before this is over we might get this sort of thing going in far off places, say places like oh maybe Canada or how about the Netherlands? It's amazing what you can accomplish with a little elbow grease and a lot of determination.

McClellan doesn't deserve respect. Lindsay Ashford doesn't deserve respect. These scornful men are manipulative child predators. And we don't take that lightly. Not at all. We've been huffing and puffing so far, but now a harsh wind has begun to blow. Listen guys, can you hear it? It sounds to me like the Anti's are coming.

This is going to take time, and they may win little skirmishes along the way, but in the end we will win the war. And that war will be decisive. Monitor yourselves, control yourselves, understand what is acceptable behavior.....because if you don't, someone will surely do it for you. This is our children's safety that's at stake, and we don't compromise when it comes to that. So, keep watching. Are you watching, Jack?

The Jack Hunt

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Having read Stephen of CrimeSceneBlog's posts (first and second) on Jack McCellan both at his site and as, I've come up with a great idea for Seattle residents. Now, bare with me while I refresh you on the Jack situation.

From CrimeBlogs-
Entitled “Seattle - Tacoma - Everett girl love,” the site offers a listing of events in the Seattle-Tacoma, Washington area where Girl Lovers (referred on the site as GLs) may find large groups of little girls (referred on the site as LGs) to view and photograph.

It would seem that the man who authored the site “Seattle Tacome Everett Girl Love” is not afraid to show his face or give his name in public.

He is Jack McClellan, a 45-year-old male and he appeared on Fox News, along with his name and the title “pedophile.”

Now, in Stephen's post, he goes on to tell readers that this is the man to be on the lookout for. And, he's right. People should be watching for this freak. Especially those with children, since he's not at all hesitant to snap a photo of a child and then display it on his pedophile website.

Now, police have said that this his doing this is perfectly legal. Which makes me wonder just why he is permitted to violate the privacy of uncounted number of children, and then add injury to insult when he publishes them to a website that courts the idea of pedophile- making them a walking target to any half baked nut case that visits his site. Personally, I always thought that inciting a person to commit a crime was illegal. But evidently police in Seattle feel differently.

Which brings me to this point: If Jack McCellan is okay with the idea of strangers snapping photos of strangers and placing them online, then we should return the favor. Parents in Seattle should be actively working to get as many photos of this sick creep as possible out in the public eye- so that we all know what he looks like, and what events he has been attending. Therefore, much like "Where's Waldo", I suggest a "Where's Jack?" contest. Seattle parents are encouraged to look for Jack (pictured above) snap photos of him when he is spotted, and then submit them.

This will not only provide better photos of Jack, but it will assist parents in knowing what events Jack has been at in hopes of spotting their child alone long enough to rub legs with her, or speak to her, or flirt with her. Remember, he likes little girls as young as 3.

Now, in all seriousness, residents of the Seattle area need to be very careful over the next few weekends, as Easter hunts in Seattle will be going on, giving Jack a perfect chance to use these family friendly events in order to prey on children. The Seattle Times has run a list of Easter Egg Hunts in the area, and most likely Jack has already seen this list, and copied it down. So, be extra cautious while attending any of these events with your children.

Good Old Liberal Seattle

Friday, March 30, 2007

Seattle-Area Pedophile Has 'How-to' Web Site for Men Seeking Little Girl Activities

SEATTLE — A Web site created by a pedophile is a virtual "how-to" manual, complete with the best places in western Washington state to see little girls, and tips on how to avoid getting caught by the police.

The site, titled "Seattle-Tacoma-Everett Girl Love," has been around for a few years. The police know all about it, yet they say they can't shut it down because the site is legal.

"As disturbing and offensive as we find this, there's no evidence of a crime, or even suspicion of illegal activity," said Rebecca Hover of the Snohomish County Sheriff's Department.

The man who runs it, 45-year-old Jack McClellan, has never been convicted of a sex crime, which means he can attend any family-friendly events where children are present, and take all the pictures he wants for his Web site. He also lives close to a school bus stop.

McClellan says his purpose is to promote association, friendship and legal, consensual hugging and cuddling between men and pre-pubescent girls. He admitted to FOX News that his "age of attraction" is between 3 and 11 years old.

Isn't it odd how, once again, the issue is quantified by SPFs (Sick Pedo Fucks) as "love." Not "tool," as is more accurate. A tool towards an orgasm.

But gosh, it only gets better and more detailed:

McClellan wants to bring pedophiles out of the closet and give them a way to get some relief, by going out and being around little girls. He suggests a number of places, such as plays at elementary schools, parks, swimming pools and libraries.

How'd you like the situation if this involved your daughter:

Parents are understandably outraged. FOX News spoke to the mother of an 8-year-old girl whose picture appeared on the Web site. The picture was taken at a dance recital.

"I needed to get those pictures off of there. I didn't want the pedophile community having any visibility to my daughter or her friends or any of the children that were on that site," said parent Ann Cialoa. "Whether it's a physical threat, a perceived threat, whatever threat it is. It's our jobs as parents to protect our kids from threats, and he is a threat, and people like him are a threat."

Gents, all I can say is "keep it up." Besides the law enforcement authorities, you're going to have parents going "Ellie Nessler" on you and, to that, I say "more power to them."



The Obligation

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The shocking death of 6-year-old Christopher Barrios was covered here. The horrific nature of his untimely death has sent many of us into pensive contemplation. Utter devastation is the only way to describe it. We have shed many tears for Christopher and his family. I have shared these emotions with many of you and know the mutual rage we feel against these paedophiles who commit atrocities against our children on a daily basis.

No child should have to suffer or die at the hands of a paedophile the way Christopher did. Christopher's death should serve as the impetus for us to take note of a very important fact:

His death was avoidable.

The Edenfields should never have been close enough to Christopher to make their evil move. Indeed, this article will astound you when you realize just how many people knew how dangerous the Edenfields were…..and yet inexplicably did nothing about it.

Neighbours, landlords, district attorneys and judges just to name a few.

The paedophiles themselves tell us that they specifically target and prey upon disadvantaged families. Bill Evans explains:
How many times have you seen posters here talk about having y/fs from happy, loving homes? Those boys don't need to turn to someone outside the family for support. I have had a couple of y/fs from those sort of homes, but we never had the kind of close friendship I usually develop with kids from dysfunctional familes.
The kids from good homes are just along for the fun, but kids from dysfunctional homes, or no home, want a whole lot more...
Or as Descartes put it:
BLs who have no criminal record can work with boys, but probably not the boys that they would dream of working with. The BLs who have boy-filled lives aren't taking a bunch of adorable boys on fun camping trips in the woods.
They are working with boys who are extremely poor, who have serious physical and/or emotional problems and who are far from being the object of most BLs' fantasies.
Thunderchild details the many places he meets, bike riding events, model railway, boat and aircraft events, and even children of his customers.
I've been working with boys since not long after I got out of prison. I've had some failures, but I've had many more successes.
There's no gaurded secret to spending time with boys.
I've been convicted more than once for BL stuff and even today I spent some time with a boy under the AOC
Meeting boys is easy.

But even more importantly, they rely on our complacency

We must end this complacency

Most of us look at our own children and know that we would do anything to protect them. But what about the disadvantaged little boy down the street? Or the poor little girl on the other side of town? For that matter what about the children half a world away who live as sex slaves to these paedophiles?

Perhaps your proactive attitude to this problem will save your own child. Perhaps you'll never even know you saved someone. The face you'll never see; the name you'll never know. You're not going to get a thank you….in fact the greatest reward we can possibly ask for is the happy, healthy child unaware and safe from the dangers lurking.

The following is taken from the Preamble to the UN Declaration on the Rights of the Child:

Whereas mankind owes
to the child the best it has to give

Mankind. It does not say relatives or political parties or even religious affiliations. Neither does it say out of the kindness of our hearts.

Mankind owes to the child.

We cannot stop these predators from existing. But we can do everything in our power to stop them from accessing our children or the children across town or the ones on the other side of the world. We need to be vigilant and start delivering to every child what we are obliged to provide for them – a safe place to get off the school bus and play on the swings.

I urge you to join me in making a deep, personal commitment to the protection of all children in our communities….to each day steel your resolve to make your community safe….to not look away

We owe them that much.

What's the Hurry?

Friday, March 23, 2007

Look at Christopher Michael Barrios, of Brunswick Georgia. Look at his face. Look at that smile. Imagine him in front of you, six years old, how small he would be. 3 feet 6 inches tall and 60 pounds. Just a little boy playing on a swing set after he got off the school bus. Just a couple hundred feet away from home....

....And right across the street from a convicted sex offender.

His funeral was today.

Now let's walk across the street and see what we find.

Why it's George Edenfield who pleaded guilty in 1997 to molesting two boys, ages 7 and 9. He was sentenced to 10 years on probation.

As part of his 1997 conviction, George Edenfield had to register as a sex offender in Georgia. A Georgia law passed last year prohibits registered sex offenders from living within 1,000 feet of a school bus stop; the Edenfields lived about 600 feet from the one Christopher waited at. This law has currently been put on hold, pending......

Now let's see what else is across the street. Living with George we have his father.

David Edenfield. David pleaded guilty to incest in 1994.

Wonder if he also molested George when he was a boy? Enter the mother:

Peggy Edenfield. Not a registered sex offender, but she lied during the search for Christopher. She sent investigators off on wild goose chases....away from Christophers body.

But perhaps she wasn't trying to cover up what her son did....or what her husband did for that matter. Maybe she was just trying to cover up for the fact that she watched while both her husband and her son molested the boy....Or the fact that she masturbated while watching?

Perhaps it was both. Nevertheless, all three have been arrested and charged with capital murder. Apparently the prosecutor will be seeking the death penalty....and frankly they all three deserve it, no matter which one actually strangled him to death....after getting their thrills. Or perhaps his death was part of the thrill. Of course, if Jessica's Law had been in effect back in 1997....and George had received the minimum sentence of 25 years, little Christopher would still be alive.

Could anyone argue with that? Well Dissident could. You remember Dissident. The pseudo-pedo philosopher. There was a discussion about Jessica's Law. And of always..Dissident is opposed to any measure that might punish a pedo. He claims that it won't prevent real child molestations it will merely punish those involved in consensual sex with children. Well he claims that child murderers should never be let out of prison in the first place so it doesn't really effect them. But I think he's missing the point. Is it purposeful?

John Couey was arrested for fondling a child. He served his time. He got out. He progressed....he kidnapped and murdered. George Edenfield was convicted of fondling two little boys. He got probation. No jail time. He progressed....he kidnapped and murdered. Are we seeing a pattern here? These are just two examples of why we need ONE STRIKE LAWS.

Just for the record here are some of the pedo-opinions about legislation like Jessica's Law... one that would have prevented John Couey, George Edenfield and even Joseph Duncan from progressing:
Vespucci: "What a travesty of justice"

darth: "It is so sad that love has such a heavy punishment'

Santi: "Sex offenders, especially the ones to offend a minor are to pay forever."

Dissident: "I find it highly insulting that the fears and emotional devastation of a family are used to divert further oppression upon a highly misunderstood minority group"

28: The only way to protect children is to educate them about the differences between child molesters and order to empower children with the comprehensive knowledge they need, in order to make good decisions when confronted with potential exploitation."

Lux: "For every one dangerous-to-children molester, there are a thousand harmless sex offenders"

Hierophant: "These are not anti molester laws....these are anti love laws."

Turtle: "New laws won't stop scumbags from raping children. They will just ruin more men and womens lives and continue to tear families apart."

LGsinmyheart: "I would chop my feet off, bracelet included (speaking of tracking device), give the bracelet away as a present to a little girl....just to prove a point"
Well, you made your point LGsinmyheart. You sure did. Nothing will stop you will it? Not as long as you have your freedom anyway.

Judge Daniel L. Howsare

Friday, March 16, 2007

I know this isn't about online pedophiles, but I'm cross posting in it hopes of getting the word out, and hopefully forcing the judge to do his job.

Imagine if you will, that your boyfriend preys upon your daughter for five years. She suffers in silence, as so many children do, until one day when she speaks up. After five years of sexual abuse, she's gained the strength to tell of the abuse she's went through and seek justice.

Your boyfriend, Richard Crawford is convicted of 390 counts of sexual abuse, with almost a hundred carrying mandatory five year sentencing. You can sit back, and focus on helping your child overcome this. She can breath easier, knowing that this man will never hurt her, or another child again. Because time has went by, and the abuse is hard to prove- the investigation takes it's toll on her, requiring her to go through not only the telling of the abuse, but even the extent that she wears a wire and gets him to admit to the abuse. But, after everything- it's over. He's been convicted. You know, as does your little girl, that he will be spending the rest of his life in jail.

And, then, the unthinkable happens. The judge in the case, Judge Daniel L. Howsare decides that he's just not sure about sentencing. He just can't make up his mind on whether Crawford is punishable under Megan's law.

Just to give you an idea of Crawford's charges, just so that you can see the sort of man we are talking about, here is the current criminal charges filed against him, for which he is waiting sentencing on. Included in his charges are 18§3121§§6 - 53 / Rape / Person Less Than 13 Years Age, and 18§3126§§A7 Ind Asslt Person Less 13 Yrs Age- both listed more times than I care to count.

Megan's law lists those as:

Rape (18 Pa. C.S. § 3121)
(a) Offense defined – A person commits a felony of the first degree when the person engages in sexual intercourse with a complainant:

1. By forcible compulsion;
2. By threat of forcible compulsion that would prevent resistance by a person of reasonable resolution;
3. Who is unconscious or where the person knows that the complainant is unaware that the sexual intercourse is occurring;
4. Where the person has substantially impaired the complainant's power to appraise or control his or her conduct by administering or employing, without the knowledge of the complainant, drugs, intoxicants, or other means for the purpose of preventing resistance; or
5. Who suffers from a mental disability which renders the complainant incapable of consent.

(c) Rape of a Child – A person commits a felony of the first degree when the person engages in sexual intercourse with a complainant who is less than 13 years of age.

Indecent Assault (18 Pa. C.S. § 3126) – if the offense is a misdemeanor of the first degree or greater
A person who has indecent contact with the complainant or causes the complainant to have indecent contact with the person.

Both are crimes that are SEXUAL OFFENSES as declared by Megan's Law.

Currently, despite having been convicted of 390 sexual offenses, Richard Crawford is not on PA's sexual offender list. Despite being convicted of 390 sexual offenses, Richard Crawford is not sitting in jail. Because the judge doesn't find it important to remove this man from walking the streets freely.

Richard Crawford is out on bond until the judge in this case decides that he has put enough children as risk, and sentences Crawford. Yet, despite the high likelihood that Crawford could skip out, or that he could decide to prey upon one more child- liberal Judge Daniel L. Howsare won't even set a date for sentencing.

Bedford County District Attorney Bill Higgins, did his job. He presented his case, and won a conviction. And now he's asking the the judge do his job, and sentence Crawford.

WJAC 6 News Richard Crawford molested his ex-girlfriend's daughter for five years, from the time she was 7-years-old until she was 12. Despite his conviction last December, the victim still does not have justice.

Higgins said he blames the judge.

"Here's an opportunity to take a violent sex offender off the street and the judge doesn't take the opportunity to do that and lets him walk out of the courtroom," said Higgins.

Howsare refused to comment about his decision, but Higgins said it's because Howsare isn't sure if Crawford is really a sexually violent predator. For the state, there's no question.

"The state offender association board has determined he is a sexually violent predator," said Higgins. "We just need the court to go along with that."

There is more coming out in this story, and I'm hoping to be able to bring you new information within the next few days- on both the case and this irresponsible judge.

For now, I have to ask that you take a moment to make a few phone calls- and let the Bedford County Court know that allowing a sexual predator to remain free (it's been three months) while a judge refuses to do his job, is just not acceptable.

Judge Daniel L. Howsare
President Judge

Courtroom No. 1
Courthouse Annex
Juliana Street
Bedford PA 15522
Phone: (814) 623-4810
Fax: (814)623-3858

At this point, a child has been horribly abused, and her abuser is being allowed to roam free. We have to demand that not only he be sentenced, but that the sentence be set at the maximum allowed by law. This child suffered for five years at the hands of this predator- we can not allow her to suffer now, at the hands of this judge.


Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Let me state this up front: I am a convert, from agnostic to a believer. I believe in God, in Good and Evil. But I feel I have to write about this turn of events from an unsympathetic viewpoint.

SAN DIEGO - The Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego said Tuesday that it planned to file for bankruptcy protection to put off going to trial in more than 140 lawsuits alleging sexual abuse by priests.
When I worked Child Abuse for a major California law enforcement agency I had the prime suspect in one of my cases "disappeared" and moved from the local diocese. I was not at all pleased. Additionally, at the time, I was told to drop the case and move on with others.

Wrong is wrong, and Evil is Evil, no matter the robe or uniform or inclination. I am fresh out of sympathy when I read of this turn of events.


Poor Wittle Ashford Gots His Feelings Hurted

It seems that I may have recently started something, and that in doing so I've offended the high pedophile whack job Lindsay Ashord. Don't worry, I'm not about to be upset that the little wiener is complaining and making a fuse just because someone is a little tired of him abusing the world wide web by publishing his tripe accounts of how horrible the rest of the world is for not letting him legally rape little girls.

Months ago I mentioned at my place that Ashford had decided to play political pundit by using his sexual arousal as a means of picking the man whose children he'd most like to see growing up in the White House.

I was rather disappointed with the slow reaction time to this matter on behalf of a great many political leaders, and had recently mentioned it again. The matter really heated up when *someone* decided to point out on the Obama blogs that Ashford was up to his tricks again.

Seems that suddenly, people were worried, and worried enough that they sent this letter to Ashford.

The only thing I can say is: "Good for you Obama. I may hate your politics, and I may swear on my life that you'll never have my vote... but on this subject alone, and on this particular action, you have my respect. As long as you follow through that is."

Of course, Ashford in his usual whining ranting isn't as happy about this little development, and is pleading his rights to freedom of speech:
You may also remember that my nemesis, the lovely Lilo, as well as some other bloggers got very upset about the post and wrote all sorts of humourous things as a result. In fact, intrepid Lilo even went so far as to telephone the offices of several of the politicians mentioned to tell them of the blog post. Much to her surprise, none of them did anything! Undeterred, Lilo has brought up the whole thing again. It appears that this time around, somebody, somewhere, listened. Yesterday, this website received a letter from Robert Bauer of the law Perkins Coie, who represent Obama for America demanding that the pictures be taken down. Not only that, Bauer demanded that I remove any mention of Obama or his family from the website, as well as any links to Obama's website.

First off, despite the fact that I really am rather lovely- I'd think I was a little out of Ashfords league, seeing how I can defend myself against sexual predators such as himself, and I've already surpassed his level (or lack of) intelligence. But that's beside the point.

More importantly, Ashford is forgetting a very important little detail- as much as he likes to throw around the right to freedom of speech as granted by the US Constitution, he should be looking at other laws we have here, that aren't so favorable to "his kind". Such as the Child Protection act of 2003 (also known as the PROTECT ACT:

The Child Protect Act passed in 2003 gives U.S. law enforcement greater authority to pursue sexual predators across borders. It authorizes a penalty of up to 30 years in prison for U.S. citizens engaged in an act of child sexual exploitation, even if it occurs in another country.

Ashford states that I'm "undeterred", and he's right. I'll continue to be here, continue to insist that our leaders protect our children from the likes of scum like him.

He's a Rake

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Viamund the Rake aka Octaevius Altair from Toronto says that "I am "OUT" as a same-gender oriented paedophile/ephebephile (Boylover) & it is this state that enables me to live a fulfilled & contented life. I am a member of the North American Man/Boy Love association." NAMBLA

We know what a pedophile is. We know what a Boylover claims to be. What is a rake?
a man who is unrestrained by convention or morality
a man leading a dissolute life
a man lacking restraint
a man with lowered moral character or standards
a man characterized by self-indulgence
a man who acts with deliberate disregard for other's rights
This Rake claims to be attracted to, and have sexual relations with boys who are 14 years old. Interesting that Canada's Age of Consent was 14. You think he may be fibbing a little? Think he might like 'em 13 too? Or 12? How about 11? When Canada recently passed legislation to raise the age of consent from 14 to 16, the Rake had this to say:
I have always courted/dated and engaged in sexual relations with boys as young as 14 years old and I have every intention of continuing to do so. I will not permit this legislation to affect me and am prepared to defend my position at any time.
He entered the new year with a call for pedo-activism and a pledge for more aggressive measures. He says:
Show no mercy. Let your mind be a fortress and your voice and actions be the means to guarantee only the positive aspects of HUMANITY are permitted to proceed forward through the cycle of time. To our evil enemies : Know that the darkness of superstition that you represent will never be permitted to triumph over the light of reason that we represent. Surrender now.
And I repeat the same to him.

Let us talk about his book. Viamund the Boylove Vampyre Says...: Poetry & Haiku's by Octaevius Altair and what it's about.
"The use of raw, un-tempered, often brutal images of word convey the thoughts of the lonely, socially-isolated individuals who are held primarily in contempt; nonetheless existing on the sexual fringe. To provide vision to those who appreciate the differences that are humanity."

It is the story of an 11 year old boy prostitute/vampire and the man he "posing as father and son while traveling and slaying" was master of. Viamund is the man of course.
Not surprising at all is the fact that Viamund had a very difficult time finding a publisher. CafePress,, PABD, iUniverse all refused him. His British contact agreed with Lulu that the material was illegal. The ACLU refused to take his case stating they cannot MAKE someone print your book if they don't wish to. Picture Postage in Canada refused to produce his postage stamps claiming his image was inappropriate on a stamp. Some of the responses he received were:
- marketing products that may promote indecent relationships between adults and
minors is strictly prohibited
- If you do not agree with the rules outlined in the agreement then we suggest you
find another means to publish your book
- the material is ILLEGAL and a threat to the American public
Not only did places like CafePress delete his merchandise, but and even online dating sites and places like VampireFreaks banned him. To which he replied:
They BLOCKED my IP address but I have a mutable I.P. that changes of its own accord on a constant basis. I can therefore NEVER be blocked from any site.
So not only is he repulsive, evil and dangerous, he's stupid too. He doesn't take no for an answer. He has no regard for law and order either. He has no respect for others. He is self-absorbed. (Sound familiar?) He will have sex with young boys no matter what the law says. He said so himself. He exhibits anti-social behavior. He is a Rake, after all. He will go into websites, forums and game rooms that don't want him and try to force himself upon them. Here's a timely example.
ACME made a call for bloggers to flag and report his blog. Blogger removed parts of his blog. The very same day he reposted the offending material. And says:
This BLOG was improperly deleted by a staff member at BLOGGER who claimed it violated their Terms of Service. Somebody at BLOGGER has decided to take the law into their own hands - typical behavior of vigilantes -. I am still awaiting your official response BLOGGER to discover which of your staff are violating laws. In the meantime I will repost everything that was deleted on a separate ARCHIVE BLOG.
Violating laws?? Viamund the Rake is complaining about someone violating laws? HUH? Blogger is a free service that everyone is fortunate enough to be able to use. In other words, they have guidelines that they use. Their TOS. But they also don't have to abide by them. It is their service after all. They can close Blogger tomorrow if they wish. They also aren't required to explain themselves to you. Don't abuse it and you won't lose it generally works. It's fairly simple.
Now about that book....You will find several smaller online booksellers who have it listed. But it is not in stock and they will not fill your order. Here are some of the people who have responded to our complaints swiftly and are refusing to sell this book:
  • Barnes & Noble
  • Target
  • Books-A-Million
  • TextbookX
And this is who hasn't: Alibris and Amazon.

Alibris is selling this book through association with who values free speech.

AbsoluteZero values free speech also. However we do know that the First Amendment was not written with the purpose of anything goes. In fact the Supreme Court has made clear that the First Amendment does not extend to OBSCENITY. Amazon is more than aware of the contents of this book. They don't want to get involved. The only way we will ever make a difference is to adopt a zero tolerance attitude towards child predators and those that advocate it.

I naively assumed that once Amazon was made aware of what they were selling they would refuse to be associated with it. That was before I discovered that the book was published by a subsidiary of Amazon - called BookSurge - a self-publishing / publish-on-demand service.

I suppose with it comes down to the almighty dollar. In my opinion Amazon has SOLD OUT. There are book stores in every city in every state. Choosing not to PUBLISH and DISTRIBUTE garbage does not make them guilty of censorship. Burning books would be censorship. There's a huge difference here. I support the book stores listed above for their integrity and sense of responsibility to the community. And while I have been shopping at Amazon for about 10 years now, I will never spend one more penny in that store as long as they are carrying that book that advocates and promotes the abuse of children. Please let Amazon know how you feel and add this to your webspace.

Copy and paste the code below to add the logo to your page:

Then visit his other blogs and flag those that remain. His profile is HERE and you may tell Blogger how you feel HERE.

Amazon is still sending out form letters as outraged customers drop like flies. If you haven't yet, please send your thoughts on the book to AMAZON. And while you're at it let their sponsors know that their Post breakfast cereal is being used to advertise a child molester!

See LILO for more details.

All future Viamund updates will be located here

GL Meister ~ The Lurker

Thursday, January 18, 2007

GL Meister runs the pedo blog Glorious Girls, and posts on GirlChat as Zlurker. He's a pedophile attracted to little girls. He's told different stories about his age of attraction AOA, but currently it's 2-14 years old. GL started his blog with the hope of luring in non-pedos to influence them with false information, but of course it attracts nothing but pedos. His plan failed. The one thing that is notable about Glorious Girls however is his consistent use of little girl 'modeling photos'. Gl is a kidder perver. He feels no guilt about doing this, I'd venture to say he feels no guilt about anything. Zlurker is totally self-absorbed.

Just a little background info on Zeeeelurker. According to him, he's in his late 30's, living in Western New York. He's married and has a young son and daughter. From here on his story becomes blurry, from his age when he lost his virginity and the age of children he's attracted to, to the fact that he first started masturbating to images of adult women at 10 or 11 according to which version you read. You just don't know which parts are true and which are lies. There's only one thing for sure. GL is a liar. So it only stands to reason that if he lies about insignificant things --wouldn't he also lie about what he did with his little "pedolicious crush" when he watched her change out of her swimsuit, or when he took her out on a "date?" Or how about when he changed his daughter's diaper and thought to himself "if they only knew"

GL came out of the toybox this year to his wife. Why? Why would he do that? Well, for one thing Lindsay told him to. But more importantly GL believes that coming out is the "ultimate form of activism." He also knew, so he says, before he did it that she wouldn't leave him. How could he know such a thing? I'm assuming she's an emotionally battered woman, just judging from the things he's written. And so GL just sticks it to her a little more. What possible benefit was it? He needed to feel accepted by someone. He needed to force his perversion on someone, without regards to their feelings. He needed validation. GL is self absorbed. He even plans to tell his Mother. He's not worried about her rejecting him though because if she doesn't accept what he tells her with love and support then he'll reject her! What a guy.

GL says he loves children. Yet his own children aren't enough to fulfill him. He doesn't love them in that way. His own kids are objects he uses to put him into contact with other young church, soccer games, parks and playgrounds. He calls these GoM's. Girl ogling Moments. Each time he spends the day at the playground he rushes to GirlChat to brag. Not about the wonderful time he had with his child, but about each and every flash of panties he saw. "A day I had not been looking forward to turned into one of the best days I have had in many weeks."

Gl Meister, husband, father of 2, adult porn addict one day "accidentally" sees some child porn online. "I've never felt that way before!" The effect of seeing that little girl nude had such a profound effect on Zlurker that he set out to test the depths of his depravity. On Usenet groups he collects "child modeling" pics mostly of girls in "age appropriate underwear". "I probably have 300+ images alone just from Adie's Vogue Bambini collection". Girls mostly 3-10 years old. He particularly enjoys the images of Sandra, but states that he feels the images of her in thongs with legs spread wide are disrespectful.
"I stay away from the government run child porn sites"
Oh well! That's different then. He's told us enough that we know. He doesn't have to say it. Who's willing to bet how much child porn he's got? I'll give you 20 to 1.

Let us continue our look at GL's fixation as he proceeds down that path from regular ol' family man to porn addict and self-actualized pedophile. Just how far will he go? How far will he push the limits and boundaries that society places upon him? Personally I have no doubt. We are currently watching his descent as it evolves. And since it has been determined that a man's fantasies are a much greater indicator of future actions than what they say, I think it would be very interesting to know what this man fantasizes about, don't you?
I only fantasize about consensual/mutually-desired sexual interaction, but were it not for the fact that even the thought of an LG being frightened or hurt makes me go limp my choice would be D. (occasionally fantasize about making a child participate in sexual activity against her wishes)
Zeeeelurker loves polls. When faced with lots of choices on the next fantasy poll he gets more specific. the choices were: A-fully clothed, B-underwear, C-nude, D-watching her masturbate, E-consensual sexual touching, F-getting/giving a consensual hand job, G-getting/giving oral sex, H-consensual anal/vaginal penetration, I-consensually breaking the cherry
With any girl in my AOA 2-14 I fantasize about 'A' through 'G'

With young teens he fantasizes about 'H' and 'I'

My main LG fantasies though are 'D', 'E' and 'G'. I really like 'G' when it involves removing her diaper first
What else is there to say about Zeeeelurker you may ask. I'll just leave you with some random remarks of his and let you figure him out for yourself. When you're through reading these comments from this obsessed, fixated pedophile please help us rid the blogosphere of this pedocrap. Go HERE and flag his blog. Then go HERE and click the TOS violation regarding the posting of images of little girls for the sole purpose of sexually arousing other pedophiles.
"losing her virginity" implies that something valuable has been lost. Whereas I see something valuable being gained.
When your AOA dips into the nepi range, changing diapers is not such a miserable chore as it might otherwise seem
I would like to see a new tradition where girls - around their sixth birthday or so - are given a nice set of dildos/vibrators that they can "grow into"
I wish I could act on my urges with a mutually consenting LG
I do not think we need to feel bad about giving in to the charms of beautiful girls. If we do not, then someone else will anyway
I regularly fantasize about the daughters of my neighbors, friends, cousins and co-workers. If I had nieces in my AOA I am sure I would fantasize about them as well
I just saw an absolutely gorgeous two year old today still in diapers and using a pacifier. My heart was thumping
The day I discovered Puella was one of the most important days of my life
I fantasize about little girls almost every day
Knowing how and when to make eye contact with the parents accompanying the LG is a skill at which I have become quite proficient
You owe yourself something after what you've been through. I suggest you go hang out at the playground - just do not look suspicious while you're there
I would not recommend bothering with a therapist. I do not see what a therapist is going to do for someone that the internet cannot do
Parents are afraid of their children seeing them have sex for a number of reasons. The parents shame of their own sexuality, embarrassment of their own bodies, and fear that their three year old daughter would ask if she could play too.....

Another Fine Example

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Child Porn Suspect Re-arrested, Charged of Sex With 5-Year-Old Girl

PINELLAS PARK, FL -- A man arrested last summer on child porn charges was under arrest on new charges of having sex with a 5-year-old girl, Pinellas Park police report.

Kenneth Halscott, 62, was being held at the Pinellas County jail on two felony counts.

Police say he was arrested last July following a traffic stop on Belcher Road for speeding 65 mph in a 45 mph zone. Police say Halscott threw a digital media card into the bushes, and it was found to contain child pornography.

In the car with him at the time was a five-year-old girl. They say she was a relative, and appeared on some of the images.

Police say his computer was examined by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, and the FDLE determined it contained images of "the defendant having sex with the 5-year-old victim."

Halscott was arrested Thursday afternoon and charged with two counts of capital sexual battery.

Source: Pinellas Park Police

Tell me again how there is no connection between looking at child porn and acting on the impulses...... This is the reason for the fight.....

BTW, AZ crew sorry to have been absent for so long I've been busy as ____fill in the blank.

How pedophiles talk to kids

Saturday, December 30, 2006

I thought I’d seen it all, or at least most of it. Now there’s a web site for little girls. Not pedophiles, but for girls. At least that’s what the pedophiles want it to look like. Gee what a cute little web site with pink colors and pretty flowers and hearts.

Wow, they say nice things like, “Being pretty means having pretty ideas, thoughts and feelings.”And don’t forget, “If you like the graphics on this website, you can download them here for free! Neither the flower symbol nor the Special Friendship Symbol are copyrighted (I made them just for you!)”

Aww, isn’t that nice. They made that just for me!! There’s even a links section with links to cool girl and teen magazines and even educational sites. Oooh, and one to help me with my homework.

Ok, now for a reality check.

The links section may be titled “Special links for special girls”, but it has links to:

~ sites that promote removing age restrictions for sex

~ instructions on how to disable parental blocking software (for those kids who want to surf porn sites)

~ A link to “Older Man Love”- where a girl talks about her attraction to older men

~ And a site for “teens who are sexually active now or just thinking about having sex. It's called "Just Say Yes" because we're tired of people telling us what we can and can't do.”

Now for the real shocker. What Is Touching?

“You may have learned about good touching and bad touching. Probably you have been told that touching in the private parts of your body is ‘bad touching’. This is not always the case. This kind of touching is only ‘bad touching’ if you do not want to do it or do not feel comfortable with it.”

Do you really want your little girl to be reading this? Well, there’s more.

“A girl and a loving adult can form a very special bond, as the adult provides experience and knowledge, and the girl provides a fresh way of seeing the world and her excitement for life.”

They then go on to describe what kinds of touching are legal to do with your “special friend” and how to do it.

There’s a glossary that explains what words mean. “Consenting means that both people understand what they are doing and accept the responsibilities of doing it so that they can enjoy the fun of touching each other.” They go on to talk about how a child molester is a bad and selfish person, but a girllover has a “special appreciation” for young girls.

There are messages from young girls on the site. One is from an 11year old who asks about her much older boyfriend and what to do about her Mommy who doesn’t want her to see him anymore.

Here’s one of the responses from the site to this 11 year old girl:

“When adults find out that a child has been having consensual sex, they don't rush to support the child. They try to brainwash them. To convince them that what they enjoyed was actually a bad thing. That can't be done without also giving the impression that ALL sex is bad. You can have amazing experiences with an older person without risking all that.”

They have gone too far. I can just picture my niece stumbling across this pretty little web site. This is why parents absolutely have to have parental controls on their computer. Not just on their main web browser software, but something that covers internet explorer as well. Your children are at risk. You need to take precautions and monitor everything they do.

I recommend Awareness Tech for monitoring your child on the computer.

If you want to see the site for yourself, go here.

Cross posted at WFI

UPDATE: I just found this online petition to sign to get the attorney general to shut down Lindsay Ashfords site and others like it. I just signed it and I was number 2065 on the petition.

Go here. Sign it. Tell everyone you know and those you don't know about it. Help stop the monsters from preying on our children!

(If you do not want your name to appear online, click the anonymous box when you fill out the petition form.)

British Cops Get Another

Friday, December 22, 2006

This story includes warnings from the London Child Abuse Investigation Command regarding paedophile activities online. Detectives state that social networking sites such as MySpace are being abused by paedophiles. From the article:

The type of pedophile also varied, according to Detective Constable Jonathan Taylor, a covert officer who pretends to be a 12-year-old girl during often long and painstaking inquiries.

All are white and usually aged between 30 and 50. But they can be family men, loners, grandfathers and professionals.

They target children by asking to be their online "friend" with most youngsters inundated with dozens of such requests every day.

One pedophile they monitored had around 300 "buddy" profiles, all of which were young girls, Taylor said.

The story profiles a recent case in which a "predatory pedophile" hit on a '12 year old girl' who turned out to be a detective at the CAIC. Well, I think this predator now officially qualifies as one of these:

Is this a Game?

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Apparently a new commenter here by the name of Dididiot thinks it is. Hmm, perhaps it is to him..... all just a game, I mean.

So, I'm going to explain a little about how it relates back to my previous post about Pedo Logic. How in noticing the frequency of folks entering AZ through a google search for that term, followed by Dididiot's idiotic comments concerning an AZ member's blog, and a famous writer.....I thought more about this. I thought about the sick feeling I get in the pit of my stomach when I see someone come here through a search for

"pedo pix and porn 12 year old girls"
"Preview CP pedo video child"
"raped punished little cuties"
"I want to have sex with kids"

Now, I'm quite sure that anyone googling those phrases were NOT wanting to find AZ. But I bet the people who found us searching for the following were.

"How to tell if husband is pedophile"
"What if your child is a pedophile"
"How long average pedo spends in prison"

We are a relatively 'young' blog in the scheme of things. 6 months old and we've had 50,000 hits here. That's nothing to sneeze at. We must be doing something right. And there must be a LOT of people out there concerned about pedophilia.... and that should concern us. Either pedofreaks looking for something they shouldn't be looking for, trying to find an 'anti' to start a brawl with, or out trying to promote kiddie perving. But we also have people who are very troubled. Either because of their own past experiences with pedofreaks, or their own current experiences or interest in child safety.

Another search term is Pedo or a Pedo-Combo I call it. You have your standard Pedophile, Paedophile, Paedosexual, Pedo, Paedo and then the multi combos come in.

Pedofreak, pedovore, pedologic, pedo blog, pedo pics, pedo site, pedo girls, pedo boys, pedo chat, pedologues, pedophile movement, pedophile haters, pedophile punishment, pedo porn, pedophile kiddies, pedo lingo, pedo picture trade, anti pedo, pedo images, pedo laws, pedo behavior, pedo traits.

There's also lots of GirlLover, BoyLover, ChildLover combo's too. Like:
BoyLove 11 year old
Boylove 10 year old
BoyLove 12 year old

Then out of the blue a really interesting one pops up....

"reasons why an inmate doesn't like child molester"

Well, I'll be darned! Someone had to do a search for that? It was obviously a pedofreak, as no NORMAL person would have to ask why.

Sometimes we get searches for familiar names, ie Rookieeeee, Lindsay, Todd with an occasional olive freak thrown in for good measure. We also had 63 entries from the search term 'Kaylor' over a 3 day period, but I don't count that because they all came from Kaylor. Interestingly enough there's not been one single entry from a search for Dididiot. Or Didaskalos either for that matter.

So, no. This isn't a game. We're serious. Dead serious. Dididiot and any of his pedo pals should understand this. There's a lot of serious people out there. And there's very few of you in comparison. Oh yeah yeah I know what you all say about your numbers. That's Pedo Logic.