Showing posts with label drabble. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drabble. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Looking Back

I widened my eyes, feigning anger.

"Mo, enough of your antics. Empty that milk glass now."

The unhappy kid surrendered, drank the milk at one go, and banged the glass down.

Just as I was about to chide him for that, he flashed a impish, toothy smile!

"Ma, see, I have a moustache like Baba"! He squealed out of joy.

Had I looked back, I would have seen a tiny me, flaunting my milky moustache to my Ma, decades ago. But now, there was no looking back. There he was, a part of me, growing up in front of me.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Shadow of Your Smile



"Five minutes!", the text read.

He leaned against a light post and lit a puff. He hated waiting. He hated when she was late. Impatiently, he looked around. A young couple, holding hands, walked past him. The street dog was busy scratching its back. Some old love song drifted from the shop across the street.

He checked his watch. Ten minutes.

Then he heard. Scurried footsteps.

"You are late", he scowled, without turning back.

"How did you know it was me? You didn't even look back."

"I don't need to turn around. I could see the shadow of your smile".

Monday, May 27, 2013


He had a speedy acquaintance with success. Greens piled up in his accounts in a geometric progression. Some said he was competent, some said he cheated. 

Buying properties turned from investment strategies to a maddening passion. Houses in Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Illinois; Hotels in Indiana, New York, Vermont. He just loved being rich. His friends were few. Some said he was deserving, some said he cheated.


Now, there were creases on his forehead; a cloud of confusion - Atlantic or Virginia. He chewed his nails, puzzled. He always disliked such situations.  Sam was sitting opposite to him, growing impatient.

"Come on man, you always cheat in Monopoly", Sam screeched at him!

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Run

Silver sweat beads trickled down his face, the wet shirt clung to his skin. Hearing them behind him, he manouvered skillfully through the maze-like alleys, jumping over the neihbourhood walls, ducking through gaps in fences. His breath grew louder, almost audible now.

A voice rang in his ears "Run dude, faster!"

It gave him an adrenaline boost. He was running faster than ever. What he didn't see was a small brick in the middle of the lane. And he fell face flat on the bare, cold, lifeless gravel.


"Uggghhhh damn! I die again!" Dev shouts in frustration!

 This flash-fiction is an example of Drabble, which indicates a story with 100 words.