Sunday, October 30, 2005

don't worry .. hell hasn't frozen over yet ..

Tennessee Vols got beat again . By one damn point ! Why don't they pull their heads out of their asses and play some fricking ball ? Oh well maybe sometime this year they will grab a win , yeah right only if hell freezes over !


Stephanie said...

You are so cute with the football!! LOL!!

Logophile said...

Poor Breazy,
so sorry.
Have a good Sunday anyway!

Breazy said...

Snavy.. LOL! Thanks .:)

Ariella.. Thanks and you have a good Sunday as well ! :)

Bsoholic said...


Long time blah blah...

It has certainly been a while since I've been here. Sometimes I think about deleting this blog and being done but I also think I am goin...