Showing posts with label flash fiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flash fiction. Show all posts

Saturday, September 24, 2016

The Game Changer

She patiently awaited her turn, brimming with strength and power. A game changer on many occasions, she hated defeat. 

Suddenly she felt a strong grip around her. She was being jostled. In front, towards her right, and left, and pushed ahead again. She kept manoeuvring ahead with every push.

Checkmate, she heard!!

Victoriously she smiled! 

Friday, September 23, 2016


His tiny heart pounded against his chest. His mouth had turned chalky, as fear trickled down his spine. Strong hands pushed him down. And then.... a sharp pain shot up his left arm. Blood. That was enough to make him howl.

"There,there Aarin! Come with your Mamma tomorrow and collect your blood group report."

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


She planted a kiss on his forehead. Did he stir in his sleep? Maybe.

She got up and took a walk around the quiet house. Stopping by the photographs on the mantle-piece, she re-winded her life. Graduation. Meeting Jim. A spring wedding and a Hawaiian honeymoon. The twins. Their silver anniversary turning to golden. Her pale countenance flushed with contentment. 

She had triumphed in every step of life. She had been happy. Until she lost her battle with Death.

This post is shared with A Prompt Each Day - Midweek Wordle.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Wedding

Inter-twined fingers. Smiles. Circumscribing the holy fire. Behind smiles, both yearned those days - once upon a time - grasping sweaty palms, running in shorts and skirt, oblivious of bruised knees.

Pangs of growing up!

This 33 word fiction is an entry for today's prompt - "Once Upon a Time(in 33 words)" hosted at APromptEachDay.

Friday, October 10, 2014

The Taste of Heaven

His fortune cookie read - "Today you shall get a taste of heaven".

He left work early, bought himself a bottle of expensive wine. He wanted a taste of heaven. Whistling a popular number, he neared the crossroad.

At the same time a white mustang sped towards the same crossroad.

Seconds later he would taste heaven!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Treasure

It wasn't a night like other nights. She was jumpy, kept checking on her treasures each hour, convincing herself that they were there.

The crack of dawn soothed her.

She hid her treasures under a pile of hay, hoping they would be safe till her return. Glancing at the three tiny eggs, she flew away.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Looking Back

I widened my eyes, feigning anger.

"Mo, enough of your antics. Empty that milk glass now."

The unhappy kid surrendered, drank the milk at one go, and banged the glass down.

Just as I was about to chide him for that, he flashed a impish, toothy smile!

"Ma, see, I have a moustache like Baba"! He squealed out of joy.

Had I looked back, I would have seen a tiny me, flaunting my milky moustache to my Ma, decades ago. But now, there was no looking back. There he was, a part of me, growing up in front of me.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Search


Panting, sweating, she had been running all over the house. She had to find it before Tony called out for her. Under the bed, behind the shoe case, in the balcony - she even checked the bath tub, just in case. She looked around frantically.

Oh no! She could hear Tony!

"Fetch Daisy, fetch the ball."

Friday, July 5, 2013

The Dance


"Dance with me," she said.

And they danced. Danced through the night, till the wee hours of morning, even after the music had stopped and the floor had become empty. Everything around them had turned sublime, barring her sweet fragrance and his strong cologne. They embraced, they waltzed, they whispered sweet nothings in each others' ears - they looked hopelessly in love. 

They had lost count of the hours, the dancing bodies seeked solace. And then things changed. His love struck heart ached. He could feel her drift away from his embrace. Their dancing bodies had become still, their entwined fingers became loose. She was moving away, he did not want to let go off her. He tried to hold her back, but then, darkness engulfed him, and she was gone. 


She silently tucked the gun between the folds of her gown, glanced at his cold lifeless body and walked out. Her revenge had been taken.

Monday, May 27, 2013


He had a speedy acquaintance with success. Greens piled up in his accounts in a geometric progression. Some said he was competent, some said he cheated. 

Buying properties turned from investment strategies to a maddening passion. Houses in Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Illinois; Hotels in Indiana, New York, Vermont. He just loved being rich. His friends were few. Some said he was deserving, some said he cheated.


Now, there were creases on his forehead; a cloud of confusion - Atlantic or Virginia. He chewed his nails, puzzled. He always disliked such situations.  Sam was sitting opposite to him, growing impatient.

"Come on man, you always cheat in Monopoly", Sam screeched at him!

Saturday, November 24, 2012


He waited. Years, months, days. Sometimes he wished he had crossed out the dates on the calendar, to quantify the longest wait of his life.

And now it was here. He shivered in excitement. Goosebumps erupted. He saw it, he felt it, he imbibed the sensation with his soul.

He just experienced his first snowfall.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


He was thrust onto a wooden chair, a cloth hastily coiled around his neck which immobilized him immediately. The corner of his eye caught the light reflecting off a gleaming,sharp metal blade. He felt the cold of the metal behind his neck. A shiver went down his spine. 

"Short or medium", the barber asked.

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Run

Silver sweat beads trickled down his face, the wet shirt clung to his skin. Hearing them behind him, he manouvered skillfully through the maze-like alleys, jumping over the neihbourhood walls, ducking through gaps in fences. His breath grew louder, almost audible now.

A voice rang in his ears "Run dude, faster!"

It gave him an adrenaline boost. He was running faster than ever. What he didn't see was a small brick in the middle of the lane. And he fell face flat on the bare, cold, lifeless gravel.


"Uggghhhh damn! I die again!" Dev shouts in frustration!

 This flash-fiction is an example of Drabble, which indicates a story with 100 words.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sophia's Red Balloon

A Red Balloon - Happy Birthday Sophia, Love Dad. 

Turned into a ritual ever since Sophia was five. Even when Jeremy was at war for three years, he never missed to send Sophia the red balloon.


Sophia turns eighteen today. Jeremy, with staggering gait, reach the cemetery with a flower bouquet and a red balloon.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Revenge is Sweet

His eyes narrowed. Mind racing against time. He needs to kill. Slow and stealthy. He could see his victim's complaicant countenance. His blood boiled at the sight.

With calculated moves he advanced as he rubbed his sweaty palms.

"Revenge is sweet, dear friend", he smirked to himself.

And then came the mighty blow.
                                                                               "Checkmate, buddy!"

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Role Reversal

I was sent to a rehab for being a dipsomaniac. And I met her. She was my therapist. She said she had been left at the alter and that she loved Flowers

I fell in love with her. 

Years later, I fell out of love.

I became a florist, she became an alcoholic.

GLOSSARY : Dipsomaniac is a person with irresistible craving for alcoholic drinks