Showing posts with label ATC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ATC. Show all posts

Saturday, 3 November 2018

Sabrina Perna and her guest projects.

Dzisiaj mamy dla Was dwa urocze projekty od naszej Gościnnej Projektantki - Sabriny Perny. Sabrina zrobiła layout i karty ATC. 

Today we have two lovely projects by our Guest Designer - Sabrina Perna. Sabrina made a layout and some ATCs cards

I used 

Pink bouquet paper 
Colours of summer paper 
Aqua flora elements

Acrylic gel medium
Modelling paste
Aqua roses stencil 
Chalk ultramarine
Ink splash white 
And stickers

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Papers "his and hers remastered"
His letters
Wings of freedom
Black xs microsphere
Gel medium 

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Więcej pięknych prac Sabriny znajdziecie na jej kanałach Social Media: 
See more beautiful projects by Sabrina on her social media channels:

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Artist Trading Cards "13 textures"

Hi to all friends 13@rts!

Today I prepared for you a collection of artist trading cards "13 textures" which I created with the help of my favorite materials 13@rts and for girls from our design team.

Glitter and flicker on the cards helped me to add SHINY POWDERSMETALLIC! Paints and Acrylic ink SPLASH! with glitter
All backgrounds for cards are created with the help of paints and pastes:)

Sunday, 17 December 2017

Final Project by Shilpa Nagaonkar

Grudzień to ostatni miesiąc z naszymi Gościnnymi Projektantkami. Oto co Shilpa przygotowała na swój finałowy projekt:

December is the last month with our Guest Designers. Here's what Shilpa made as her final projects:

To create texture on this card I've used Modeling paste, stencil, Grit powder, clear gesso. I brought color to the surface using Lilac, Rainbow color duo. As a focal point of this card, I have used green Dried canelia and few paper flowers. splashes of white ink gave beauriful final touch.

Products Used:
Dried Canelia Green

Art Journey - Destination
Vintage Moments - Nostalgia
Vintage Moments - Rose garden

White Gesso
Modeling Paste
Stencil - Technical
Grained Grit Powder
Clear Gesso
Rainbow color duo - Lilac Die based watercolor
Splash ink- white
Glass beads - D5
Maremi's small art- Stickers - small messages

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For these Atcs I created texture layers with design papers, clear gesso, grained grit powder. For colors I used chalk mists, shiny color and splash inks. 

Products used:


Vintage Moments - Nostalgia
Vintage Moments - Rose Garden
Clear Gesso
Modeling paste
Grained Grit
Chalk Mist - Dark Brown
Chalk mist- tuorquoise
Green shiny poder
White Splash ink
Black Glitter Splash ink
Maremi art stickers- small messages

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Dziękujemy za wszystkie Twoje piękne projekty Shilpa!
Thank you Shilpa for all your beautiful projects!

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Stick it!

Dzisiaj pokażemy Wam kilka projektów z wykorzystaniem 13artsowych naklejek. Mamy ich wiele w ofercie naszego >>>sklepu<<< . Są matowe i dzięki przeźroczystej folii wyglądają na pracach jak stemple. Możecie ich użyć na bardzo wiele sposobów. Spójrzcie co zrobiły z nimi nasze Projektantki:

Today we're going to show some project with 13arts' stickers. We have so many of them in the >>>store<<<. They are matte and look like stamps on your projects. You can use them in so many ways. Just look what our Designers made with them:

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Stickers are some of the most versatile embellishments a scrapper can have. The 13@rts stickers can be used for cards, titles, backgrounds and more. Today I have used them as both titles and embellishments on this trio of little Artist Trading Cards.

13@rts products used:

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13@rts products used:

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13@rts products used:

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Pokażcie nam swoje prace z naklejkami:) !
Możecie podzielić się nimi w komentarzu lub w naszej Facebookowej grupie ARTelier :)

Show us your projects with the stickers! :) 
 You can share them in the comment or in our ARTelier FB Group :) 

Monday, 21 December 2015

Mixed Media Party ATC's | Terhi Koskinen

Hi all!

It's Terhi here with you today, sharing some ATC's I did during Mixed Media Party last October.
Sometimes the best ideas comes just like that, without thinking and planning. As these cards, I thought to do something, and somehow I came up with these.

To create the background, I played with mists and water on white cardboard. I created some random patterns and used heat gun to dry the colors before adding the next layer.
Then some stencil work with modelling paste, and again lost of colors.

These all four cards are open for swap, so if you're interested just let me know.
The easiest way is to head over to my blog and comment my post there:

Now I want to wish you the best and happiest Christmas ever, we'll see you again next year.
Hugs for all,

Terhi xx

13arts products:
Papers - Mental Vacation

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Online classes with Olga! / Warsztaty online z Olgą

Hi ! Olga here ! Last week on Friday live show we made a dimensional card with a  Secret Letters collection. If you missed it we have a recording HERE . We praperd card with Christmas scene and shaker box

Hej tu Olga !
Tydzien temu gościłam część z Was na wspólnym piątkowym kartkowaniu na naszym kanale na ustream. Jeśli przegapiliście możecie obejrzęć nagranie TUTAJ. Robiliśmy bajkową karteczke ze scenką i shaker Boxem .

This Friday ( TOMORROW) we still staying with Christmas theme with Winter Tales but this time on Flying Unicorn chanell. You can check it out tomorrow HERE or just Join FB event.

W ten piątek zapraszam Was ponownie na kartkowanie z kolekcją Winter Tales- na kanale Flying Unicorn tym razem. Ponownie będziemy robić karteczki ale tym razem trochę inne :) Koniecznie zajrzycie na wydarzenie na FB :)

And some winter Houses on our collections. It's Christmas workshop project of mine. If you want our 13 Arts educators to teach classes in your city or Country let us know we will try to manage it :)  Soon we will post more Info about international workshops with our products. Stay tuned and check up our FB page

Both collections looks perfectly in winter works as you can see in the pictures below. My Christmas is this year both traditional with Winter Tales and pink with Secret Letters. If you feel inspiried and you will hurry you will still order and create something nice for christmas !
Obie nasze zimowe kolekcje wspaniale się sprawdzają w świątecznych projektach (co możecie zaobserwować poniżej). Moje święta w tym roku są za równo tradycyjne jak 
i różowe. Jeśli czujecie się zainspirowani i się pospieszycie z zamówieniem to jeszcze zdążycie przygotować sobie cały zapas świątecznych prac :)

And Here you will find collections and whole bunch of embellishments :