Sunday, January 14, 2007

progress update and much more ....

It is Sunday night and I won't be home tomorrow until late afternoon I thought I would go ahead and post tonight so y'all have something new to read .

First of all today has been kind of a rough day. It is the 23rd anniversary of the death of my baby sister Kendra . I was only seven when she passed away and I didn't fully understand everything at that time and then I kind of tried to put it out of my mind as I got older . When I got married at age 18, not long after that Kendra's death really hit me so as the years go by it is a bit rough each year on her birthday and then on the date of her death. I normally don't talk about it with anyone but I don't think I have ever told you all about her and I just have her on mind today .

She was born July 22,1982 , I was seven . The doctors knew immediately that things weren't right with her . Soon we found out that she was born with Hydrocephalus or as I have always known it , water on the brain and later she contracted Pneumococcal Meningitis. She passed away on January 14 , 1983 , she was five months and twenty three days old.

My oldest offspring has had her camera out again as you can see and she couldn't have picked a worse time to want a picture of she and I together . The wind had blown my hair every which way but off . Please excuse everything you see in the background because we are starting to pack .

A lot has happened with our house since I posted last . The framers finished the floor joist . Let me tell you , this thing is really starting to take some serious shape with each step they complete. That little indention you see there is where our small front porch will be . Later we are going to add a bigger porch on the front .

This was Saturday morning . I wanted to get some pics so I drove over there and I was surprised to find the framers there with part of the floor decking on . The main guy told me to climb on up and get some pics from a different angle so I was standing in what will be the walk-in closet in the master bedroom when I snapped this one .

This one was taken today after church . As you can see my son wouldn't have it any other way than to get up there and walk around . I do believe now that it is shaping up , the kids attention is directed on the house instead of the port-a-potty.

Mr. Breazy snapped this one for me because I couldn't climb up there since I was in a dress . He is standing in what will be our middle childs bedroom .

Today when we drove onto our property there was a strange car and a young guy walking around on our newly laid decking . It turns out he is the vinyl siding guy and he was coming to check things out since they will be starting later this week or early next week . The house is starting to look bigger and bigger with each step as well . I can't wait until they set the inside walls . There will be a couple of days that I will be gone most of the day . I am going to be there through the whole process when they raise the walls and the trusses .

I will be out tomorrow until probably late afternoon . I am going shopping and to have lunch with a friend so I will catch y'all when I get back. Have a wonderful and safe day !


lime said...

big hugs, breazy. thanks for sharing about your sister. even such a brief life has such a very lasting impact.

the house really looks like it is coming along.

jillie said...

Words as you know, are never easy for times like that. But thank you for sharing that with us. You know we love you!

Love the picture of you and your daughter.

Great progress on the house too!

DaMasta said...

It's shaping up there, chicky! Congrats, looks good! and so do you :D

Have a great day, Breaze

Stephanie said...

aawww sweetie - so sorry about your baby sister. those kind of anniversaries are so painful --hugs

the house is really shaping up - amazing progress

Long time blah blah...

It has certainly been a while since I've been here. Sometimes I think about deleting this blog and being done but I also think I am goin...