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Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts

Monday, December 12, 2011

Children's Christmas Party- Air Force Style

"All the fun starts at 2pm- don't be late!" is what the invitation to the squadron children's Christmas party said. So my husband and I made threats and barked orders, somehow managing to get the girls to the hanger where the party was starting with five minutes to spare. We were then ushered outside onto the flight line. You could see the confusion on even the parents faces. All I could think was, "Damn it's cold outside, this better be good!"

We were standing out on the stark runway for a few minutes before the thumping of helicopter rotors could be heard approaching. Of course I then in my headheard Arnold Schwarzenegger in my head yell "Get to the choppa!!" like in The Predator.

My mind work in a weird way people.

When the helicopter swung around we saw this...

What the what? Is that? Noooooo.

It was.
I guess his sleigh was in for repairs......

My kids of course at this point were going completely insanely bonkers. "DID YOU SEE THAT?!?!?!" LaLa screamed at me over the beating of the chopper blades.

"I sure did, kiddo!"

I sure did.

Monday, November 28, 2011

It's Official

The official email has landed in The Man's inbox. We are staying in the UK until 2015. Ok- don't get all excited at once now! Please hold your applause. OK, never mind, applaud away! I am so completely excited. Firstly, I get to stay near my crew. And by crew I don't mean some sort of middle aged street gang, I mean my local girls who have become like family. Secondly, I don't have to uproot my kids. This is such a bonus. My kids have thrived in their small village school. I really can not tell you how much this school means to me. (A bit sappy?) Thirdly? Thrice? Yeah, number three, we get to stay abroad! Exploring. Learning. Experiencing. How cool is that?

Also? LaLa just sweet talked her dad into a new kitten. (I think I am almost as excited about that as I am about staying here in the UK!)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Thankful List

Since it is Thanksgiving in America (and I am American for all of those who have lost track of this fact) I think I should probably do the obligatory "List of Things I am Thankful For". We don't have the tradition of reciting what you are thankful for at Thanksgiving dinner at my house. I always think maybe I should instate it at my house, but I'm a bit lazy and people hate being put on the spot when it comes to these things, so I always let it slide. Anyway, here is my list.

1. I am thankful that I have a husband who despite my faults adores me.
2. I am thankful that I have two beautiful little girls who are smart, funny and challenge me daily...whether I am up for the challenge or not that day.
3. I am thankful for the amazing friends I have. I am thankful that our friendships are two way streets and not one sided. I am thankful that I can depend on them and that I know they will always be my family away from family.
4. I am thankful for my family back in the USA. I know that they are always behind me 100% even if they don't always agree with my decisions.
5. I am thankful for my mom, who is amazingly funny and has always been the first person to put herself in my corner.
6. I am thankful for my dad who has always encouraged me to challenge myself.
7. I am thankful for my granny. She and I can talk for hours about anything and even though we may not always agree, I know she won't judge me.
8. I am thankful for living abroad in England. This experience has challenged me and made me grow up and find myself.
9. I am thankful that life isn't always easy. As much as I would love to sail through life without a care or worry, I have come to realize that you don't know how good life is until you have adversity to deal with.
10. I am thankful for chocolate and wine. Do I really need to explain this?

Instead of asking my guests around the Thanksgiving table what they are thankful for, I'm gonna ask you, my readers, what are you thankful for?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Holiday Rush

I have outdone myself this time. I am having roughly 19 people (a mix of Americans and Brits) at my house tomorrow for Thanksgiving (assuming everyone shows up) and have I got anything prepared. Nope. My house is a slight bomb site. I have the food, but none is prepped. Thankfully I am not doing the turkey or the ham (yes we are doing a ham too) so there is that small reprieve. So today is all about cleaning and prepping.

Ahhhh the holidays. This is my favorite time of the year but I have found that they aren't nearly as fun as when I was a kid. It seems like they just sneak up on me and the amount of stress they generate is astronomical. Not to mention that I am in the UK, which I love, but since Thanksgiving isn't a British holiday there are already Christmas ads on the TV. So, it is a weird mix of Thanksgiving and Christmas at the same time at my house. I already have pulled out some of my Christmas decorations but the weather and my calendar are shouting Thanksgiving. I should come up with a word for this time of the year.


Happy Thanksmas Everyone!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Decision Time

We have a year left in the UK. It is now decision time. Do we want to stay longer or do we want to go back to the USA? I am pretty much firmly in the camp of I want to stay. I know this might be hard for my family back in the USA to understand, but I love it here. I honestly love the UK. I love my friends here. I love my life here. I love my children's school. I love my children's friends. I love the culture. I love being able to see things I would never ever have the chance to see if we lived anywhere else.

When I think about leaving I get choked up and a bit teary. I just can't even force myself to imagine not living here. This is in complete contrast to when I was leaving the USA for Britain. When we found out that we were moving here I was excited. I couldn't wait for the adventure. Yes, the adventure has had it's ups and downs, but I am not ready for the adventure to end. I couldn't wait to get out of the USA, not because I don't love my country, but because I wanted my kids to experience the world.

So, now, with my husband on the fence about staying, I am trying to pull out all the stops to convince him that we need to stay. Yes, this hasn't been the best assignment for him personally; he has been away from the UK more than he has actually been here. However, he has seen places that he wouldn't have otherwise. There aren't many Americans who can say that they have been to Romania, Sweden, Italy, Germany, Belgium, France, Afghanistan and Korea in the last three years (unless they are military members). He don't have many friends here and less ties to the community. He misses his family back in the USA, which I do too, but I guess I always think "We could be stationed in California and still be half the world away."

I want to stay, but the decision is ultimately up to him. And I hate that.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

World Cup Fever

World Cup Fever as I like to call it has struck the Bungalow. Well, as much as World Cup Fever can hit a bunch of typical Americans. As most know, Americans just aren't really into soccer; as we call it. Yes, I know, it's football. If you say football to an American though you are going to be met with questions about first downs, touchdowns and receptions, not penalty kicks, goals and corner kicks. Sure, we have youth and high school soccer teams, we even have a professional league, but as a collective Americans don't pay attention to soccer.

The first game that England is playing in the World Cup is against...tadaaaa...the USA. Of course the first time the US plays against England since 1950 I would be living here. LaLa today came home talking about the last time the US played England that the US won. I really didn't believe her. I mean come on...really? I had to look it up. And yes, it was true. Even when it happened back then people thought it wasn't a joke or misreport. In fact it only made the news in one newspaper back in the United States (yep, that's how excited they were about the victory).

On Saturday after KiKi's birthday party (yes, she is turning four!) we are headed over to my friend's house for a World Cup barbeque. They are England supporters of course. Another American family will be in attendance; most likely supporting the good ol US of A. Me? I am on the fence. Yes, I hope my countrymen do well. I have a hard time having an emotional attachment to the team though. I don't know any of the players (remember I have very little footy experience to draw on here-though I hear some of them play in the UK). So, I figure I will support England. At least if I support England I will know the name of the coach (Fabio Capello) and players (though don't ask me what position Wayne Rooney plays...). The final thing that made me decide to hang my hat on England, at least their country gives a damn about football.

photo credit: Photographer: Salvatore Vuono