Showing posts with label funny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label funny. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Single Concern

Its alarming when you look around to find the number of nice, decent guys falling sharply. Of the few that we manage to spot in rare occasions, a handsome chunk seem to be taken (yes, unfortunately!) and the rest are ineligible for the post. It seems by the time I finally decide to settle down the good-looking, decent crowd few will either be married, committed or extinct. 

I work in a office with 2000 employees where more than sixty percent of the population is of the opposite sex. Yet not one, and yes, I stress and underline ONE, is worth ogling at. This is a definite reason for my gradual fall of productivity on work front. 

I know a handful of single guys whom I have befriended or acquainted with, but they are either the I-love-my-career-hence-no-time-for-girls kind or they are in the how-can-girls-be-so-cruel-to-dump-me mode! Gosh! This does make me jittery! The good looking men whom I rarely come across are either too old or too young. As if God was out of material while making men in the early eighties :(

Is it too early, or should I start behaving hysterical about the thought of dying single?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

turn to the last page...

Do you have any notebook with the last page untouched... not even a single pen mark? I'm not talking about a brand new notebook.. Its the notebook we carry to class to take down "notes". Or the so-called notes! If you have, you are categorized as the "studious" or "nerd. :)

The last page is generally the witness of a boring lecture or a broken heart. It serves as an artist's palate, a blogger's rough sheet, a poet's scribbling pad or a cartoonist's canvas. Starting from chit-chat between two neighbours in a class room, to fashionable designs of outfits... bitching about boyfriends (in case of girls)... commenting on the hotness of girls (in case of guys).... all can be found in that one last page. Testing of pens to check if it contains ink, is also done in this page.

Last page of the notebook is actually what makes the notebook interesting! Whenever I borrow a notebook from my friend, I make sure I turn to the last page. Hoping to find out who her secret crush is!! And when I lend mine to someone, I make sure I scratch out all my secret talks or scribbles and mutilate them in a fashion which is absolutely impossible to decipher!

I leave you with the last page of my Sister's notebook...