Saturday, November 19, 2005

getting there ...

I am so excited about Thanksgiving . As I have said before , I will be cooking for 20-25 people and I can't wait ! This may sound crazy but the past few years really hasn't felt like Thanksgiving because it has been unusually warm or cold with the sun shining brightly . To me Thanksgiving day is supposed to be cold and dreay if I am lucky ,rainy and windy all day . Up until about four years ago that is how our Thanksgiving day weather was and it just seems more cozy for every one to be indoors enjoying each others company over a nice huge meal.

Our meteorologists are saying that it will start clouding up on Tuesday and getting colder and on Thursday it will be a dreary , rainy day with a chance of snow showers. I am so ready for it!! Bring it on because I am ready for some family time people !!! My mom has been away living with my grandmother for two years now and it just hasn't felt like the holidays but now she has just moved back home and I am so ready for that family feeling from my childhood.

We are hoping to get a surprise on Thanksgiving . My husbands younger brother just got out of the Marine Corps and we are hoping that they are just not telling us that they are coming home . We want them to join us for Thanksgiving as well . We have not got to see them on Thanksgiving since they were married almost 5 years ago. Anyways , my excitement is building and I am ready for the days to fly until Thursday! I hope all of you have good plans with your family for this holiday !


Logophile said...

Sounds good, Breazy, hope it is all you hoped and more!

Angela said...

That would be so awesome if you're brother-n-law made it in. :) We are going home for Thanksgiving. Love being with both our families.

Angela said...

P.S. I tagged you it's on my blog *giggles*

Stephanie said...

Yeah -- well --- I'm freaking out!! I've been cleaning like a maniac! Dusting walls and cleaning windowsils. Windexing anything in my path. Took down all 1st floor window treatments today to wash, dry, iron and rehang. Gave all 3 girls magic erasers and walls to scrub. Made hubby clean ceiling fans and kitchen floor. At least I have a final headcount, a fresh turkey, a menu and a lot of alcohol. I think it will turn out ok - but for now --- stand back!!

Breazy said...

Ariella .. Thanks! :)

Kali .. I will check the tag out in a few minutes and go ahead and post it ! :)

Snavy .. I am glad to hear that someone else is entering the chaos as well! :)

Anonymous said...

What a great site » » »

Long time blah blah...

It has certainly been a while since I've been here. Sometimes I think about deleting this blog and being done but I also think I am goin...