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Showing posts with the label writing

TKAM ch 9, part 2: applying knowledge of theme to the text

Harper Lee, author of TKAM , accepts the Laetare Medal at the University of Notre Dame at my commencement (graduation) in 2006 Today I will: Respond to TKAM ch 9 in a more personal way and relate the text to what I know of history and the world around me through 2 short quick-writes Select 2 or more pieces of text evidence from TKAM chapter 9 that support a theme I identified. Draw a conclusion about the deeper meaning in TKAM ch 9 by writing down a theme Agenda: Warm-up: Before diving back into theme, it’s important to get the facts straight and refresh the memory. On your own, work on Square #2 (Re-Tell) on your 4-R chart. What are we doing with this? THEME. ( Slideshow here. )  Explanation of how engaging in reader’s response and relating the text to the world today help facilitate the process of identifying themes. We all have different experiences that we bring to the text. Sharing questions and “golden lines” in table groups from square #1 (READ). Class ...

What's in a paragraph?

Today I will: Summarize two articles about smartphone usage in 2 Tweets. Complete my evidence collector with 5 pieces of evidence from each article. List the components of an analytical paragraph and understand how they work together. Agenda: Warm-up: Think back on the two articles we have read together that represent two sides of the smartphone debate. If the two authors simply "tweeted" instead of writing articles, what would they have written?  1-2 sentences 1-2 hashtags Time to either finish Evidence Collector or to refine it What Makes a Good Paragraph? (Slideshow) I will stamp your notes at the end of class to check for active listening and understanding. Homework: Everyone : bring art materials you would like to use to creatively illustrate a paragraph tomorrow. (I will also have some construction paper, markers, scissors, and glue.) Honors: new packet (I will distribute in class; due Monday)

"Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?" (3 of 3)

Today I will: -Write sentences for vocabulary words in section 3 of the article. -Identify and label claims and evidence in section 3 of the article. -Collect evidence that I find useful for writing an analytical paragraph Agenda: ~Warm-up: survey ~ Smartphone article vocabulary (Do part 3) ~Here is the article: "Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?" by Jean M. Twenge (You have your own copy on Google Classroom) ~Smartphone claim & evidence types ~Read Section 3 together ~Begin collecting evidence to use for writing a paragraph (See Google Classroom ) Homework: ~Finish anything that we worked on in class

"Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?" (2 of 3)

Today I will: -Write sentences for vocabulary words in part 2 of the article. -Explain the meaning of "claims" and "evidence" -Identify and label claims and evidence in parts 1 and 2 of the article. Agenda: ~ Smartphone article vocabulary (Do part 2) ~Here is the article: "Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?" by Jean M. Twenge (You have your own copy on Google Classroom) ~Smartphone claim & evidence types ~Read Section 2 together (article linked above Homework: ~Finish anything that we worked on in class

"I Forgot My Phone"

Today I Will: - respond to a survey via Google forms -discuss survey results and relate to writing prompt -break down and understand a prompt by completing a do/what chart Warmup: Quickwrite (paper or digital) In response to our four corners discussion yesterday, answer the question: Are smartphones destroying your generation? Take 10 minutes to answer this question, using your best writing style. Use real life examples to support your thinking. You can use examples from the four-corners discussion. "I Forgot My Phone": Quick survey about smartphones Examine paragraph prompt Homework: -Buy required supplies for Humanities (see syllabus)